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on Gaea, gazing at the Mystic Moon
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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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Escaflowne, Last Exile, InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, and Full Metal Alchemist to name just a few.
Learn to draw anime style pictures and to speak Japanese
Anime, reading, writing, drawing, and music
Special effects make-up
| CosmicSailor
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Still Crazy . . .
I'm continuing my work on the other pictures, I do hope to have them up really soon, please be patient with me a little longer, a week at the most, then you can start yelling at me for being slow.
Mamma Vash:
Well, I'm learning Shogi, but it's debatable as to how well I'm doing. I think I'd learn better with a physical board, but I have to stick with software for now. I'm not far enough along to really explain it, but here's a page on how to play Shogi that is sure to answer some basic questions about it for you.
I never get lost in nature, but I enjoy its company. As for favorite places or things to photograph, well, I haven't found my sweet spot yet since I live in town and being amaxophobic, only get to go out to the hiking trails when someone else is willing to drive. I do some paranormal investigative photography but that's something I advise amateurs against doing without researching the proper protocol first. Property owners, and the relatives of deceased persons, are not too forgiving of unprofessional enthusiats tresspassing just to take pictures of things hoping to capture activity. I will, once I get back into the habit of walking the trails again, have pictures, hopefully of some railroad bridges and tunnels, the pictures I was supposed to get last year and didn't because I'm willing to walk, but no one would take me out to the trail head.
I know, I'm glad to have gotten one up by now, which makes getting the others up easier, shouldn't it? I'm taking way too long on them, but that's an issue I need to work out with myself.
I've taken a few risky pictures in my day. I once stood less than a foot from a straight down drop to get a good picture of the view below, I also sat right under a "Devil's Teatable" rock formation (a large flat rock teetering on the tiny point of a pillar type rock) to get a good picture of the underside of the table rock. I have a picture of an "Authorized Personel Only Beyond This Point" sign (Absolutely not, I will not post that one online!). I took a picture standing on the edge of a riverboat's berth in a town south of me, knowing that I wouldn't be able to save myself if I fell in the river (I can't swim). It's NOT crazy to go out taking pictures of the natural environment, but it's NUTS, not to mention dangerous, to go out at take the kinds of shots I've done without being remotely smart in the process. I don't recommend anyone go out and try the stupid stunts I have just to get a "cool shot" type picture like I do. I call myself a TPI (that's Trained Professional Idiot) for that very reason, and I disclaim everything I do that's even slightly outside the realms of safety because I think I know what I'm doing, and won't be held responsible for people duplicating my actions.
"Where is my dragon art?"
That is a question I asked myself some time ago, and with new inquiries about how the art is coming along, a public revisit to one of my personal self-evaluations is in order.
Looking over my first real attempt at drawing a dragon, I still see those cartoony, cute elements that I was trying to remove from my style, as well as a host of newer, more complex artistic challenges which must be overcome in order to give my art the harder, more fierce look I want it to have. I see in my first dragon art, where I am now, where I want to be, and how I need to get there, but seeing it is only a small part of the whole process.
Now, I take a look at several incompleted attempts at dragons, mostly just roughed out circles, ellipses, and curved lines. On one, a partly finished nose, another, a crude claw that looks hairy with all the pencil lines growing out of it from many reshape attempts and the start of a pair of wings sprouting out of the rough oval, unfinished body. The outline of a head and body, darkened against the light pencil rough out gets my attention on another, and I wonder to myself, "Why didn't I finish this one? What made me stop?" The answer to both those questions came in the form of the same letter back in early February. See, I was taking this art correspondence course, and I say "was" for a reason. They got it in their heads to "discontinue service", something about money, which a relative was paying for the course, so that's not my problem (they haven't contacted that relative yet to my knowledge). The thing is, they've damaged my confidence and trust, which has filtered over to my personal projects, making them suffer greatly as a result. Aside from that, I got myself caught up in another round of pontless battles with Workforce West Virgina (oversees the Job Service now). That wouldn't have been so bad if every step of the way I wasn't made to feel like I was the problem, I even had the "Staff Assistant" to a US Senator imply I was the root of the problem with WOrkforce West Virginia. I was discriminated against based on my inability to provide "professional" references, and at least five of the people I went to for help turned that discrimiation around on me, making it my fault in the first place. In many ways, I know I need to spend my time focused on these other things, but that's another topic for another day, and my art has been my passion for over two years now, so I really want to put time into improving it.
So what does all that mean? Why is any of that important? Well, it boils down to how I feel, and in the past few months I have not felt very good about myself as an artist. Normally, I would use my art, my creativity to get myself out of a slump, but I've been unable to do that this time. Where I'm normally cheered up by creating, but I haven't been lately. I've lacked the motivation to work on my art, which is the primary cause of my continuing delays to get my art projects finished and presented. It means I've had to decide which is more important to me right now to get done, and my own dragon isn't. Simply put, I've put drawing my dragon on indefinite hold, at least until I get the pictures that were requested of me done, and one project that's kind of personal on a different level. My sister's birthday is coming up, so I've decided to try and draw her a griffin, she's as nuts for them as I am for dragons. She's put up with a lot of my negative energy this past year, so the least I can do is use what little talent I have to give her something she'll really enjoy. After I get all that done, I will revisit my dragon attempts, and try to salvage one into something that looks like the dragon I want, until then, it's not coming.
Anime Dreams!
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- Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing), for kout3uka
- Sanosuke (Rurouni Kenshin), for Caprice
- Melfina (Outlaw Star), for Outlaw Melfina
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