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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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| CosmicSailor
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
 | I don't have a bunch of fancy words and sentences to make my thoughts sound good this time. I've trtied to put what I'm thinking together coherently, but I can't do that, so I'm just going to put my thoughts down as I think them.
Last year at about this time, I was introduced to Napster (the legal, Roxio owned $.99 per song Napster) when my family upgraded their computer(the fancy way of saying they got a new one). Anyway, I got to looking around and discovered that while they claim to have a great selection, one genre is blatantly obviously missing from their library, Japanese Pop. I started making a few simple requests at first, and I kept checking on their progress as best I could. After taking a few months break from that, I renewed my campaign to see Japanese Pop made part of the Napster library. Now, a year later and my work has shown no progress at all, not a single artist, not a single track has been added.
Now I can't speak for everyone, and more and more it seems like I'm speaking for myself, which isn't fun when you think you have a group behind you and all you get is the echo from your own voice. I'm tired of going into those two-bit hack record stores (FYE, Suncoast, et.c.) and not finding the kinds of music I'm looking for, and not having a credit card makes online shopping a bit difficult. I think it's time the U.S. music download services were made to live up to their advertising lies, and start carrying a wider selection of music. I was told by Bandai when I asked about it that someone else also contacted them about the same thing. Bandai is in a good position to go to the record labels of the music they're licensed to distribute and tell them: "our audience is looking for this music and not having any luck finding it in the stores, they'd like to get it digitally in a safe and legal manner." The U.S. licensees can't and won't do that if only two fans out of the how many thousands contact them saying "we'd like to be able to buy the full versions of this song or that song from such and such anime series on Napster, iTunes Music Store, RealRhapsody or whatever your preferred Music Download Service is."
The following is my opinion alone and does not represent the opinion of this website, it's host, creator, or any other members.
I'm ready to throw in the towel and let those discriminatory money hungry jerks win the war. I can't keep up the fight if I don't have good sound backup. As anime fans, don't we owe each other some kind of support? I don't have infinite patience, I'm not trying to change the world or anything big like that, I just want to be able to buy my favorite music in such a way as is convenient, and affordable for me.
May your anime dreams not turn to the nighmarish dreamscapes mine have been twisted into. | |
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