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Scored a B on Zuxa, 11 feet
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can't be sure...
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Final Fantasy VII, Trigun, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Loveless, Wolf's Rain, Princess Princess, anything Yaoi, and MANY others!
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writing, feeding the fish /bird /bunnies /frogs /salamander, comic art, webmastering, and dancing (yeah DDR!!)
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
It's Been Awhile....
Two new comic pages done, and I'm working on a vampire picture for a contest and a very pretty pic of Onii-san (oh, you haven't met him yet, but he plays a pretty big part in the comic). So I'm pretty busy. I also set up (finally) a new Deviantart account... I'll have to see how I split up the art between this gallery and the DA gallery. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to post or comment on either site... we'll see.
It's finally snowing for real. Yay!
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Monday, October 30, 2006
Newly-spiced-up site
I decided that my site needed to be a bit cooler, so I've added some picture-links. It makes me sad to have to delete some things though (the 150-word limit on the profile really bothers me a lot...).
Other than that I don't have much to say at the moment. The comic is up and I'm working on more. I wish I had someone to help me color in things though... I've got about 30 pages done but not in color, so I can't post them yet. Darn... I'm working on a new Fanart for Effie-kun also...
Well, I've gotta get back to work. Bakuretsu Con this weekend! Hurray!
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Saturday, October 21, 2006
October Snow
Ohayo gozaimasu!
Again, I haven't posted in a while, but I thought now was the time. As the title says, we've had the first snow of the season! And it was the best first snow I've had in a long time, because my friends were over at my house (to watch anime, no less! ^^) and so we actually got a chance to go out and play in the snow! It was so much fun, even if we did freeze out butts off and get soaked!
In any case, there's a new fanart up... an actual FANART this time... And I can't believe that theOtaku has finally set up a Manga beta!! It means that I can finally put my comic online!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited? YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! *hugs everybody* ^^;;;;
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Friday, September 29, 2006
New Wallpaper
Sorry guys that I don't post much. I do go to my site often but I don't say anything if I don't have anything to say. So.. sorry...
Anyway, I submitted a new wallpaper from Aquaria, my comic. The original picture is much larger so I might scale it down sometime and submit it as a fanart as well... we'll see.
Other than that, everything is rather busy but I did get the new DDR SuperNova the other day for my friend's birthday, which made me happy. ^^ Yay DDR!
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Saturday, September 9, 2006
2 new Cosplay pics, 6 new Fanarts!
I haven't been lazy in all the time that I haven't posted! Please enjoy, and let me know what you think about everything!!
Ummm... other than that, school has started again. I'm buried in homework, DDR, and college stuff, but the fact that I got into Japanese class this year makes up for all that ^^ I wore my Gothic Lolita skirt to school yesterday... that was pretty awesome ^^ *sigh* I love lace and ruffles...
OH! And I made my friend Effie-kun a site for her awesome awesome webcomic! She's still working on getting everything linked and finished, but I would love for everyone to go check it out:
Grey Haven
It's a great story. And leave a comment on her site, too, so that she knows you were there! Arigato!!
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Monday, August 14, 2006
It was amazing. I could spend forever trying to describe it but I would just bore the heck out of everyone. So I have one word for you: WOW.
I submitted some of my cosplay pics from Otakon but I'll probably still be adding more.... hmmm... hope you like them... other than that I don't have much to say...
The only bad thing about the con is that we never wanted it to end and we miss it to death. It was like a whole other world. ^.^
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Friday, July 28, 2006
New Fanart
HA! I knew it! You DO all think that I'm dead ^^ It's okay though... it was my fault for not posting for such a long time!
In any case, I submitted a new picture. I've decided that it would be better to master using markers instead of photoshop, since it's faster for me. I know it doesn't look as clean, but it'll be the best way to color in my comic. I don't have enough time to perfect my photoshopping skillz.
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
Princess Princess

Mikoto, Tooru, and Shihoudani! (in that order)
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Many Things
Well... it's been awhile... again... sorry!
Why am I writing? I'm not quite sure myself. I guess I just thought it was time for me to prove to myself that I really do still care about this site. The truth is that I'm more an otaku now than I've ever been... but I haven't been posting because I don't have any new chapters done. But I figured that there's things that I can share on this site other than my writing.
First of all, I joined a new club! It's called the Senior Otaku club and EdwardElricThe2nd (the founder) was kind enough to invite me. Arigato, Ed! And great job with those beautiful banners!
Second: my friends and I discovered a new anime that we all loved so much that we're trying to make it popular. It's called Princess Princess and it's about three kids at an all-boys school who need to dress as "princesses" (I love those frilly-frilly skirts ^^) and cheer on the other boys in the school. It's very cute and very funny, and it's actually not as ridiculous as it sounds! I think everyone should see it!
Last, but definately definately not least... I CAN'T WAIT FOR OTAKON!!!!!! Nana Kitade is going to be there, and we're all cosplaying as Advent Children characters (on the first day) and school girls (on the second day)! I'm Tifa and Miaka-- I'll be sure to submit pictures here on theOtaku ^^ It's going to be so awesome... I can't wait!!!
Question: I need one more character to cosplay as for Bakuretsu Con. I've been indecisive about this for a long long time... suggestions? I'd like to do a costume that's not too revealing but not too boring... and I want a challenge! I was thinking .Hack characters, but those are all a bit too skimpy. Ideas? Comments? Pictures?
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
Chapter 20- Marcus
No more writer's block!
Orik was created by Kirbysdouble and Marcus was created by Nagona. If someone could tell them about the new chapter I would be very very grateful (I'm using my grandma's computer in Germany so I'm wrestling with the German keyboard and a terrible internet connection at the same time).
Thanks, and enjoy!
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