I fixed the link in my last post. I guess I need to learn to double proof read these things before I post them. Oh well, it's not all weird like it was anymore.
Okay, If you all have seen the way I was posting and commenting lately, you'd understand my need to do this. I've got to take some time to myself again, probably a week, maybe more depending on how I feel. I've turned into a mean, grouchy, unpleasant and nasty person in comments PMs, and posts lately, which tells me my stress levels are up and I need to just chill a while. I wanted to let eveyone know that I won't be posting for a little bit while I recoup myself and mellow out. It'll give me more time to work on my dragon, and hopefully by the time I get back on I'll have it finished!
Dragons are viciously stubborn creatures to draw, I know. I did a small dragon pic for a friend (sorry, no scan of it, and I put that one in the mail today) and I liked the way it turned out. Ironically, the hands and feet, which I have problems drawing on humans, are my biggest problem areas on dragons too.
whtdragon has some reference sheets for drawing dragons, right here on MyO, and
Caprice recommended a few web sites that are good resources for learning to draw dragons:
Neon Dragon Art and
Dee Dreslough's tutorials. I've read through them all and each is valuable in its own way. If you are inspired by what I draw too, well, then I know I'm doing it right.
Outlaw Melfina:
Honesty about my work is what I'd expect from anyone.
I hear that. people who don't know me find it difficult to understand why I don't return the same false familiarity they show me by trying to get on my good side by being a little too friendly right away. I'm not one of those people who makes friends at the drop of a hat. This part is for everyone I meet on and offline, it takes a lot of time and work to get my usual stubborn self to open up, but once I call someone a friend, you can be sure I'll fight tooth and nail (or fang an claw if you believe I'm actually a dragon in disguise ~_^ ) to defend those I call friends.
It more than just sucks, it's unfair to the international MyO members, and very bad business practice. You can bet I'm working on making a way for shipping the CD internationally to work, even though I'm not on staff with the site here. I know I hate to feel left out, and there were a few times during Art of Otaku's development that the project did that to me, going all the way back to it's announcement in May 2005. It's my mission to come up with a way so that others won't have to experience that frustration and insult. Give me a little more time, and hopefully I'll have an answer for you and the other international users here to purchase the Art of Otaku CD, that's a promise I made last month and I intend to keep it.
Just because I'm putting a lot of time into it doesn't mean it'll look that great, but thanks for the vote of confidence. It's taking me a while because it's my first large scale dragon picture, so I'm a little overwhelmed by it. I have done a couple little ones recently (I gave them all away, see my first comment response). I do want it to turn out very well too, so I'm not rushing myself through it either. I do hope it looks good.
They say patience is a virtue, so please be patient with me. Saying that of course makes me a hypocrite, because I am myself a horribly impatient person who doesn't wait for anything. I'm trying to learn to take things as they come and to be calm when I have to wait longer than expected, but it's hard.
I'll see you all in a little while, don't beat each other up while I'm away.
Anime Dreams