I finally took the time to dig up a recipe and make biscotti, I had to tweak it a little bit, but I think I did all right. It came out tasting a bit like those Anise cookies one can get or make, but my Mom and Sister like them, and I do too so that's all that matters is it tastes good and I think the recipe came out right. Of all the places I found it, it was buried in the archives here on MyOtaku, I just had to tweak it for it to make sense to the cook in me, but I think I did well.
Here's a little story to brighten your day, or at least just amuse you in a just plain silly way. Since the main computer went down, I've had to get on the internet with my laptop, and the only connection for it is in the dining room, where we had to work on the AC recently. So, I'm sitting here in the dining room typing away, minding my own business when I hear this loud banging crash against the window. Loud eough that the pane shuddered. At first I thought that the AC unit was shifting in the window, getting ready to fall out, but after the one thump, nothing happened, and I didn't see anything wrong from where I sat, so I knew that wasn't the cause. Then I figured something had fallen from the roof overhang, a tree, or some idiot threw something at the window, so I was reluctant to investigate the source (thinking it was the idiot). After about ten or fifteen minutes, I got up the courage (with the aid of one of my swords) to see what had happened, expecting to see a chunk of tree branch, a piece of wood, a rock, or even just a dent on the air conditioner, but that wasn't the case. When I went to look out the window, everything seemed normal looking straight, but as I glanced toward the left side, I saw this little black eyeball peeking back in at me. There, sitting on the air conditioner right next to the glass of the window was this little pigeon pal. It was so funny that considering how loud the noise he made clunking against the glass was made me think it was something serious, and it turned out to be something so amusingly simple. Even more amazing, he sat there on the air conditioner, letting me take pictures of him through the window, and even let me close enough to get some from outside too. It just goes to show you that not everything that goes "bump" in the light is a scary monster trying to get you, or a freaky stranger with issues. Feel free to pass that story along to your friends and co-workers, I'm sure it'll brithen their day too.
It was strange to find it in a dollar store here in West Virginia, the last time I saw one was close to 20 years ago when I lived in Texas. It's a link to my past I don't mind sharing though.
I'm very greatful for your feedback on my photos, every little bit is a boost to my morale. I am in the process of figuring out the best way for a freelance photographer to market his own works, and I should know something soon. I know It's not going to be easy, but I know if I apply myself, I will be able to find a way to make things work.
I'm not sure if the local Art Center sponsors anything like that, but I can look at my options, though I'd have to host my work outside the home at the Art Center or something. My 102 year old house is a mess inside and out, not the kind of place one would want to bring people to look at art photos (besides the fact that my family and the neighbors probably would not appreciate it too much - those snooty historic district people can be pains in the backside over the littlest thing). I know one of the neighborhood banks does exhibits of local artworks (I assume they'll do photos too), but I think I would need to have them all prepared and ready in advance, and I don't know if they lease the space out ot the artists or if it's a public service thing they do. I'll look at that option as well. I'm also researching the costs of having digital photos printed to canvas (which would look nicer than paper for exhibition I think), but since I can't afford it right now anyway, I'm just preparing myself for when I go that direction. Maybe I should look for a grant of some kind while I'm at it, I'm sure they're out there for idiot photographers who'll do just about anything to get a decent nature shot.
Anime Dreams!
Picture Requests |
Pending | Complete |
- Sanosuke (Rurouni Kenshin), for Caprice [Upload Pending]
- Melfina (Outlaw Star), for Outlaw Melfina
- Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing), for kout3uka
Project Closed Upon Completion |