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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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| CosmicSailor
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Toxic Nonsense
 | volume #3 issue #2
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Explanation of Delay
It has happened a couple times since I got this project off the ground, that I've had to delay publication for a week. Most often the reason is a lack of energy to put together a coherent string of articles, as was the case last week. I know I should be taking better care of myself, but i have quite a few offline projects I need to get done, which ties up my time for the important things. I've had to put off several projects for the moment, none of which effect this one, so I won't detail them. I have also completed a project or two that was long overdue to be finished.
Blood Moon
For people living in North America, I just got a bit of information. On the night of the 28, a total lunar eclipse will be visible, or partly visible depending on the source and location. Be extra careful since haunts like to be out during such events. More information would probably be available from Nasa's Lunar Eclipse pageI've had the fortune of seeing a total Lunar Eclipse before, the moon does turn a deep blood crimson, well worth seeing.
Bad Luck Abounds
I'm currently in the process of resolving two separate issues of a Customer Service related nature. One involves Wal-Mart's sale of defective electronics(Or refurbished equipment being sold as new), the other involves stores not carrying advertised merchandise. Since those complaints are ongoing, I am not at liberty to discuss the details. I will update them as soon as I am able.
Research Project
I know this is going to sound nuts, and many of you will not know what I'm talking about outside the badly done movie regarding the subject, but I'm a believer in strange things, Bigfoot, UFOs, and closer to home, the Mothman. I will begin to research the occurances and sightings of the creature who visits Point Pleasant(in West Virginia) to see what I can find out, and with any luck, see him for myself.
Halloween is coming up on us fast, and while it is easy to say it's just the atmosphere of the holiday, it seems that energies are at work in the air. Of course I know I'm a little more in tune with them than most people, but it stops there. Cold chills, and heavy air to me signal the presence of something, or someone from another lifetime, and while it's interesting to tell people, "you've got a ghost in your house," I tend to avoid certain place because of the reactions I've gotten from people who don't like to hear that. I only tell the truth based on what I know and experience. Life can be imprinted on anything, in any place, and though most people don't realize it, there a re a few of us out there who can feel that imprinted energy.
Haunts are restless spirits. Help them rest, and they'll leave you alone.
Anime Dreams
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This Weeks Links:
Nasa's Lunar Eclipse Page:
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