The CD version of
Art of Otaku is out today, the purchasing details aren't up yet, but they are supposed to be up tonight so hang in there a couple more hours. I point that out because I've been waiting for the CD version to come out, and I'm sure some of the others reading my blog have been too.
I'll be taking a few days off this week, I'm starting to burn out from the Holiday thing, and well, I think a few animé movies and mini-marathons will do me some good right now (no ten hour 26 episode Escaflonwe fest though, I'm too tired for that). I'll comment on whichever one suits my fancy when I get back on here.
Have a safe and Happy Holiday Season, Merry Christmas, Or a Joyous Holiday whatever you may celebrate, I won't be back till at least December 27.
Random Anime Quote:
". . .I just don't like it when people cook better than me." - Kaoru Kamiya,
Rurouni Kenshin
Technology has always just hobby for me. I don't have any official eductation on anything like HTML, networking, web design, or any of those things. Since you've taken a class on it, there's nothing I could suggest to you that won't be in the material (be it notes, textbooks, or even teacher's handouts) you probably still have around the house somewhere. Check those, your answer is bound to be there somewhere.
There are data recovery tools available, but they aren't usually cheap. If you haven't done too much to that computer, the data should still be there (Windows doesn't actually delete anything, it just removes the marker tags that tells it where on the hard drive it put the file) If the data hasn't been overwritten, then it should still be there). I'll see what I can come up with (considering cost and features needed) and let you know what I find out.
Like I said, I think it was my e-mail host's doing that ruined that file. Yahoo! does the weirdest things to attachments, and in some cases don't even send them at all.
I can't even say enough about Escaflowne, but when you do look into getting it, make sure you don't get the "edited" version, the one they aired on Fox a few years back. There's a noticeable difference in content (not to mention they reduced some episodes into few second "flashback" clips, probably because they couldn't edit the episode enough for Saturday morning viewing). I do think you'll like the series, and after you've watched it (at least up to Ep 8) let me know, I'll tell you then which scene it was that really hooked me on the whole idea of what "animé" is to me. Yep, I can identify the very scene that did it for me. I'd tell you sooner, but I don't want to spoil anything, and to set the scene up (it's in Ep 7 I think) I'd have to give you a lot of backstory of the previous episodes, and while I like to be spoiled(warn me first though), I don't like to spoil things for others after getting my butt handed to me for accidentally doing it on a message board once. That's not something I'd care to repeat.
I use one program for my digital image editing, that is the freeware program called
Pixia. I don't have the kind of money to spend on Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, or any of those overpriced programs. Why should I do that when Pixia does for me what I need it to do, and it even supports my WACOM pen tablet, without spending a dime. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. If guys can go around all google-eyed drawing practically naked women(I should know I'm one of them myself
please don't ask, but none of mine are good enough to submit here), then women should certainly be allowed the same courtesy of drawing men without ridicule or scorn.
one single picture I ever drew was done by tracing. Jim Hawking, Yahiko, both Inuyasha images, they're all done freehanded. I take great pride in being able to say that. Sure they were done by referencing screeshots, I admitted that when I submitted them. I do that (reference work) to hone my skill which is still in great need of improvement.
I'll proofread my comments, and think all is well, it's only after I post and can't make an edit that I'll notice I said somthing the wrong way, or misspelled a word that changes the context of the whole thing. Most of the time people overlook that, they usually just get dumbfounded by how horridly long a post I made just to respond to a simple little thing. All I have to say on that, for everyone who reads my blog here, is, get used to it. I'm only short and to the point when I'm not feeling well.
Mamma Vash:
Most people fail to realize that the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid (to name a few) were all originally epic poems, they are meant to be orated, not read like the newspaper. The Ancient Greeks put a lot of emphasis on politics, and taught oration, the art of speaking, in their schools. To get the right flow from the stories, you have to read them aloud, otherwise they just don't make any sense, and are very difficult to follow.
Everyone in my family is like that, but I'm the one they always come to with the computer problems -_-; which puts a strain on me because they know I don't know nearly enough to handle some of the things they throw at me. When Tech TV went down the tubes, I lost my best resource for information on technology. I just learned about all I know about modern computers from Tech TV.
Sure, it sounds nice, but the one we had fell apart about ten years ago. I haven't seen another one like it since, but I still look every year to find a replacement for it. I was never really that close to my grandfather when he was alive. When you live half the country away it's kind of hard to be close to the important people in your lives, so I think it would be a fitting way to honor his memory, even if not with the one he gave us, but with one that carries the spirit of the rail line he worked for, and in some ways, his own spirit too.
Well, I'll hit the down phase soon enough. I just remembered I have one more gift to get, and I'll probably be out in the last minute rush of people to get something, and I hate doing that. My family knows I have more than just a little bit of social anxieties, yet they put me through this same thing year after year. It's always let the guy without a job wait till the last minute, then drag him around to and from every store that's still open to find something for everyone. They know I'd feel terible if I didn't do anything for them, but at the same time, you'd think they'd appreciate that society and I don't rightly get along (and won't till it gives me a break and puts me to work), and try to help me get things done sooner rather than later. Yes, a little sleep might just be a good thing for me too.
Yes! Another one! Guess I'm better with my words than I realize to get two people interested in Escaflowne in one month. I haven' been able to keep up with S-Cry-ed since my cable was pulled a couple months ago, I don't even care anymore when it was done, but what I saw of it before then looked pretty good, and I have a friend online who's into it and it's not hard to get him to talk about it so I'll be content with spoiler summaries for a while. I've got someone doing that with Naruto for me too, but you know, spoiler summaries just aren't the same as seeing the episodes.
The only kind of "Bleh" post I'd ever see is one that's a single incoherent line of nonsense (like the exaggeratingly long YAY!!! posts that seem to frequent the Naruto news bits on the main page). As long as I can pick out the point of the post, and respond to it intelligently, then I'm happy with it.
Dream of Anime Sugarplums and Santas!