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Hover the mouse on the pictures to get my captions, it would take too long to explain them all here in detail, but basically, those are some of the shots I took hiking to that Tunnel 19 I mentioned way back when. Yeah, I finally got there, and at over 1,000 feet in length, no, I didn't get all the way through it, I had to turn back halfway.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to Howl's this weekend, I'll try to cover it this week sometime, I really want to say a few things about it, the film is that good. I also got to check out the first DVD of Samurai 7, and I have to say visually stunning, GONZO did as great a job with it as they did with Last Exile, I'm in love with that much already, the story is great too.
And for the record, I know Edmonton lost the Stanley Cup Finals, no need to rub it in.
Mine wasn't really funny, but the others were (I especially liked the Peeps one myself)
At least your theater showed it. Since I have to buy the DVDs to see animé films, I get the Japanese language tracks anyway and I enjoy watching them. Turner Classic Movies ran some Studio Ghibli films in May, they ran them subbed which surprised me, but I rather liked seeing them done that way on TV.
That's the term I couldn't remember either till I ran that search and saw it. I do remember someone making this overdramatic production about those things when I lived there, but I think that was more "scare the six year old senseless" than factuial information.
They were like that in TX, I'm not sure if you remember the recent wildfire they had down there, well, when I lived there (mid to late 80's) we had a fire that actually lept across the main highway, it burned for a couple days. That one was started by lightning I think they said (the one I remember, not the recent one). I'm familiar with pyrophobia in that respect too. Actually I'm embarrassed to admit this but my family almost started a major fire too, dry West TX grass and roman candle fireworks do not go well together.
I've heard of Dragon Half, but haven't seen it.
Outlaw Melfina
I hate to miss the fun stuff too, so I try to check the main page often. You probably noticed that I'm not looking at the camera, well, I don't really like having my picture taken so you won't find too many photos of me where the face is visible, but that's pretty much an idea of me in a casual state (I took that at like 3:00 in the morning which is moot because I'm always up at that hour). I'll never admit any picture of me is good, but I have to say this one is lucky.
Seeing films in the native language gives me a deeper perspective of the content, maybe that aura is one of intrigue. The Japanese language uses different emphasis to emote the lines, and in some cases it's better than the English. I can think of a scene from an anime (not going to say what to prevent spoilage) where a character in English is telling something to "move faster", that line sounds kind of forced, but in Japanese, the character's sense of urgency comes out in the line "motto hayaku", it's a dramatic difference in that case, but even the subtle nuances are best observed from the original language. Reading subtitles is distracting, but I don't know that they affect the mood of the language being spoken, Cyrano de Bergerac is a funny play read in English, or seen in the French movie while trying desperately to keep up with the subtitles.
Anime Dreams!
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- Sanosuke (Rurouni Kenshin), for Caprice [Upload Pending]
- Melfina (Outlaw Star), for Outlaw Melfina
- Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing), for kout3uka
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