Feeling kind of down today, I saw the Naruto movie on TV last night. I really shouldn't have watched it, but I wanted to see what I missed when it was in theatres a couple months ago. The reminder of not seeing it on the big screen kind of sapped my energy out today.
Another TheO contest, this one's a wallpaper contest. Now, this one's kind of weird, in that participants need to create a user account on Brickfish which is the partner for this contest, and it's restricted to US residents, the details are on the site. At this point, I don't even know why I brought it up.

At least I can deliver on one thing I promised last time, that's a sample of my woodburning work. Not too bad considering I'm learning as I go without any guidence, and I just picked it up this summer. It could use some improvement to my eyes though. I do have to transfer an image from paper to the wood with carbon paper(the bluish color around some of the lines), I need to figure out how to clean that carbon off when the burn is done and I just need practice with the iron in general. I don't have the source screencapture available online yet, but I cna put it up if anyone wants to compare the two.
I'm keeping the commemorative info up at the end of my post, I'll also have a tally of the options I presented with it, those are at the bottom with the other info.
All right, I've saved those and I'll read through them in mroe detail later.
Yeah,it was a failure on my part to mention that restriction on those two. I don't really understand the legalities of that kind of thing, but I'm sure there's a reason for it.
It's not hard to figure out which quote is mine, but still, I'm not saying which one it is.
A year ago, I would have said the same thing, in fact I think I did. But in my position, I know I'm good at art, I'm good at writing, so I'm going to try to market my skills since I can't get a normal job to save my own butt.
I thought it was different enough to give a go, and it'll help me learn woodburning too since I just took that up this year.
Submissions saved, I'll read them over later.
Eventually we'll both be back to a routine of being on here I guess, for now, all we can do is try.
Thank you, it's been quite a ride so far, and I look forward to seeing it grow and develop.
I only took up woodburning this year, actually about a month or two ago, not very long. I seem to have a knack for artistic stuff (still haven't given the tattoo gun a whirl yet, but maybe next year). It does take patience, like drawing with a pen, cause one mistake and the whole piece is pretty much messed up.
Submission saved. I'll read through it later with the others.
Yep, I was tagged, and no, I don't actually tag anyone else. Like spam and chain letters, I break the chain at me, but I do leave the option of continuing it up to anyone who reads my post. You can say I tagged you, or just say George Spelvin did (that's a stand-in name for theater playbills because one actor "can't" play more than one role as I learned in theatre So when there's one actor playing two character, the second one is usually listed on the playbill as being played by George Spelvin). Funny thing about Sapporo, the only place that carries it around me, is not one of the high end liquer stores, it's actually in the beer case at a drug store. I don't get hanghovers, but I don't get drunk either, I drink smart, and I have Irish and German blood in me which is like 99% alcohol anyway so it takes a lot to get me even close. The thing I did wrong that night was not eating enough carbs while drinking.
I'll have the tattoo picture up next week, no exeption.
That sure is something, you've been here longer than me . . . by one day. Those early days sure were something else weren't they? We'd have to wait two days at least for our art to get up, the standards were much higher (I had at least six pics rejected back then that just might slip through these days), and the article hub was alive and well. That's right, I'm supposed to have links to Articles and Reviews on my page, I said I'd keep them up.
Submission saved, I'll read it later with the others. Also, you're the first to actually bring up the second part of the project. Option choice counted and added to the tally.
You're very lucky in that regard, but all the same, it doesn't hurt to educate oneself in business fundamentals, whether it's through a book or not. Oddly enough though about the quote. That was a statment I wasn't really trying to make sound like a good quote, but if it works for him, I'm glad he's using it.
twilight samurai:
TheO, and MyO is a great place, I've seen lots of things in my years here, but the people like Snow Fox, who were here long before this was an anime site can probably tell far more interesting tales than those of us who managed to be here close to the beginning of MyO. Getting through the hardships as a community is a great thing, we were really tested this year, but we pulled through and we're doing all right.
Well, up till a month or so ago, I'd never tried.
All right, submissions saved, I'll read through them in details with the others. Those paragraphs are just fine from the look of things. I'll add your option choice to the tally.
I didn't want to repeat myself, so I did reference my earlier tag as well, It's hard to come up with interesting facts about me given that I sit around all day looking for jobs, drawing, and writing, but I managed to pull some good ones together. As for tagging, I don't officially tag anyone, I leave that open to you guys to decide if you want to be "tagged" by me or not and go with it.
FF 333
Thanks, let's stick it out right here and see how far we can go.
Having never been to a convention before, I expect to have some measure of unsettled nerves, but even so I will try to have a good time and keep my mind open. I'll do what I can to report as much as I can about the convention, hopefully in a light that will get others on site here interested in attending next year. I'm not planning an official meet-up at the moment, cause honestly, I ddon't know that anyone else from the site here is going. If I learn that others will be attending, I'll try to come up with something just to say "hi" to other members.
