My article, Objective Evaluation, has brought some interessting, and much appreciated feedback. I did forget to put a necessary disclaimer on it though. The article is a work in progress, as new things are brought to my attention and as I learn more myself, the nature, and tone of the article will change with the addition of content. It does come off a bit abrasive right now but that's just my personality, my writing isn't meant to offend anyone. In time, the hard edges will be polished off the article, and it will hopefully read like a professionally written piece.
I hope the article is helpful without antagonizing the reader, that would defeat the purpose. I've already determined that I need to add more specific information on how to go about removing a personal bias so an evaluation can be objective, but that will be added later, when I can figure out how to explain it better.
I never write to change the world, I just hope that even one person reading those words will understand what I mean and try to look at things on a deeper level. I'm happy to have done it, and I'm glad to hear you liked it.
Oh, I'm not nearly as busy as I make it seem I am. Aside from making too much work for myself, I tend to exaggerate things a little (okay a whole lot), but since I'm unemployed, I can't really be blamed for telling a tall tale or two now and then, otherwise, my posts here would be very boring.
I think everyone does that once in a while, I'm guilty of doing it myself on numerous ocassions. I still remember the argument a couple students had with my Theatre teacher on why just telling someone they did good is just as bad as telling them they did horribly. That was a class I'll never forget, took up about half the block for the discussion. In general, citing the particulars of the piece that draw you toward it, or push you away from it is a good idea. One of my biggest notes from class was always "ENUNCIATE!" For my artwork, the biggest thing I need to work on is body proportions.
Yeah, the article is kind of long, I wasn't expecting that much writing to go into it myself, but that's what came out of this draft. I would like to have had the opportunity to submit it to the TheO articles site, but I wasn't even thinking about writing an article back when that was retired. If people read it and learn from it, then I've done well in writing it, if not, then I have done poorly. My biggest concern is not so much that people read the article, but that they learn from it.
I'll keep the link to it up in my introduction, and if you want to link others to it, right-click Here, select "Copy Shortcut" and do with it what you will from there. I do have a few major stipulations with my article though, and these apply to anyone who wants to use the link: Don't go spamming people to read the article, and don't go flaming or trying to stop flaming by recommending the article be read. Promotion of the article should be kept subtle, and done when there's no hint of contention among the parties you'd like to read it. I haven't made a button for it yet, that's something I'll do as the need for it arises, but not right now. I would also have to look at the standard sizes to determine the best dimensions for the button anyway.