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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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| CosmicSailor
Monday, March 29, 2004
Venting Steam
 | This post has nothing to do with the changes to the site I mentioned, nor will I discuss my art this time. This one is just something I have to say about other things.
I'm a role player on several boards. I do it to explore my creative writing abilities and to just have fun doing it. Today I had to leave one of those boards, permanently. It started this weekend when a friend of mine, a mod on the board was removed from his position. He tried to get a straight answer, and none of the administrators would give him one. I got into a conversation about the problem to one of the admins today, and what he told me led me to believe that the problem had to deal with my friend objecting to a double standard in the rules, letting the admins get away with not following some of the foundation rules of the board. When pressed further, the admin I was in communication with said he questioned the validity of the double standard he had a part in enforcing, making the whole thing a double-double standard. That did it for me, I had to leave.
If the admins don't have to follow the rules of the board. If the admins can't be sure of the rules they are there to enforce. That is a board I have no time for, nor place on.
When it comes right down to it though, I'm not sure that excuse was fully the reason my friend's position was stripped. It makes no sense to me that something that trivial would bring about so strong a reprimand.
Now I have a theory that came up which might be a more reasonable explanation. My friend is more of an RP fighter, and he gets intense with his characters and the way he fights. He has been in several OOC(Out Of Character for those that don't RP) arguments with a powerplayer who's too stubborn to admit he's wrong over the past few weeks. Just the other night an admin got involved with a rather heated post, with good reason. I mean my friend and the powerplayer were squabbling like spoiled children. Anyway, the admin who made the post telling both of them off resigned his position a day later. The circumstances surrounding that make more sense to me as being the the root cause of my friend losing his position. If the admin would have told me the whole truth, I probably would still be a member of that board.
I will disappoint a few people who like the way I role play. My story RPs are apparently pretty good. I hate to do that to them, but I'm sure in a day or so I'll have emails flooding my inbox asking me what the h*ll is going on and why did I leave and all that. I'll tell the truth, that I didn't like what was happening, and if they want to make something of it to talk to the admin,[name withheld, I'm not that spiteful, though he doesn't deserve my kindness], who tried to justify a double standard with feined ignorance, and didn't even give me the full truth.
Well, that's my rant,
Anime Dreams
Legalish Notice:
Before anyone goes and thinks I'm talking about myself, GET THAT IDEA OUT OF YOUR HEAD RIGHT NOW. I'm not providing the usernames of anyone involved on that board for the following reasons:
1) Anyone not on that board would not know who I was refering to in the first place.
2) Anyone here could also be on that board, and not like that I'm talking about it in so negative a manner.
3) I won't be responsible for people finding the board through search engines and making trouble for them just because they got the wrong impression from me here on this site. | |
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