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The Strange Alternate Universe
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Scored a B on Zuxa, 11 feet
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can't be sure...
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Final Fantasy VII, Trigun, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Loveless, Wolf's Rain, Princess Princess, anything Yaoi, and MANY others!
Publishing my books
writing, feeding the fish /bird /bunnies /frogs /salamander, comic art, webmastering, and dancing (yeah DDR!!)
becoming obsessed
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
Hey there. I'm not dead yet (believe it or not).
This morning, for some very strange reason, I was thinking about what love is. Don't ask why; it just kind of randomly came to me... Why is it that humans feel "love"? In the wild, animals choose their mates on instinct and on health, in order to ensure the survival of their species. So, what is it that makes people fall in love with one specific person, when there are so many others? Is "love" simply a word assigned by humans to describe those instincts that all other animals feel?
Anyway, enough of that. I submitted a new wallpaper (actually a fanart, but it was too large to resize). Hope you like it.
Other than that, I'll be leaving for Germany soon so I probably won't be able to post very much over the summer. If I manage to finish a chapter before we leave, I'll be sure to post a link here so that you can read it! Stupid writer's block!!
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
New art and (some) new writings
Hey there... yet again... it's been awhile.
I submitted a new picture (one I'm rather proud of). Please check it out and let me know what you think of it!
Here's the link to a short story that yaoi fans on this site may enjoy: Since I haven't written anything on Penumbra (sorry!!!) I feel like I need to show that I haven't given up writing... although it may appear otherwise. In any case, take note that there's two "chapters" to Dearest so be sure to read both (there's arrows on the right side of the site that will bring you to the second page). If you have the time, leave a review please!!
I will add more to Penumbra soon... I promise!
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Change of Mind!
*sigh* I'm such an inconsistent person...
I've created a site for my DDR Club and stuff and junk and stuff... it took me a long time to teach myself all that html but I finally figured it out. In any case... yeah... yeah... I don't remember what I was going to say... >.<
Click the picture above to visit the site.
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Sunday, April 16, 2006
Site Change
Hey everyone.
Since this site is currently going nowhere, I've decided to make it useful for something else. Starting as soon as I get the time (probably by next week), this site will double as the homepage for my DDR club.
Prepare for change!!
(for those who will miss my story, I'm working to get it uploaded on FictionPress. You'll be able to keep reading there.)
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Monday, March 27, 2006
Stuff and junk and stuff
Well... I don't really have anything to say about anything recent, so I guess I'll just talk about stuff in the past that I didn't get a chance to mention before... let's see...
My friends and I are going to Otakon in the summer. That's probably the most awesome news I have. Other than that, I finished my Tifa costume that I'll be wearing there... and... the ice is melting. Oh yeah, my friends and I also started a DDR club in our school which is pretty awesome too... and I can finally do nine-footers. Yep. That's about it.
Ah yes. Dark Nyt Dweller killed me. I mustn't forget to thank him.
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Fiction Press
Since I haven't had a chance to post in a LONG time and everyone probably thinks that I disappeared, I decided that now would be a good time to put my energy back into this...
(In case you're wondering why I haven't worked on the story, I've been suffering from a killer writer's block lately where just about everything I read or write is crap.)
In any case, to the point:
I've created a FictionPress account that allows me to post more of my writing. I'm still in the process of uploading my stories, but there are already some there (more to be added soon). Pen's story will be posted there, as well. Please check it out!
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Monday, December 26, 2005
My friend's new site!!!
Hey everyone!!! My friend Akina-chan just joined myO (you know, the kitty ^_^) She's super nice but she's still a little lonely here on myO, so it would be great if you could all do me a favor and visit her site: CLICK HERE! She's an incredible artist and I'm sure that she's gonna post some awesome stuff as soon as she gets going with her site a little more. Plus, she's super nice!! ^______^ Hehehe... yeah... go check out her site, sign her guestbook, and add her as a friend.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Hi Everyone!!!
Sorry that I haven't posted in... forever. I've been very busy (and I still am) so I haven't gotten a chance to write at all. HOWEVER, I have a proposal to make:
I've been drawing a comic for my friends during school. Since I don't seem to have enough time to write very much right now, would it help make up for the lack-of-story if I posted the comic on here instead (until I get the chance to write again)? What do you think?
