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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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| CosmicSailor
Saturday, August 7, 2004
Toxic Nonsense
 | Volume 1, Issue 1
Saturday, August 7, 2004
Funimation: Anime Channel Viability Survey
A couple days ago I received an interesting piece of news from Funimation(I'm on their email list for news and information about their productions). They are researching the Viability of a 24/7 Anime network to be carried on cable and I believe Satelite services. What I was able to learn from the survey indicates they would try to get it on expanded basic as far as cable service goes, and not the higher cost Digital or premium services. The information as I perceived it also indicated something about the content being uncut. If many Anime Fans support the cause it could be a benefit for everyone, please lend your voice to the Funimation Survey and tell them what you think about it. (The survey is located in the News section on their site, as of thie release date of this post). I think it'll be a great idea, but that's just me.
Napster Experience?
I can only speak for myself on this one, but after trying out Napster with one of their Prepaid "Music Download Cards" I have to say the experience leaves something to be desired. To me, the user interface is frustrating, and complex. It's easy to figure out what you need to do, but figuring out how to do it is another story all together. I also have a major bone to pick with them over the content (or lack thereof in my case). With all the "Music added daily" nonsene they claim on their site, I have yet to see certain genres even be recognized. I'm refering to Japanese Pop Music of course, would you believe Napster doesn't carry anything in that genre at all? For those of you still on Windows 98(I was until earlier this year myself) Don't get the upgrade if you're wanting a compatible machine to be able to use Napster. It's not worth the money right now. I've begun the process of sending Formal Complaints to whoever is in charge there, and urge anyone who uses Napster that's a fan of Japanese Pop music and anime music to do the same. The louder the customers speak, the more effectively these corporate [censored] will listen.
Dumb Luck
Recently I was able to aquire a DVD player, which is almost a must have for any serious TV viewer these days. I still have much to get used to about how DVDs work, but I'm really liking the Japanese audio tracks that come along with some of the anime DVDs I've picked up. Just last night I picked up another DVD (Rurouni Kenshin if the details are important) to really begin my collection with shows I've seen before and like for what they are. I got the disk home and went to play it, and it worked fine at first, but about halfway through an episode, it froze up. I ejected and reinserted the disk, and it didn't load at all. I tried the disk in another player and it had no problems.(Special thanks to my sister for humoring me in the state of ill temperment I found myself, when things don't work correctly for me the first time, and every time, I tend to turn into a jerk) I tried it in the computer and couldn't duplicate the "crashes" there either. I'd blame the player, but it runs other disks without incident. Because I can't get either the disk, or the player to duplicate the problem, I'm not sure if the player's defective, or the disk is. I'm already planning the necessary steps to figuring this one out (Including but not limited to exchanging the disk where I got it)
Tough Choice
Early on this week I had to make the hard decision to retire a pet project of mine. I put a lot of effort into getting it off the ground, but it's success depended on the people element which never materialized. For those that were paying attention, there was a "website" link up to the left not that long ago. It would have taken you to my project. I took it down when I started to do maintenance on the project maybe a couple weeks ago, and it won't go back up. At the end of the week, it will no longer exist. I had my Advanced Reader Copies up there, among other things, but none of that is important now. I'll have a special section devoted to it in the next issue. Maybe someone can learn from my failure and succeed with their efforts. I'd commend anyone for trying what I did at least once, you learn a lot about how certain things work.
Even with all that bad luck, I still managed to work on that story I mentioned here a while ago. It will be a while before I begin posting it, only because I want to know I have everything ready for it's arrival. It'll be the full issues of Toxic Nonsense later this year for a coule weeks, but the release is still pending. All in all though, I'l be better off with these little setbacks getting in my way, because they make achieving my goals feel more worth the efforts. I haven't started another picture yet, a miracle considering I draw to vent frustrations most of the time. Maybe I'll get to work on that tonight.
That's my first issue, hope it turned out okay,
Anime Dreams
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The opinions expressed in this issue do not necessarily reflect those of the web site, it's host, it's affiliates, advertisers, or any other party who may be unjustly singled out due to my big mouth. The links provided in this issue are there for informational purposes. They should not be construed as advertisements or endorsments for the products or services the links represent. I am not responsible for the content on the pages, the advertisements thereon, or the availability of the links, which are subject to change without my prior knowledge.
This Weeks Links:
Here are the URLs that coincide with the links above. If for some reason the links do not work by themselves, use this information to get where you're trying to go. On a side note, the links should open in a new browser window.
Funimation website:
Funimation Website News Page:
Napster: | |
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