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• 2004-12-10
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• Scored a B on Zuxa, 11 feet
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
Another quiz. That's all.
nn nWhat Anime Angel Are You?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
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Friday, June 3, 2005
LOL ^_^
Critics would give my life an F.
 Critics would give your life an F. Why? Well, let me be frank. No one wants to see a movie that involves sports-playing animals helping the main character save the world! No, not your grandmother, not your aunt, not the creepy lady that lives three houses down, no one! Animals were never meant to play sports, let alone save the world while doing it! Be an arch-nemesis, maybe, but not help save the world! It just doesn't happen! If a critic were to see a film of your life, his IQ would drop so far that by the end, he'd be rolling on the ground in a pile of his own saliva while badly singing a Backstreet Boys song in a dialect that only that creepy lady three houses down has even heard! For your own sake, the sake of others, the sake of civilization, humanity, your family and me, please shoot that freaking animal. I don't care if its cute little furry face is necessary to save the world; I refuse to live in a world that needs a monkey with a hockey stick to save it!
What rating would critics give your life?
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 You'd make a good friend with Hiei.
What Yu Yu Hakusho Character would You be best friends with. brought to you by Quizilla
-- sounds like me!--
 You are guided by the wind. You obey your impulses. You are the kind of person that is always comng up with ideas that would be fun, yet somewhat destructive. (Rate my test)
What force is your soul? brought to you by Quizilla
--yeah, I guess, whatever--
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We've got sun!
I haven't had time any of this week either. My teachers are trying to kill us. Except my *usually* evil chem teacher who took us out for ice cream!! That was nice...
Anyway, the weather has been lovely (for a change) and I've had a ton of homework, which leaves no time for anime. I'll make up for what I missed over the summer, though.
Well, I have to go run now. I'll visit people's sites after if I my parents don't yell too loud.
(they always try to kick me off: "Don't you have anything better to do? Go clean out blah and do blah and then call blah and practice blah blah etc. etc.")
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Well rounded... yes, sounds like me... I guess
nn nWhat is Your Super Smash Bros. Fighting Style?n nHosted by Anime. Done right.n
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Yeah I guess I didn't get to do my site as much as I had intended. Sorry! It's just that exams are coming up, and it's spring up here in the forgotten north, which means that I have to help out in the garden... but I'll try and get on more. I can't wait until summer!! I need a break >.<
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Hey I have nothing to say today I'm just going to visit peoples' sites now. Sounds good?
(oh yeah, I still need more names. See yesterday's post...)
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Monday, May 23, 2005
Episode 3
I saw it yesterday... it was okay. I thought it was cool, but a bit over-done, the acting was beyond horrible, as well as the dialogue, but that was to be expected. Overall, it wasn't as amazing as I expected it to be but it could have been a lot worse.
On a different note, here's some koi names that I came up with (each koi is labeled by the name of its color):
Plantinum Ogon (silver-blue): Inuyasha or Tsukasa
Kujaku (golden, tri-colored): Toboe, Kurama
Kujaku (the other, with a black tail): Naruto, Daisuke
Sanke (tri-colored): Ashitaka
Black koi: Sasuke, Tsukasa
Butterfly koi: Chezza
Other butterfly: don't know
Any more suggestions?
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
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Hey again
Okay the busy week is over so I'll probably have more time now to do my site.
The other day I got four little koi for my pond. One of them is silver-blue, two are sort of golden, and one is white with orange and black spots. They aren't anything incredibly special-- I don't have the money to buy thousand dollar imported Japanese show koi-- but they're very nice considering that they're only American domestic. I'll be getting a luck black koi on Wednesday (I had to order this one from the internet... they don't sell black koi up here).
I wanted to name these five after characters in anime (since koi are Japanese it's only fitting, right?). Trouble is, I can't decide which! Anyone have any ideas?
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