Here's the artwork I did for Breakfast Squid as an art trade. I'll only say that I would have done better if I'd had good resources, but it's an okay attempt for my first mecha artwork. Otherwise, there's not much else to mention about it, it's pretty much a face value thing.
An early Happy Birthday to Yono, who's birthday is tomorrow (glances left), along with someone else I know. Since we're on the subject, have any of you ever met someone who's birthday was the same as yours? And for those of you who know(you'll have to tell me how you find this out anyway), do any anime characters share your birthday?
That's very true.
Let them know in a polite way that this is an international community, that's about all you can do.
Magnus Lensherr
I didn't know all that at first either. Of course I didn't know Miyazaki directed a Lupin III movie till my sister saw it in the store and I did the homework on it. It's really neat to learn things.
I'm not 100% happy with it, but a first attempt is always going to be the worst in terms of art so, I've got a foundation to build from which is something I'm happy about.
It happens sometimes, at least this one's by choice, but that doesn't make it any easier.
The Sad thing is, kout3uka had been here longer than I was, by almost a month. I've seen people come and go in that time, some by choice, other by force. I'll always cherish the friendships I have here, that's why mentioned kout3uka leaving, that's my way of saying farewell to someone who's decided to move on.
One thing at a time, and hopefully they'll all get done soon.
I know, and you guys and gals have been very supportive to me. I really appreciate that.
Only time will tell.
There's a reason I use the term "gray hat" to describe people like us, we fall into the ambiguous areas of copyright law and enforcement. If those greedy little s***s who run the US music download services would get off their backsides and make deals with Japanese record labels (they've done it for Latin America, Europe and Africa, what do they have against Japan?) they'd be doing something. iTunes comes close, but those baffoons need to get their prepay cards to work internationally, and I know they can do it.
Last time I ran a search on Yahoo!'s audio search, it only wanted to refer me to paid services(particularly Yahoo!'s own service) for music, that's not always what I'm looking for since paid music services in America suck big time and blow even worse, especially when it comes to Japanese music. Avex Group used to have a download service in the US but Liquid Media, the company running the player software and file storage they used up and went exclusve to Wal-Wart's trash so Avex lost their whole serivce, the page was up a while ago, but last I checked even that was down, so the finally figured out they got screwed I guess.
I'd like to subscribe, but I have to get that one issue to be able to do that.
The theatres only make themselves look bad by excluding certain content, and it will come back to bite their Captain's Quarters big time. They think ignoing the issue will make it go away, but that's hardly the case. I'm a viciously stubborn dragon when I set my mind to things, and I won't let this one go.
It's primarily a matter of motivation and inspiration. I had both of those, but nothing I churned out was to my liking so I had to keep redoing the same project which was wearing at me. I think I got the hardest one done, the rest should be easy compared to it.
I've been noticing that too, I've got two friends on my list with 13 in their names, I've seen at least two or three others that I was consciously aware of seeig the number 13 in the usernames. Good thing I'm not Triskaidekaphobic, that would put me on edge. Your not are you?
All that complicated nonsense is exactly why I say screw Paypal, I'll pay by good old money order any day. I wish I could dumb luck my way into a steady income, that sure would be nice, but I make do with what I get. In regards to your brother, he was still irresponsible. He should have known when to stop putting money out of his account. Most banks have minimum balance requirements before they start charging daily fees to maintain the accounts ($200.00US is the standard minimum here - the main reason why I can't open a bank account given that I only have $20.00 right now), so it's not smart to just let the balance hit zero.
Road Kamelot

No one can resist the dancing banana! Give in to it's hypnotic yellowness! You know you want to! Dance with the banana! If you're not laughing by now, I got nothing else.
So was I, but those are the breaks I guess.
That was happening to me for a while too. The ones who deleted their accounts by choice were usually in protest to TheO banning someone else without due course (the opportunity to defend oneself). It happens, I lost a couple good people to bans over misunderstandings regarding artwork, and I lost people who were forced off to false, and malicious plagiarism accusations, and some people left by choice to pursue other things. At least this one is the latter which makes it sad, but it's not a bitter thing.
I joined up here long ago to be able to comment on artwork that I liked, I don't think any of those comments are still there because the users who I commented to are long gone, but that's why I started here, and the blog thing intrigued me, I wanted to try it out too. Since then I don't just go on voting sprees, I browse the art and vote when a picture catches my eye. I've only ever really read a few fan fics, I've been trying to keep up with a few that are being done on site here, but I mostly go the the Den (the message board I linked a while ago) for that kind of thing. You know, I'm on at least four different sites that do blogs. Here, Deviantart, TokyoPop, and Yahoo! 360 (part of the whole yahoo! account), of all of those, I update this one the most consistently and regularly. My last post in Yahoo! was last year I think).