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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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Escaflowne, Last Exile, InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, and Full Metal Alchemist to name just a few.
Learn to draw anime style pictures and to speak Japanese
Anime, reading, writing, drawing, and music
Special effects make-up
| CosmicSailor
Monday, February 6, 2006
A Matter of Honor
![Air Mail from the Wasteland header]( |
For those who took a stab, the answer to last post's "Random Fact" was The Cat Returns ( Neko no Ongaeshi).
Over the weekend I got to see an animé film and I can easily see why it's considered one of the best, regardless of when it was made. That film was, of course, Akira.
I'm not one to spoil things if I can help it, so I'll just say that one phrase kept coming to mind as I watched the film, "It was ahead of it's time." I seem to be drawn to animé like that, animé that you can watch years later and it still seems to fit in the modern style. I highly recommend it to anyone, but do remember it's rated "R" for good reason, and use your discretion when viewing, or allowing others to view it.
I didn't know that Geneon had redubbed it till I found the DVD in the store, so I'm curious now about the previous version, if there was a US one, of Akira, who released it? Was the dubbing better worse or the same as Geneon's effort in 2001? I'll be doing the research on that later, because I would like to compare the two versions if possible.
Actually, I was thinking that's where it would go since I only want it to affect the blog area of the page right now, and it'll be a little easier to fix if I happen to break something, like I'm sure to do (I do it all the time with the HTML documents I write). I would probably do it the first way, applying the styles to individual HTML tags, to keep it simple. I use the horizontal rules in every post, but I use two different ones and have to figure out how to make them both work(it's a formatting thing I'd like to keep consistent), and I use tables quite regularly so I'd probably start with those, and work from there. I haven't had the time to actually sit down and learn anything lately, so I'll have to start from square one again next week when I think I'll have some time to do it. Thanks for the advice on it, I hope to have something to show for your efforts here soon.
Do you still have your critique sheets? All you have to do pick one of them up, rewrite it if you need to, and stick to those questions. Theater critiques are a little more proprietary, in that they cover technical things as well as the acting ability, so in my case, I would have to really reversion the whole sheet we used to make it work for visual only art (I may use the Speech/Communications one instead, it's shorter and more to the point), but I think I can do it. I understand the feeling, I actually had people specifically ask the teacher to not let me critique their work (she made me do it anyway, apparently I had a knack for being level headed with my evaluations) because for some reason they thought I had a bit of, well, a "theatrical attitude". I can't help that I took theater very seriously, but in the end, I'm better for that. I like people to be vocal, if their comments are productive (if they actually tell me something I can use). That's another aspect of theater, when our teacher gave out notes at the end of rehearsal, she didn't just say "You're not delivering your lines right." She'd tell us (me in particular) "You're being to quiet, project your voice and enunciate" (I hate the word enunciate I heard it so much, but it was the truth). If a comment just tells me "You didn't do it right." I get frustrated because while I may see some of the things I'm doing wrong, or not at all, I'm only human (contrary to popular belief ~_^ ) so I won't see everything. I tend to look like I don't handle critiques very well, but that's only bad ones, a good critique is one I respect, and take very seriously.
My next dragon is a long way away, I want to really slow down and do it right, I won't even give a ballpark for it's posting this time so I'm free to keep pushing it back if I need the extra time. I'm actually looking forward to getting good enough at dragons to make them my centerpiece pictures. I know I'm a long way from that, but I'm off to a good start.
My portfolio is smaller today, I've taken the time to clean out the pictures that are going to cause me trouble later, and I doubt I'll ever post another "existing anime" based fanart here in the future. I'll only post original works that aren't based on anything except the delusional mirages from the desert wasteland that is my mind. The pressures to do the other art right and fair are too much for me to handle right now.
I can understand and appreciate the need to be vigilant about possible infringement, but there is such thing as going too far. I don't think it's fair that my "existing anime" pictures haven't drawn the attention or scrutiny of the staff here when in fact they should not have even been posted at all. Consider that my "existing anime" pictures, which are pretty near hand copied screen shots, went through the system and were posted, while others try to submit their work and it doesn't get through, or they have to leave the site because they're wrongly being accused of plagiarism, and no one will stand up for them or research the accusations to determine the truth. I don't know about anyone else, but to me, that's not right, and it shows a precident I'm not very comfortable with, because I can see it being used in good arguments by unfairly treated users later.
Since things are as they are, I've taken it upon myself now to remove the artwork that I know shouldn't be up here. I know it hurt me to have to take down one of my best overall fan art pieces, and I apologize to anyone who liked my work, but to be fair, everyone who submits to this site must be held to the same standard. It shouldn't be applied only when convenient.
To everyone who voted and posted comments on those pieces of art, I really appreciate your time and opinions, I kept all the comments from those pictures, it was the least I could do for you all. Thank you very much for sharing your opinions and for voting on my art, and I apologize too.
Random Fact About Me:
I can only sing on key in one language, Japanese, but I still only understand very few words of it.
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