I did promise last year that I would give you more info about my writing project, so here's some technical data regarding the project right now. The first draft is 130 pages, 20 shy of the 150 page goal I set, but I'm not complaining. The pages are formatted for a 6x9 inch book, typed in 11pt Century font, with 1.1 line spacing. There are currently 30,262 words in the book. Kind of boring stuff actually, but it's a start.
I do want to say that I'll be publishing this work under a pseudonym, a pen name, that I chose to demonstrate my sense of humor. I'm going with a pen name for several reasons. I want to be able to distance myself from the project if it does flop, and by using a pen name, the people who didn't give me the time of day in school won't know I'm the wone who wrote the book. Basically, I won't have fair-weather friends that haven't spoken to me in years, and before than only because they had to, crawling out of the woodwork wanting to know me. I don't play the game that way. What clever pen name have I chosen? Well, you'll have to wait and see about that.
death alchemist03
Yeah, you came in after all that stuff went down, basically when my state government screwed me royally, I decided to write a novel. I've mentined before (before you were visiting here) that the novel is kind of a sci-fi/real-fi blend, and that's about all I said about it in the past. I'm remaining relatively tight lipped about it till I get it published one way or another.

Don't keep yourself from visiting the state just because some of the people here aren't the best in the world. There are some wonderful sights, and a lot of history to this area that are worth a visit to appreciate. So the Senators are self-serving, arrogant b[Censored]s and the privatized Job Service is the worst kind of garbage on the planet, that doesn't make the beauty of the state any less appreciable. It doesn't change the significance of this area, it doesn't change the richness the land offers in terms of historical importance, and natural beauty.
Actually, I'm taking a few days rest, then I'll work on all that other stuff. I'm pushing too hard to get everything done again and that isn't fun for me. I need a little time to completely unwind, then I can attack all these projects full force and get them done. I know I'll really love it when I get my last overdue project done.
The draft is done, and that's good for me, I didn't expect it to run as smoothly as it has. Editing is going to be easy, but tricky since there's a lot of bumps I have to smooth out to make it flow. I hope I can do all that in a timely manner, I'd like to get the book into possible publishing by the end of this year.
Actually, I posted kind of late in the day, so no big deal.
Well, the industry in the US is encouraging piracy with their strong-arm bully tactics. Thinking that makes it a whole lot easier to click that download or save button.
I haven't been on a music search yet, there isn't a particular song I'm looking for right now. I will try to keep in mind that using variants might yield better results to my searches too.
What you want to do is go on the TokyoPop website, and click "Create my Profile" Somewhere will be an address field with a checkbox to receive the free manga magazine. That's primarily the only reason I'm over on TokyoPop because all those flash and script heavy pages are a pain in the butt to load (on DSL). I do blog a little over there, but not often, I've got like two entries to date. I have to agree that some of the stuff they put out is good, but I'll take anything for the right price, and you can't beat free for anything.
That's the plan, and I'm going to take it in as many directions as I possibly can take it too. I really don't know when to quit do I?
Escaflowne started out with the series, it had two graphic novel series (shojo and shonen) done, a Playstation game, and the movie. The neat thing with Escaflowne is each part is independant of the others. The series tells a different story than the movie, or the graphic novels, or the PS game, and you don't have to see one part to see the others. I thought the movie was a little dark when I saw it, it just didn't appeal to me the way the series does. I'd be thrilled to see Escaflowne come out on TV again, if it isn't handled as poorly as Fox did it a couple years ago(they had it running on Saturday mornings after all, it's not really a good series for that kind of thing), then it would be spectatular to see it on TV again.
It's not so much clearing the unnecessary bits as it is smoothing the bumps of rough transitions that I'm most worried about. If anything, I'll be adding more content to fill some space and expand upon some of the points I mentioned without really elaborating on them. Still having the base material down will make it easy to polish and present.
Sorry about that, if there's anything you need me to explain, just ask I'll try to clarify it for you.
I haven't started to edit yet, but I don't expect to run into any major issues on that front. I won't really know if I'm cut out to be a writer till I try to sell this thing, but we each have our own talents to work with, one of mine happens to be writing. The nice thing about my project is, I'm the author, editor and probably will be the publisher too, so I can give myself a break so to speak on that front. I would be livid if I had a boss tell me I had to do something over again like that.
Hopefully, I can get a couple more of them up as soon as I make them. I'm glad I can do something digital that others enjoy.
Mamma Vash:
I'm not ready to say the whole thing is finished just yet, that will either be the day I see it on a shelf in a store, or get tthe first royalty check in the mail, depending on how I handle publishing. If you're talking about my keeping you all in the dark about the project, well, I don't really want to jinx or curse it by revealing too much about it up front. When it's officially released, I'll gladly share all the details with you.
If you're referring to Alvin Toffler's book, which I haven't read, that's not the kind of material I write. I'm not interested in getting attention for my beliefs, I'm not interested in editorializing everything that's wrong with the world today, I just want to tell good stories like I used to do when I was bored, and try to share those with other people. Fiction is my element, that's where I'm most comfortable with my writing.
Wow that's quite a gift, wish I could have joined you for that celebration, but I'll have a quiet toast to my small success then go right into the other things so I can start the edit next week. Speaking of which, did you hear about the Japanese Postal Service releasing a set of Evangelion stamps? It's supposed to come out in February sometime, and look something like this. Being a Philatelist myself, I've got to get my hands on one of those panels, unbroken if I can manage it.