C'est la vie. Since neither of us noticed, all's good then. Yeah, I'm doing yakitori for my sister's friend. I promised him months ago I'd do it, so at our cook-out, I'll be handling that, so it'll be a fun weekend. Hope you have a good one too.
Seems like it was just yesterday that I was signing in for the first time, but yeah, I'll stick it out here as long as I am able.
Lucky for me I can't ever be late for work, I don't have a job. Take care.
JD Person
All right, I've got those saved for later reading, and I've added your option choice to the tally.
Yeah, I'm going to make it, thanks to some assistance from a friend, and good timing. I hope I have a good time and come back with lots of good stuff to report on.
I've got those saved, and I'll read throught them here in a bit. Also, I'll add your option choices to the tally, though I may have to make another option for one of them.
It's good to be back.
Magnus Lensherr:
Adam has the experience, he's in advertising if I recall. His business sense goes beyond what you'd get in a college course, and he presents it in plain language so that anyone could understand what he's saying.
Oh yeah, I'll be here as long as the site is around.
I've added your option choice to the tally, thanks for the input. I never did think of doing an original as one of the pieces, I'll have to think about that. I should point out that these lizards actually aren't original works of mine, these are SoBe drink labels that I've scanned and cleaned up.
Oh yeah, I was a real Star Trek Nerd back in the 80's and 90's, but you know, I still don't have a single one of the movies on DVD yet.
Luckily for both of us, they're futher south, and wont come this far north (they don't swim the oceans either). They are more potent than bee stings, but they're tolerable.
The one I tried was a menthol one, I think that's what made me sick. It is an odd habit, but not as bad as the chewing tobbacco one that's dominant around here. The stuff they spit out is just gross.
The book is informative without being dry, and sorry, once again I don't have the picture. I'll have it up next week without fail.
Hard to imagine I've been here four years already, but it's true. Basically, when I decide which three characters I'm doing, I'll research the characters, and do a simple piece of line art of the character, and I'll have to use carbon paper to transfer the line art to the wood, then go over everything with a burning iron and, if I do it right, actually make it look half-way decent in the process. I've added your option choice ot the talley.
Actually my first Poe story was "The Cask of Amontillado", but I soon found all Poe's works to be up my alley. Yes, I do sound criminally insane, but that's the fun of it. I actually have a recording of my reading the story, I had to wait till I was alone in the house to belt out that classic closing line at the top of my voice and not disturb the family. Now, if I could find a place to upload it so you guys could hear it, I'd be set.
My brother used to have honey bees crawl all over him, better him than me, they never stung him. For some reason my sister and I wer always getting stung by bees. I was four or five at the time, so I don't really know. I probably just stood on their nest not realizing it was there.
Yeah, I could use the rain.
There's a similar phenomenon in the anime dub industry, the same VA will use different names depending on the project, I think it's along those veins, but for high school that's not really relevant.
The only other thing they said was they'll pass my feedback along to NCM, which is moot since I already contacted them directly myself. I'm going to make a habit of being a thorn in everyone's side till someone gets off their butt and gets West Virginia some anime content. I don't think I've hit FUNimation yet, I'll do that next. Hopefully they'll act where the others are casually brushing off their discrimination.
Anniversary Commemorative
Another year, and many more possibilities. Looking back at this past year here on MyOtaku, I can say it was pretty rough for me, it still is in some respects, but I made it, and I look forward to many more years to come here. A couple weeks ago, I asked for some ideas on an event to commemorate my fourth year anniversary. After giving it some thought myself, and looking over the feedback I got in relation to that question, I have come up with something that I hope is different enough to spark your interest.
I have decided to immortalize a character on wood. I'll be burning a fanart piece onto a wood plaque, the thing is, I don't really know which character to burn. So I'm turning to you guys, name your favorite anime characters (three at the most please), what series, movie, or OVA they come, and tell me something about them in a short paragraph (a short paragraph for each character). I'll look over every submission I get, and the three I like the most will be burned onto wood plaques.
What I do with the plaques when they are done will be up to you guys. The options will be:
- Give them to the first three readers who ask for them.
- Give them to the member who's post inspired the piece.
- Hold some sort of raffle type give-away for them here on my page.
- Donate them to TheOtaku for potential future give-away.
- Donate them to an anime convention's charity auction (if any will take them).
- Prize for a future event I hold here on my site myself.
The Current count of favored options is:
0 - #1 Give them to the first three readers who ask for them.
3 - #2 Give to member who inspired the piece.
1 - #3 Hold some sort of raffle type thing give-away for them here on my page.
4 - #4 Donate them to TheOtaku for potential future give-away.
1 - #5 Donate them to an anime convention's charity auction (if any will take them).
(Added this option)
1 - #6 Prize for a future event I hold here on my site myself.
I'll take submissions up till September 29, and I'll post my decision on October 13 (can't do it October 6, I'll be at Tsubasacon). The actual plaques probably won't be done for a couple weeks after I post my decision.