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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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Escaflowne, Last Exile, InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, and Full Metal Alchemist to name just a few.
Learn to draw anime style pictures and to speak Japanese
Anime, reading, writing, drawing, and music
Special effects make-up
| CosmicSailor
Sunday, March 21, 2004
Soapbox Moment
 | Well, I've had some time to cool down, I'm still angry, but I'm not out of control anymore. It amazes me to go back and read what I wrote myself. It's scary to me that I would actually go that far. I guess the old wisdom is true, anger does cloud one's judgement. This is my way of apologizing for going off the handle like I did. It was me at my worst, something I should know better than to display over little things.
Now that I have that out of the way, I have something important I need clear up. That's the reason I've terminated the "New Direction" I had planned to take this. I'll keep it simple, and to the point.
Reasons for Abandonment of Project New Direction:
1) Lack of Cohesive Element: This is the element that would have linked the other elements together using visuals. I had a character sketch that I wanted to be an important focus for the written material. The picture not being accepted made a serious dent in my overall objective, and frustrated me to no end. I know it was not denied due to size, and I refuse to believe the quality was in question, I've seen similar caliber work posted here.
As a sort of silent protest to that, I've removed everything I have control of on the page with any hint of color in it. The color will not return until my honor is satisfied. I have strong principles when it comes to such things, and plan to stick by them with everything I've got.
2) Lack of Interest: No one made any comments telling me what they liked, or disliked about the story part, which I tried to plot on with in an effort to save the New Direction. No news is not good news when it comes to creative works. If I didn't know people were reading, I couldn't continue the story, so it was scrapped.
The loss of both the visual and story elements meant that the little things I was working on for the New Direction had no basis, no foundation, and thus had to be scrapped as well, rendering the whole project null.
That's my reasoning, like it, don't like it, agree with me, hate my guts. I was wrong in my assumptions before so I don't care what people think anymore. I'm used to being ignored, bullied, and left out of things. So why should I expect any different here?
Well, I've worked myself up again, I'd better go before something really harsh slips out again.
Anime Dreams,
~Cosmicsailor | |
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