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Escaflowne aired on Fox.
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| CosmicSailor
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Dragons, Pictures, Monkeys, and Podcasts
At least I can say I tried. I gave the podcast another listen like I said I would, I gave the hosts another chance and they failed to win me back. After doing that, the podcast for no longer interests me.
I listened to Episode 10, and was surprised to hear, or not hear rather, something very important. During the whole of the broadcast, not once did any of the hosts mention the situation from last week. There were no remarks at all on the incident, nothing to indicate any realization that their comments could have been taken the wrong way, and nothing in response to my comment on the matter. With no recognition of any possible wrong from them, the hosts of the podcast have chosen the cowardly path of hiding behind the mask of feigned ignorance, which doesn't become anyone who tries to wear it, instead of making a dignified and honorable response to my comment on their offensive remark. They failed to accept responsibility for their rude comment, they did not aknowledge in any way the feelings of those who could have been offended by their remark, and they made no attempt to repair the damage they inflicted upon themselves. Choosing not to say anything about the offense at all is worse than the original offense in many ways.
Though this weeks podcast was subdued in comparison to the previous ones, it had a tense air about it, that uneasy air of people treading softly because they know they have to be careful, some of their audience is watching for a slip. This podcast left a bitter taste in my mouth, one I care not to indulge again. Since the hosts of the podcast, Anime-Pulse's own Ichigo, Chigo, and Batou can't seem to handle their podcasting efforts with professionalism, they aren't worth listening to anymore. I have no respect for the kind of person (A-P's Batou, who made the comment) who can act like nothing happened after making such a rude, insensitive comment. At least he could have the decency to admit he possibly offended people with his remark, knowing that at least one person who was offended had the courage to stand up and say so. In my experience, when one person comes out and objects to a rude comment, there are more who feel the same way, but don't want the attention from admitting it. Long story short, I'll get my TheO news by reading it, if I want to hear it, I'll record my own podcast.
Moving on, I finally got those other pictures I promised uploaded. They're just A few things from around home, and some pictures I think are well taken, but that's just my opinion. One of them is really a joke, but we all could used a laugh now and then right?
In looking over my pictures, I came up with another side project, but I'm at a loss as to how to go about making it happen. My family tells me, and you guys tell me too, that I take decent pictures, and on a technical level, I can see that as well. I've been trying to find a way to market some of my photos as art or stock. I'm through with internet searches on the subject, all they turn up are those scam artist "agents" who want to charge photographers to market the pictures (one wanted $550 for the year - up front). If I had money, would I be looking to sell something important to me?
With the job market the way it is, I have to be creative with the ways I can earn an income. Since I have little "real" marketable skill (few people are imrpressed with ambidexterity these days) for employers, I have to entertain the alternatives to conventional work with some measure of seriousness.
On a lighter note, I got to check out Toonami Jetstream the other day too. Hikaru No Go was funny to me, as well as MÄR, that one made me laugh quite a bit. The Prince of Tennis, though sport related and most likely to be dull throughout, should also have a good story in it and I'll try my best to follow it as it's posted.
Mamma Vash:
Now that's hot. Reminds me of Texas one year when temps read 110° in the shade. I uploaded a picture of my Texas Fly Swatter too, I'm sure it'll be good for a laugh anyway.
In heat, I rarely concentrate efficiently as well, my brain just goes into standby mode waiting for the cool weather.
Anime Dreams!
Picture Requests |
Pending | Complete |
- Sanosuke (Rurouni Kenshin), for Caprice [Upload Pending]
- Melfina (Outlaw Star), for Outlaw Melfina
- Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing), for kout3uka
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