I thought I would have a picture up the other day, but I just couldn't get it finished. I will submit it tomorrow though, one way or another I'm finishing it today.
It's always sad for me when a friend leaves MyO, this time it's kout3uka. I wish him all the best, and hope his path brings him back here to us someday.
Road Kamelot

I guess so, I know I don't feel like doing a lot of things when I'm sick, because I'm tired all the time when I'm sick. Wrath wasn't entirely unexpected for me, but I did expect to see maybe sloth, or envy take the number 1 spot. The reasoning for that is not to be divulged though, sorry, this dragon has to keep some secrets.
Thanks for pointing that out, I remedied that shortsight on my part. I have been dialoguing with him in PM and I did comment on his posts too.
Best of luck to you on those projects of yours too.
Thank you, you too. I can promise some of the artwork will be submitted here soon, the novel is another story (pardon the pun), but when I do get things sorted out with that, I can promise that I'll have information about it here first. Since I'm still not done the first draft, I don't have much more on it right now.
Magnus Lensherr
Actually, Hayao Miyazaki didn't direct, or write, either of those films. Whisper of the Heart (1995) was directed by the late Yoshifumi Kondou (he died in 1998) who was being groomed to replace either Hayao Miyazaki or Isao Takahata [Grave of the Fireflies (1988)]. The Cat Returns (2002), was directed by Hiroyuki Morita, and both films were based on characters created by Aoi Hiragi. Anything that comes out of Studio Ghibli is impressive in my mind.
They're sold in a tin, white with a red band for peppermint, and they're called "Curiously strong" though there's nothing curious about them, they pack a moderate minty punch that I like. If you see them, you'll have to try them at least once, but I did warn you that they're strong, remember that.
Thank you, I'll need it.
They certainly are good films. I'll try to have something of the projects up here soon.
That's all right, you get here when you can.
If you get the chance, you should see them both, they are timeless films that are well worth watching.
Some of the art ones will hopefully be up soon.
I don't really pay attention to the days between comments, I just know you'll get here when you can, and that's enough for me.
There was a method to my madness on the audio search info, that being not to encourage the piracy of copyrighted materials, and to reduce the liability to the site for such encouragements. I've given Yahoo!'s audio search a go before, maybe they've improved it since I last used it, it's worth a look.
Yeah, it would be nice, but you take what you can get sometimes.
For the record, Regal Entertainment Group has yet to answer my complaint, you know that means they're fully aware of their bias and can't figure out how to talk their way out of it when they don't answer like that. Why dodge the issue? They have to know dodging my accusations have to make them look guilty. Gedo Senki won't come to the US till 2009 because of Sci_Fi's s***, and there aren't a whole lot of anime films released to US theatres anyway, so why ignore the concerns of a movie fan who's not putting money into a theatre he thinks is discriminating against his movie preferences? For every one person who speak out, there are at least two dozen who sit in silence.
So do I, that's why I'm so behind.
Juz Cuz:
That's a shortcoming to the PM system here, you can't embed images in the messages, you have to send the URLs. Among other things, that's annoying, but I guess the admins here have their reasons for not wanting to allow embedding images in PM's. I think it has to do with spamming and harrassment.
I'm not sure how long the mint ones will be out, all I can tell you is keep looking, and check your local odd lots store (Big Lots, Odd Lots, Ollie's, etc), the overstock might end up there when the season for them is over, it works for the cocoa Chex Mix. Hershey's does dark Chocolate well, and I'm glad to finally be able to get a normal size Special Dark bar at the registers in stores now too, Mm, those are good.
Yeah, I'm actually going to try to be more outgoing this year, and actually go out of my way to meet people on site here myself. I've been here for three years, and I'm not really as outgoing as I could be, so we'll just have to see.
Thank you, and may your 2007 be filled with warm friends and bright atmospheres.
Poison Fangs
Thanks, I know it's no big deal, it's just that not a lot has been going on with me lately, so there's not much to tell at the moment. Things will pick up again, but for now, I'm glad to have the lull.
Mamma Vash:
Persistence certainly is a virtue in some cases, though I don't think I'd like a bunch of crazy cats coming after me that way either. All my projects are doing well at the moment.
You can't actually embed an image (like a card) into the message of a PM here, the HTML code is disabled. You can't even do a simple text hyperlink, or even copy and paste straight code to give someone an example without it doing weird things. I can understand that the admins here want to keep the reins on any potential spamming, or harassment through the use of embedded images, hyperlinks, and all that in PM's, but it's more inconvenient than it is helpful at this point.
The movies are good, if you get the chance to see them, do. Thank you, I'll certainly try.
Outlaw Melfina:
"once begun is half done", I'm on it.
Whisper of the Heart is kind of weird for me, it actually combines a few of my passions very well. For the record those are the Violin, writing, "Take me Home, Country Roads"(Original version of the movie's theme song), and of course animé. It's easy to understand that Studio Ghibli's films aren't for everyone, they do tend to lean toward the sweet cheery side of things(with a few exceptions) but at least you give them a try before saying you don't like then. I really respect that.
I hope you can get here too.
I haven't seen those yet, I have no real desire to either (I have nothing against pirates, I just don't care for some of the acting talent in those.
Well, I've still go a ways to go, but I'm getting there.