I know I said I would be longer, but I'm sure some of you are waiting to see my answers to your comments so I'll take care of that now for you.
I hope you didn't lose anything either. The hassle of having to resubmit it is annoying for everyone. On Transparency, I do have some suggestions to work with, so I'll try those first, and if none of them suit my needs, I'll try to explain it better than I did the first time. Sometimes I get caught up in things and I forget that my quirks of communication aren't going to make sense all the time. Thank you for offering your help.
Don't worry about your English here, I'm generally good at picking up what someone means by how they write something, even if a few things are off. To quote some people I knew back in school, exchange students from Mexico, Russia, The Dominican Republic, and Thailand, "the English language is very difficult", even those of us who use it as a native tongue don't use it right all the time.
Outlaw Melfina
Pretty much, that sums it up. I know it was down all day Saturday here, and most of the day Sunday I think (I'm trying to account for the time difference too), so yeah, it was majorly down. Looks like it's back to near 100% of what it was, though there are still a few comment bugs, and maybe one or two in the PM, but I'm sure they'll iron out eventually. I know Massin is working on the PM bug as well as other things for the site.
Mamma Vash:
Thanks, see my Project statement for some slight details.
It's been rainy for a bit, and cooler. I like this time of year, and I'd love to get out onto the Rail Trail to photograph the tunnels (including #13) while it's raining, I'm sure those would just look great. The heat comes back in waves though, but it's tolerable.
Unless I'm mistaken, that looks like Hex code (#FFFFFF is white in Hex code), so I don't think it'll work anymore. Last I knew there was no Hex code for transparent, but I will test it just to see if it does work, thank you for bringing it to my attention.
I'll have to take a look at those references, thank you for providing them.
Yeah, I was using a table with BG colored borders for a while there too, but with that, if the image is on the left, you have that left border which won't go away that offsets the image from the left margin. Also, the align attributes of the table tag (as well as the ones for the img tag) are "depreciated" in the newer HTML standards too. Here's the CSS code I came up with to float an image on the left side:
Keep in mind that some sites(MyOtaku here) don't like line breaks in code, I just did that bit of formatting for ease of viewing.
After you get that up where you need it, embedding an image would look like the image there on the left and it would look kind of like this in the source code (this is sample test, not a real image link)
and the rest would be taken care of for you. Also notice that each margin (the blank space around the picture on each side - you don't have to tell it to be the BG color) can be modified independantly, so an image can be flush with the left margin, and still cushion the text away on the right side. The measure is in pixels (px), and I use five, but that's a number you'll have to experiment with on your own to find the right spacing for you. I think 75px is about half an inch at 300DPI if that helps. Wow, I didn't realize I was that fast a learner. I surprised myself with all that.
Well, all my HTML and CSS knowledge came from online, I've found some good resources for both. I can't afford classes (Wish I could), but by all means that's a great idea for anyone who has the time and money. You should get real hands on type learning in those classes, and that's one of the best ways to learn too.
LOL, I'm laughing because I'm ambidextrous, so that wouldn't be an impediment to me, but I'm the exception that proves the rule in creative things. It's a great, and creative anti-luck statement for the artistically inclined. I think I'll borrow it for the non-performing artists I want to wish well without being direct.
You'll have to read the statement on my project to see if I provide some satisfaction to your curiosity.
I'll bet it was a nightmare that first day the site was back up, and the pictures are still probably filtering in, a week's worth of art will take a while to get back onto the system I'm sure, especially if people don't notice it missing right away. I tell you, I don't envy you that position one bit, having to sort through all that artwork.
I may have covered what you want to know in my project statement. Beyond what's there, I probably won't say much about the details of it.
I hope your portfolio is intact. It's nothing catastrophic if it's not, but it would be tedious to have to upload a lot of pictures again.
There is a sense of accomplishment that comes from building a page with your own hands, and knowing how that page is built. I did some crazy things offline just to test my skill with HTML, and I'll probably do the same thing as I learn CSS too. I have this vision in my head of a web page, that I will be working toward putting together as I learn CSS and the newest HTML standards. I'd like to be completely independant of any "site builder" type tools, because those things don't always get the page exactly right, and they are a headache to edit the right way. I also have this thing for making pages print friendly by default, so I'll be working on that too when I get the time. Make sure you're working from the newest HTML standards (I think thats 4.01) and you'll be reasonably sure the code will be compatible with the newest browsers.
Bugs happen. The site's server had a major technical failure, that's why I'm not freaking out about them. I've mentioned the ones I've come across to the staff and they'll take a look when they get to it. They're not just siiting around all day waiting to hear about bugs on the site so it may take a while. I encourage people to report bugs in a civilized manner so that the tech people and site staff know something is wrong, then wait till things get fixed.
mysterious rei
That's all right, it happens. To be honest, I was thinking about changing up my theme here since I've had this one for like two years now. I will have to keep something green because it is my favorite color.
Now, when will I be doing all this? Well, that's for me to know.
Thanks, it's going well.
Project Statement:
On the "offline project" which has gotten the most attention in my previous post, I can only say that it's a writing project. I really want this project to work for me, and it's been my luck that if I say too much about it, the project fails. When I am finished with it, which I am hoping to be by the end of this year, and after I take care of all the legalities that will be involved, I will be able to discuss it in detail. I have a long way to go yet, but I will try to juggle my time for it and my time on here. I get the best inspirations talking with people here on MyO.
Anime Dreams!