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• 2004-12-10
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• Nameless
• Scored a B on Zuxa, 11 feet
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• can't be sure...
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• Final Fantasy VII, Trigun, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Loveless, Wolf's Rain, Princess Princess, anything Yaoi, and MANY others!
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Monday, April 4, 2005
Not much time... again...
Wow I'm surprised I even got a chance to post today... I've got sooo much to do!!! I had a viola lesson and then I had to help my mom do puppets. I'm her official "stage manager"-- I always help her set up before the show. Anyway, I didn't get home until just now and I still have a lot of homework to do. I know. I'm a geek. A geek who hates homework. Don't we all?
Maybe I'll write more later... if I get a chance...
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
Hey I just chugged like a ton of coffee. WEEEEEHEEEEEE!!!!!
(you can tell what coffee does to me)
Oh, and I wanted to say that my computer won't let me save my story to htm so it could take me a while to figure out what to do... sorry for those who want to read!!!
Anyway, that's all for now. Again. Bye.
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For those who don't know: today is the start of daylight savings time!! Which means I have to get up an hour earlier than usual to get to school!! NOOOOO!!!!!! It'll be dark in the morning again... oh well... I love watching the sun rise...
I don't have any tests or quizzes tomorrow (surprise!), which means I'll be spending the rest of the day practicing my anime-drawing skills. I basically suck. I'm no good with drawing people... I can sorta do horses and dragons and cats and dogs and birs, but PEOPLE is a different story. They end up looking like chimeras most of the timed. I'm also hopeless with drawing wrinkles in clothes and stuff like that... if anyone has any tips for me, I'd be glad to hear them!!!
So that's all that's going on here. Snore. It's getting dark early again... grrr...
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Friday, April 1, 2005
Sad news...
Hey everyone, just want to tell you to please visit jennifer92's site. News is that she is in a coma and might die!
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Concert and late-night walks
I had an orchestra concert last night. It was more funny than actually good... the music kicked butt and at least the energy came accross. We played LOTR- Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack music and another piece we call "Corialon" or something like that. It was going okay... until, suddenly, in one of the rests: PING! One of the first violins had snagged their e-string and plucked it accidentally. That REALLY ruined the mood. And, to follow it up, the principle cello went crazy with one of the cool loud parts and at least ten of the hairs on his bow snapped. He'll need a rehair, that's for sure...
Like I said, it was funny.
When I got home, I went on a late-night walk with my parents. It was BEAUTIFUL. There's no other way to describe it... the warm breeze of spring... the pavement and snow glittering from the rain... the air heavy with water... the occasional scream of a car in the distance. Water and night are my elements. So their combo was almost beyond discription for me. It was almost like I had entered another world... MY world...
Yeah, if you ever need a cool setting for a story, just take a walk at night after a rain shower. You'll get some ideas.
There's not much happening today, though. I've got a lot of busywork for homework but that's about it. I think I'll use the free time to write some more of my story... after all that inspiration... my imagination calls to me... I wonder where it will take me this time...
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Not again...!!
Hello. My firewall is blocking me from getting into some people's sites again so PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!
Anyway, today is a pretty good day. I don't really have much to say. But hey. This all rhymes. Hehehe.
(sorry. I get amused by stupid things a lot.)
In any case, does anyone know how to make a funky little scrolly thing window on my site where I could put a part of my story? My brother's less help than I would have expected...
Hey, it's almost April Fool's day!! Does anyone have any good tricks I could play on people? They can't be TOO mean, though...
Well, that's all I have to say. I might be back later if I can figure out the funky scroll thing.
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Pretty cute, huh? Except, I don't want any kids...
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So true...
 You fear being chased. You hate it when people get close to you, so someome after you would be the worse!
What Do You Fear the Most? (GIRLS ONLY anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Random quiz...
 Your destined to travel. You've been everywhere and done everything. Your findings have changed the world (hopefully for the better). Keep on going!
What's Your Destiny? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Mmmm... Evil... yes indeed... MWAHAHAHA!!!
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