The syndication posting won't begin until next post possibly, I'm too tired to log into four places and post tonight. I've been so caught up in things again that I haven't been around again. I'm trying to get the energy and drive up to get to everyone, but it seems the summer really just sucks my energy out of me. I'll try to get caught up with everyone this week, but no promises right now. My main focus is still on those projects I still haven't finished a single one of yet. I'll get the tempo down again soon I hope.
I have a few questions for everyone, on various topics. They kind of came to me over the course of many days as I tried to work on my art projects and take care of some other things that needed to be done. I'll be asking stuff about my format here, about artwork, and other things too.
Questions Part 1: Formatting
- In comment answers, has linking usernames directly to MyOtaku user pages been a positive influence, a negative one, or is there no noticable difference?
- Would anyone notice a change in the linking procedure I use for my comment answers?
- If a change were made, which change would be preferred:
- Linking to user portfolio?
- Removing link completely?
- Is there a convenience factor to having links directly to user pages or portfolios?
Questions Part 2: Artwork
- What are some of the ways you have used to motivate yourself to work on a project that wasn't getting done?
- Have you ever been afraid to finish a piece because it might not turn out how you see it in your mind?
Questions Part 3: News
Much of the source material for this section is actually from Adam's recent post detailing his Main Page News Strategy See that post for complete information. Other information comess from TheOtaku.com's main page. I recommend reading the post before attemtping to answer these questions.
- Do you read the news on TheOtaku.com's main page?
- If so, would you be interested in seeing news items like:
- "Man Creates Super Smash Brothers Characters Out Of Legos"
- "Write a haiku to capture the essence about your favorite anime" or
- "Anime Branded Food"
- Is it a good idea to take the focus of the main page off of serious anime/gaming industry news?
- How do you feel theotaku.com would be affected by opinion-based fan "expert" content being featured?
- Would your view of the news and/or site be affected by seeing less serious news items?
- Would you be more or less likely to read the main page news with less serious news items on it?
I'm kind of curious to see the answers to these, but don't feel you have to answer them. it's sort of an informal survey if you will.
Many apologies, but I'm not handling individual comments this time around. I did read them all and I appreciate all the advice, well wishes, and comments that you all have given me. I probably will not update the blog again for a while as I will be working on my art projects, but I will get around to as many sites as I can soon.