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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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Escaflowne, Last Exile, InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, and Full Metal Alchemist to name just a few.
Learn to draw anime style pictures and to speak Japanese
Anime, reading, writing, drawing, and music
Special effects make-up
| CosmicSailor
Saturday, September 4, 2004
Toxic Nonsense
 | volume 2 issue 1
September 4, 2k4
Not a Misprint
I apologize to everyone for not having an issue out last week. Due to severe weather and a conflicting schedule, I was unable to put anything together in time. Thank you for your patience and I will strive to be more consistant in the future with my efforts.
Graphic NovelsReprinted from August 21 issue
Waldenbooks has started to carry Graphic Novels. I'm overwhelemed by the variety there is to choose from, and would like some pointers from those who have been following them for a while. My tastes in story varies. I like action stories, stuff that's a bit sci-fi (Some lighter horror type stuff, nothing Stephen King-eque), and something funny for a change of pace. Any recommendations will be considered(Provided they have it in stock at the time I go hunting). Link added Sepember 4, 2k4, End reprint
Slow Week
Not much has really gone on in the past week or two worth mentioning. I did aquire the first disk of an anime Series called Gasaraki, and I was blown away by it's depth of character and visual appeal. I will try to find more of this series which seems to have hooked me a little more deeply into the whole "Mech" anime. I won't spoil anything by going into details at this time, but at some point in the future, when I've seen more of it, I may do an in depth review.
Unexpected Delay
Unfortunately, The timetable for my story going up here has been pushed off due to my own scheduling conflicts which have prevented me from getting in finished. I am still woring at it, and will start to post "Special Issues" if I'm lucky around Christmas time. If not by then, I'll have to make my latest story project a thing for the New Year.
For this to work in the long run, I need to know people are interested in, and willing to share their thoughts on, what I write here. Think of posting a comment(or sending a PM if you don't want the world to see your thoughts) as writing a letter to the editor of a local newspaper. Articles that ask for feedback can't be a success unless someone, anyone, takes the time to say "I thnk I know something that might help (Insert information here)" If this format doesn't carry its own weight, itll be scrapped for something better.
Too tired,
Anime Dreams
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The opinions expressed in this issue do not necessarily reflect those of the website, it's creator, host, affiliates, advertisers, or any other party who may be unjustly singled out due to my big mouth. The opinions are mine alone and I will take full responsibility for them. I stand behind everything I say, good or bad.
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