In less than 24 hours, we'll be in a new year. Lets hope it brings us good fortune, and success.

For those of you who sent me those text kisses a while back, and for all my friends who I would have sent them too if I could have sent them, the pair of kisses, a dark mysterious one, and a light minty one on the left are for you. For all of you who posted greetings, or sent me them personally via PM, or even just said anything like Happy Holidays in a comments over the past few weeks, on the right is a special minty kiss for you. I'd list all of your names here, but you all know who you are without my poutting your names here.
I do want to give a bit of a belated welcome to chevydude. He's kind of new here on MyO, so if you could, give him a warm welcome and help him out while he gets used to things, that would be neighborly of you.
Magnus Lensherr
No one can drive me crazy, I live here full time now. It's just down the interstate, one exit past Margaritaville. ~_^
The art projects will get done, I'll sit down and make myself do them this week. Mine is actually the back side of a whiteboard that I sprayed with the chalkboard paint. I would have used the whiteboard, but my markers are all dry, so I used the chalkboard instead. I'll manage to keep on coming by while I work on the projects.
Outlaw Melfina:
I wasn't going for poetic, but whatever works. I find that I do that too, if I mentally note a project, it never gets done, so wrote them all down.
I'm quicker with the old school myself. Technology works, but it's cumbersome and difficult most of the time.
Not knowing which version of Painter you've got this is about all I could dig up. If you're using Painter Essentials 3, it's a stripped down version of Painter IX. Good luck with your projects, that digital stuff is kind of complicated at first, but once you get it, it's easy.
I'll be at home myself, but with family, that's important. Have a good one, and Happy New Year!
Chalk is good for doing lots of things without needing a chalk board. I hope you hunch isn't as bad as it seems too. Although I do have to say that January is usually a good month for me, but my birthday is in January, so of course it's good to me. Let me tell you, I passed the written test for my learner's permit the first time. When my brother took the written portion of the graduated license when he turned 16, he failed three times before I coached him through it, then he passed the last time he too the test. My brother's wife (then girlfriend) failed twice before I coached her through the written portion of the test, a friend of mine and my brother's failed six or seven times before I coached him, my sister passed her first time on the permit test because I coached her through it, so I'm good with the written portion of the test, driving is another story, I never took a driving test when I turned 16, I never bothered to get my license after driving only once in the whole year I was 15. Whether written or driving, a lot of the test is common sense though, so I think you'll do fine.