Note: the picture below is something I did for the comic. I'm Mimi, the bunny. The others are my friends Nezumi (the mouse), Akina (the cat), and Kiisu-kun (the donkey). ^_^
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Happy Holidays!!

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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Chapter 18: Flight to University (part 2)
With those words, Pen led Lucifer into the darkness of the forest. They walked together in silence for what seemed to stretch on for hours; the day fell into a magical, starry night. Lucifer felt like he was walking through a dream as the blue moon made everything glow. He soon lost track of where they were going, and he was surprised that Pen seemed to know the way so easily in the darkness.
Snow, hidden at the feet of the trees, glittered in the moonlight. The wind was still, seeming to hold its breath, as the two of them climbed and climbed. The trees finally parted, to reveal that they had traveled to a jutting summit, overlooking a shining lake in its icy valley.
At the very edge stood a shadow, directly in the middle of the azure moon. Lucifer couldn’t see its face, but he could tell that it was looking straight at them. Chills ran down his spine.
This Lethean was much larger than the others, but he looked no different from them otherwise. However, there was an air about him unlike anything they had ever felt. He held himself virtuously and lightly on his slender legs, bearing his long horns like a crown. They could see the detail of his rippling muscles and the proud arc of his face as he moved. His impressive mane and the long fur along his tail were silver flames.
The king of the people of the mountains turned to them, and Lucifer froze in his tracks. There was something mysterious about him that the black-winged angel didn’t want to disturb.
A moment passed, seeming like forever, where nothing moved. In that time, something strange, impossible occurred to Lucifer. The king was afraid. He was too scared to make the next move. In the glittering light of the moon, there was no mistaking the horrible innocence in his eyes.
Pen slowly, even gently, walked up to the king. They stood together silently for a second, before Pen motioned to his friend to come.
The king was even taller than Lucifer had expected, his shoulder so high that the boy would have to stretch to reach it. The creature’s fear was also gone now, although the benevolence still clung to the core of his eyes. He carefully sniffed the black-winged angel and the burden in his arms, then nuzzled him on his forehead. Lucifer’s last remnants of hesitation melted away into nothing.
“Lay Aurora across his back, then pull yourself up by his horns,” Pen told him. “He will carry you to University.”
“But—“ Lucifer started.
“He is the only one who can get you there on time!” Pen exclaimed. “He is the only Lethean with the strength to carry you. Now stop wasting time and mount up!”
Lucifer asked no more questions. He gently slid Aurora up on the king’s back, before swinging up himself with the help of one of the horns. Just as he was arranging himself so that he could hold on to Aurora with one hand and the king’s mane with the other, he heard hoofbeats coming up the summit.
It was Tobas. The huge horse came to Pen’s side and nudged his shoulder. On his head was a leather halter with reins attached to it: a makeshift bridle.
“You’re coming, too?” Lucifer asked his black-eyed friend as he jumped up on the chestnut’s back.
“Yeah,” was the answer. “I need to alert everyone about the Caravan and tell them where they are.”
“Where did Tobas come from?”
“He was hanging around in the forest until he was needed.” Pen gathered the reins and turned the warhorse down the slope. He looked small on the back of the huge creature.
The king followed the horse at a walk until the forest provided better footing. Then, he sprang into a run, his hooves perfect for dancing around the trees. Lucifer was impressed by the grace and fluidity of his gait, despite the irregularity of the path. Tobas followed them, his heavy hooves pounding like the beat of a drum as he matched the pace.
The king cut straight down the mountain, gaining speed as he went. Just as he was starting to get used to the rhythm, Lucifer saw a break in the forest ahead. He suppressed a cry of anguish as the ground disappeared below his feet, to reveal the shimmering foil of water. They were flying!
Then, cloven hooves met the ground with a jolt. Lucifer clung to Aurora to keep her from falling. It was all over; the rhythm of the movement took over again. Behind him, the black-winged angel could hear as Tobas landed heavily.
They had jumped the river.
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