For those of you who sent me those ASCII roses yesterday, I couldn't get them to send correctly myself, so, here's a real rose instead. I know it's a little late, but it's the thought that counts.
The term may not be familiar, it's an older term. Back in the 1940s and 1950s in the US there where malt shops and soda fountains in the drug stores everywhere, and usually the people behind the counter at the soda fountains were called soda jerks. I don't really know where the term came from, but a while back I got this ridiculous picture in my head of a classic sci-fi, RPG video game lizardman dressed up as a soda jerk. Unfortunately, I couldn't draw it myself, so I made that an open challenge here on MyO to see what kinds of art would be the result of my rather freaky mind.
Magnus Lensherr
If you'll forgive an American his ignorance, I apologize for the assumption. It's so easy to forget that different countries will have different systems. The calls are bothersome, especially the ones from automated machines. The Telezapper device here here just sends the three audio tones that the local phone system uses to signal computers that a number has been disconnected. If your phone system does the same kind of thing, you could record those tones, or single tone by dialing a known out of service number to get the phone systems "(tone[s]) We're sorry but this number is no longer in service" message, cut the tones out of the recording and and put them (without the phone system voice message) at the start of an answering machine message (leave a two second pause before recording the message). That would foil, at least temporarily, the autodialed telemarketing calls. I can't promise it'll work, but that's the theory in a nutshell, trick the computes into thinking the number is shut off, and usually it'll make a note not to dial it again.
Nah, that was just my poor attempt at humor.
I'm not the one they need to worry about. My Mom, who's room is the most effected by the improper job done, is from New Jersey, and that state isn't the home of the Leeds Devil for no reason.
If I just take a little break and let it stew for a day or two, I'm sure something will come up to fix these early, really badly done attempts. I was trying to make an origami dragon to put on the cover (I need to see a real paper dragon to know how to draw it right), but that's the only origami sculpture I can't get to work, even after repeated attempts. I have the steps for three different ones that I found online, and none of them were written or illustrated correctly, so I have to come up with a whole new take on the idea I'm working with right now, or find a couple photos of origami dragons to base the art from.
Sure thing. It's easy to get down while sick, or about being sick, or both at the same time. I meant every word of that, a true friend doesn't get tired of trying to cheer up a friend who's not well, and a true friend will always be there to listen. When I see someone having a bad day, I do wish I could be that person who says just the right thing to get a laugh though, but we aren't all meant to be funny people I guess.
My family certainly could use the luck, that's for sure. I only hope this round is more productive than the last.
Breakfast Squid
They'll get straightened out one way or another. I'm taking the wait and see approach to this second round of repairs, because I do want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I do have to consider that they didn't finish the job they claim they finished. That never looks good.
I have an array of implements(I collect swords, knives and things) to impale them in the yard with if they do that. All joking aside, if they do any damage, they'll be asked to remove themselves from the property, not get their money, and someone more professional will be called in to finish.
Actually, it's gotten warmer again here in West Virginia, unnaturally warm for November if you ask me. It was almost 80° here the other day, that's not right. Minnesota's always in the news come wintertime for snow fall, and usually record lows this time of year. I don't think I could live there myself, like most reptiles, I like it warm.
I just pay attention to commercials, and in the case of The Mothman Prophecies Living so near the actual town kind of provides for more inside info on a few things.
Just for kicks I did a search and found Centralia PA, that's believed to be the town that the Silent Hill Movie is based on, and the one I spoke of in previous posts. There are only 11 people living there now.
That's the only one I've ever played, so that's the only one I can really talk about.
I just found a few that I have got to get to in PA, they're on an abandoned section of the Turnpike, and they're mucuh longer than any of the ones on the Rail Trail her in WV. I have to admit I was scared of them the first time though, but after being in them enough, and having gone though with a 1.5 million candlepower spotlight, I'm used to them. I hate to do photo work in them because they do drip and water don't mix with digital cameras well.
Leaving that alone.
No pun was intended, but oh well, c'est la vie all over again.
I like my mind untamed, it makes things interesting, so for now, I'll let it do its own thing.
Actually, I had a short little blurb above my comment break, but I posted without checking my punctuation for my paragraph class (CSS is so particular about puctuation) and I only noticed upon checking my commetns that it wasn't there. It wasn't really important anyway, just al ittle thing on getting right to the comments sicne I had nothing to say.
I'm not sure that I'm familiar with that song, but I'm lucky to know anything about music these days. And for the next two months, I'll be having my radio turned off because all that Christmas music will drive me insane.