I got a few things up right now, my welcome banner at the top of my page, and my button at the bottom of every post were both made in Pixia, My Mothman Avatar is also a Pixia creation, and the site background as well. I'll have more stuff up another couple days, I'm thinking about, maybe a wallpaper or two. I think that would best show off what I can do with Pixia better than trying to do wholly original art with it(I'm not good at doing original art from scratch with any digital program!) I'll decide that when I go to work with it later, and look at what captures I have and can get to make stuff from.
My priority right now is still my story, so I'll be devoting more time to that than settling the Pixia thing. I have done a little work on it, and I'm closer to being finished which is a relief. I'll be happy when I'm finally done the draft do I can take a week off, then regroup and start my editing, which has a target end date of "early" next year, I haven't set anything specific about it yet.
Magnus Lensherr
Well, I think the best way to make things 100% clear is to just prove it. Leaves no room for doubt when someone sees what can be accomplished.
It's not so much I can't finish it, I've been busy since April. I'm always looking for a job, I've been taking some photos, I've been helping my sister's friend move (twice, into and out of the same building). I've just had so much to do that I can't get a spare moment to sit down with my story when I'm not tired. I put some time into it Yesterday, and I'll put some more into it today just to see what my pacing is, once I get a feel for that, I'll know when I'll be done. I do have a target goal of 150 pages for the rough draft, because I know by the time I'm done all my edits and rewrites, it'll probably come closer to 200 pages which is about right for a 6x9" format novel that's intended to be "light" reading.
We read Antigone and Oedipus Tyrannos in Theatre, but that came later when I was in High school. It was in 7th grade literature that I read the Twilight Zone episode, and I swear some of those kids expected me to show up in the dark suit and tie and stand there in the corner of the room narrating, the teacher even told me I sounded like Rod Serling when I readthe narration. We read a teleplay in 9th grade called "Thunder On Sycamore Street" (Studio One1953) written by Reginald Rose. I played Joseph Blake the ex-con who was going to get kicked out of an upper middle class neighborhood. I never saw it on the air, but I surprised some people when reading that script too, just by following the script directions when no one else would. Let me just say Mr. Blake yells a lot in the last act.
Nothing irks me more than seeing lines with direction and getting a monotone, droll, dry, reading instead. No, I'm not evil, at least, that's what I like to tell people.
Let's just leave it with we don't have high opinions of our political leaders. That's the safe, peaceful out that won't get the attentions ofthe CIA, Secret Service (for me), or MI5 (I think) for you. Yes, they pay people to scour the internet looking for material that could even remotely hint at potential threats against the political leaders of our countries.
It's not a big worry right now, since it was windy with the rain the other day and nothing came through. We're most likely in the clear. And I don't think our water pressure is that good, the roof is three stories up.
I don't think the final report has been made yet from the fire investigators, but that should be a matter of public record when it does get issued. I'll keep my eyes open for it. I'd be interested to know what they conclude too. You know, a pack of cigarettes and a book of matches is all you need to rig a time delay that'll look like a natural source of ignition. As for the insurance company(ies), I don't think they'd ever publicly state their findings, but if they believe it's arson, they'd have the landlord in court faster than he could blink.
Angel Slayer:
I changed the BG a couple weeks ago, I'm not sure if you've been by here to notice or not. I have trouble keeping track of all that stuff myself. Thanks for saying so.
No I haven't seen the Ghooneys(???).
I'll certainly try to get some good stuff up soon, I have some good source material (my photos) to work from if I need to use it.
You'll have to continue being curious for a bit.
Yeah, I'm going to stick around over there for a while. I'll get used to the headaches eventually. It usually happens to web sites that adding something will most likely break something else, so I'm not surprised to hear that new glitches are around as things are being added to the site.
I know which one you mean, the red lily with the orange in the bloom. I don't have the full size version available over on dA, but I can get you the original size image (1280x960) to work from, and I think I'd have to look at those license options they have available through Creative Commons, so we do this thing the right way all the way. That's actually one of a few photos I want to make into a print to sell, but I don't have the money for registering copyrights for a couple photos, so that has to wait. I suppose if I get enough interest, I could start professionally licensing my works (fee for use), but for now that's not an option. As I said before, artists have to be willing to give a little in order to get, so this one's on the house.
I'm familiar with the username, but telling me she's a mod only makes me nervous. There's fine line that has to be tread when associating with staff, a delicate balance that has to be maintained, otherwise a lot of trouble could result. I post regular comments to the admins and a mod or two here, but that's about it, I don't need to know every staffer here on a personal level. I'll take a look at her gallery over there if I can get to it (that search feature is stupid, it doesn't let you search by username), but no promises on actually making much contact.
The liver and kidneys are your body's filters, they get clogged or damaged, the body doesn't get cleaned out like it should. That's a wise precaution your doctor is taking. I'm glad to hear you're doing all right with regard to your wrists. Is your keyboard set atg an appropriate height (not too high or low)? Sometimes that contributes to typing fatigue without being really obvious as the cause. Your mouse needs to be at an appropriate height too, too high or low wears out the wrist.
I'll do a couple anime wallpapers and see if they make it online here as part of my proof. I really need to redo my Gasaraki one anyway, I can make captures now and I did that one with screenshots. I'm always ready to back up my talk with action, that's the way I do things.
I'll certainly try.
I used to do that, but I think better under pressure when it comes to assignments like that.
Hitchcock was a master at suspense in his day, and he didn't have to be gory to do it. A lot can be learned from the classics in terms of how to get into a person's mind without needing all those corny effects.
That's very creepy is all I'll say.
Yep, proving that I'm not all talk when it comes to Pixia.