I went to Weston WV a couple days ago and got some nice pictures of the old State mental hospital there. I'm proud to say that restoration efforts are underway which means that someday that beautiful old building may be open to the public. Check the table below for some of my better pictures, hover the mouse over the image to get a small caption about it.
I have an audio clip of the insult line from the podcast, but I'm only posting it as a courtesy to those who don't listen to the podcasts. I'm not trying to draw any more attention to it, I'm not out to cause trouble for the podcasters. For anyone interested in hearing just the remark, give
this a click. The same tech notes apply to this as to the other audio clips.
Mamma Vash:
If I wanted to be mean, spiteful, and stir up trouble for the podcast, I'd go off on how you're not missing much, etc., etc., etc., but I'm not, so I'll keep those things to myself. Generally the podcast is funny (in an "edgy" sort of way) and it's done with the best intentions, so I won't make a feature length production out of a thirty second commercial spot and just advise that if you listen to the podcast, expect some stuff that may not be wholly appropriate. I have sent that e-mail though, I just wanted to make sure
Adam was aware of the comment and that at least one listener didn't find it funny.
I like your captions, they tell the story of what's going on nicely.
Anyone who lives near a convention is fortunate, my being in West Virginia, I don't have that luxury. There aren't a lot of conventions near West Virginia enough for me to be able to talk someone in my family into making the drive for me, so all I can do is sit back and see how others have enjoyed the conventions they've gone to for now, and hope that I'll eventually have the kind of money to be able to go one day myself. I have no response for the elitism comment, I wasn't there so I don't know.
I signed up for the e-mail updates on
Toonami Jetstream so I know the site. It's an all Macromedia Flash site so it can give some people headaches, but I haven't had an issue with it yet. I'm going to go over there and sit through the eps of Hikaru no Go and MÄR since I've never seen them before. I like the idea, I think it'll catch on, but they do have the drawback of it being marketed as a broadband site. When broadband becomes more accessible though, I'll bet the site really takes off. And as far as knowing of other legal sites for anime, the only one I'm aware of would have to be Bandai's
AnimeVillage.com and they're not totally free.
The heat wouldn't be so bad if it was a dry heat, we're getting humididty out the wazoo here. I posted one picture I took in Weston where you can literally see the humidity in the air between the camera and the old Mental Hospital building. You know it's humid when the camera sees it in the air. I think I do better in cool fall weather myself, I love the fall season, not only because of the leaves color change here in WV (I'll get some pictures of that come the right time too) but the cooler, less humid weather comes on and there's just something a little bit nostalgic and serene about that sligth chill morning air. All we can do till the cool comes is wait, rest, get a lot of Gatorade, and dance for joy when things do start to feel better for us.
They don't post a lot publically job wise, I think the idea is to get students employed first, which makes sense, but I will try anyway.
I've never been to a convention either, but I've wanted to go, even though I've had less opportunity to even plan to go to one. Maybe that's why I thought that comment was insulting and insensitive, I know I reacted so strongly to it that I almost stopped playing the episode right then. In many ways it's arrogant for someone who went to say that kind of thing about the people who didn't go, or couldn't go. Now, I may have been a little hasty in deciding not to listen to any more episodes, and I'm always willing to give the benefit of the doubt so I'll give next week's a listen to see what happens.
I must not have read your comment about the audio right, considering the mood I was in when I got to it (I'd just listened to the podcast), that's a distinct possibility. I do want to try and clean it up some more, but my DVR isn't the best so there may be some distortion in it no matter what I do to it. I use Audacity, a freeware audio editing program to edit WAV files, so it's limited in what it can do.
Yeah, he's like that, tells a whole story to make a single sentence point. Move over Æsop, my brother's trying to catch you with his Civil War tales.
Since I'm still learning Japanese I'll respond in English this time. All I can give is my best, all I can do is keep trying to find that employer who's willing to give me a chance. That's all I need is one employer willing to give me a chance. Anyone out there hiring? I'll telecommute if necessary.
Anime Dreams!
Picture Requests |
Pending | Complete |
- Sanosuke (Rurouni Kenshin), for Caprice [Upload Pending]
- Melfina (Outlaw Star), for Outlaw Melfina
- Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing), for kout3uka
Project Closed Upon Completion |
Weston State Hospital |
All images of Weston hosted by Photobucket. |