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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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Escaflowne, Last Exile, InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, and Full Metal Alchemist to name just a few.
Learn to draw anime style pictures and to speak Japanese
Anime, reading, writing, drawing, and music
Special effects make-up
| CosmicSailor
Thursday, December 29, 2005
From Hidden Desert Well, Deep Thoughts
Things seem to quieting down now. I can't believe TheO is doing that Napster thing, considering Napster doesn't have anything anime related, no J-Pop, no J-Rock, nothing that's appropriate for an anime portal site. I guess I have to take up the flag again and challenge them once more to offer what anime fans want. I've been reminding them of their losses every time someone else (like AOL and iTunes Music Store Japan) begins to offer the music they claim they can't (but it's more apparent they're just too lazy to) get. Oh well, who'se ready to help me go at Napster for Round 3? We'll get `em one these days if we coordinate our efforts and lobby this thing the right way.
Mamma Vash:
The book (what I read of it) was very good, but I will warn you it delves a lot into the paranormal (not ghosts and stuff like that, but some very strange things). The excerpt I linked to in my last post actually covers a slightly amusing (though morbid to an extent) part of the book, and is worth the read by itself. It's not so interesting on the part of thinking about the stuff actually happening, consider the Mothman is a silvery gray seven foot tall creature. It's actually unsettling because the town where I live is mentioned by name in that book (If I recall what I read correctly, you'll never get that town's name out of me though!) relating to some of the UFO stuff, and I have first hand UFO sighting experience right from my own front porch. But being able to walk the same ground, to look at the floodwall where the Silver Bridge once crossed the Ohio River (they have a nice plaque, and the names of the people who died in the collapse engraved in the bricks of the sidewalk. When I get to Point Pleasant again, I'll get a picture), to be in the very town that was the center of the phenomenon, is thrilling beyond comparison. You get to experience the air that was filled with mystery, wonder, and fear so long ago. It's the best.
I've been getting some assistance from whtdragon and Caprice on the dragon front, and I got a book on drawing manga style monsters for Christmas, so I think I'll be good to go for now, but I'll keep the announce up there, just in case another artist or two (hundred) would like to dispense their dragon drawing depth.
As long as the camera isn't like my family's Fuji (FinePix S3000), which takes 4 AA batteries and eats em up. I have to replace them every time I want to use the thing, and it just sits in its camera bag most of the time doing nothing, so I don't get why it goes through batteries so fast. The time and date stamp shouldn't drain that much. I still have to get fully acquainted with the Fuji, I haven't learned how to do a lot with it yet. but I know how not to get a motion blur from the impossible shutter lag on the thing, and that's the important thing to know with any digital camera. I hope yours isn't too complicated.
My days will be brighter, now that I've gotten one major load off my shoulders. I only wish I could have been more effective in getting something accomplished with the effort I was putting out for that.
I saw the dragon pictures, very nice. You missed quite a bit coming from me lately. You'll have to read a few posts back in my archive to understand today's Editorial, but I assure you it is very important to me. You're better off seeing everything in context, so check my archive. Everything relating to it should be on the first page. If I tried to retell everything here, it would be jaded by my personal opinions and experiences from the past few days.
I have made the decision regarding my fan art here, and that is to not submit any more. In the spirit of honoring those friends of mine who've left, or were removed from, this site, I do not think it would be appropriate for me to continue submitting my lesser quality work than was lost to petty accusations, and inappropriate, unjust conduct. I will continue to work on my art, and I will host it myself, elsewhere, so that I may show it on my terms, without worries.
It is not right that good artists can be accused of plagiarism to the point they no longer feel welcome in a community. It is not right that an artist's work can be stolen by someone then be accused by the theif of stealing "their" work. And it is not right that the word plagiarism, which should be handled seriously, is so willingly and meanglessly tossed about like the RIAA's "Copyright Infringement" claim they use to intimidate and monopolize the digital music market. Anyone using the word plagiarisn should do so knowing it could damage the honor and reputation of a great artist, and shouldn't use it over petty nonsensical arguments, or for spite.
I will not submit any more artwork to this site which allows it's members to bully great artists with the word plagiarism. When it becomes apparent that they are taking the spirit and meaning of the word seriously, and not just acting on the whims of their online friends, I will reconsider my decision.
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