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Scored a B on Zuxa, 11 feet
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Final Fantasy VII, Trigun, Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Loveless, Wolf's Rain, Princess Princess, anything Yaoi, and MANY others!
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Not much time... again...
Another busy day today. The chem test was all right-- the shortest one we've had so far, only 8 pages (the longest being 20!! I DID say he was evil). I didn't quite finish the last page, but that's to be expected from him.
Anyway, I still have a lot of homework to finish now... yes, I'm a geek... but our school has some of the highest standards in the NATION(!!) and I'm taking hard classes, so I've got something of an excuse. (Oh, and-- by the way-- it's not a private school.)
When my brother comes home again I'm going to see if I can persuade him to teach me some HTML. I want to learn how to make a link to my story! I still have issues with computer things...
Have to go now... sorry... but I still have to practice viola, write a little, finish my homework (grrr), AND I want to read some more "SHATTERGLASS." By the way, my favorite Pierce series is the Lady Knight series, although all of her books are pretty good.
PHEWWW... okay, enough relaxation. Back to work. Sooo much to do, so little time...
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Monday, March 28, 2005
Chemistry Test
Hey, sorry but I won't have any time today to spend on theOtaku. I wish I did, but I really need to study for a chemistry test tomorrow. My chem teacher is VERY evil, so I have to go now. Maybe tomorrow I'll get more time to spend in cyberspace.
(Nobody likes studying for something they're not interested in. Not even a geek like me.)
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Hey the snow is melting and it's actually warm out. That's rare up here. It's incredible that it's not snowing anymore. I love the spring. I think I said that before on this site...
I finally managed to change my picture! I'm surprised, it worked!! sure makes me happy...
Anyway, it's easter today which means lots of CHOCOLATE! and I love CHOCOLATE!!! Which makes me happy. And I'm also happy because my ancient bunnies are happy because they can move their creaky old muscles without having to thaw themselves out (they're outdoor bunnies). Same for my pond fish; they're finally waking up from their long winter slumber. Like I said, I really like spring.
Well that's all I have to say today. Happy Easter!!!
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 Forsaken angel. Forgotten, or just stuck in the past? You long for what was, and maybe never will be again. Some things just need to be let go....
What Element Angel Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Not working...
I've tried to change my avi but it's just not working and REALLY PISSING ME OFF!!! I don't know what's the matter. At least the firewall doesn't keep kicking me off now...
Anyway, (I use that word a lot, don't I?) life is pretty decent especially because Zatch Bell is on in a couple hours and today is a Saturday, which is the day where I stay up until 2 am-- literally-- to watch anime on TV. Since where I live there's only one place to buy anime, and no place to rent it or anything, the TV is the basically the only way I get my weeky dose of watching anime. So I stay up all night. I have no choice.
Anyway, I'll try to get my site figured out now. And maybe I'll play some Counter-Strike later... I totally suck at shooter games but it's all for fun, right? I won't last a minute...
ANYWAY... the snow is melting but we still have a foot of it here up north. Springtime in Vermont is the best spring there is, just ask Robert Frost: "Nothing Gold Can Stay."
(So you see, I am a geek. But it's in my genes don't blame me. I'm working hard to overcome my geekiness here!!!)
Anyway, I have to go read Macbeth now (for school, I'm not THAT geeky). Man I hate homework. There's so much OTHER stuff to do... like writing... and drawing... and watching Zatch Bell (that's a rockin' anime for all those who don't know. It's new and a bit on the strange side, but hey, aren't we all?)... and feeding the fish... and... that stuff...
(FOR WHOEVER WANTED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT MY STORIES: they're chunky fantasy novels, so I'm not about to post them here. If you want to read some of my writing, PM me and I'll see what I can do.)
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Friday, March 25, 2005
Other Random Quiz:
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Oh the anger...
Okay, I was really exited about having gotten broadband in this house. And I must admit. It's pretty cool. And I used to love it. Until a couple minutes ago.
Nobody likes to have something good turned around. The reason I'm so totally pissed at broadband right now is because it locks up and quits the program on theOtaku. My bro (the computer guy) says that it's because the firewall blocks anything that's "unsafe." Basically, I can't go to places on theOtaku or connected sites without the stupid thing clogging up and forcing me to quit. Which sucks. I can't sign anyone's guestbook anymore, or take any quizzes at all. Grrrrrrrrrr........ I hope by bro can fix it so that anything anime will pass the firewall, but I think he'll require some bribing because he HATES anime. I'll see what I can do. (this is the tenth time I've had to try logging into my site to get it to work right. stupid thing
Well, if he doesn't get it to work I think I'll have to throw this piece of crap out the second story window. That should take care of it. (my parents propably wouldn't be too happy, though...)
Anyway, I'm planning to get a new picture for myself because I've gotten sick of the one I have. Cheers Cheers.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
New wallpaper...
Like I promised, I finished that Inuyasha wallpaper. Hope y'all like it!!!
Other than that nothing is up except that I have a test tomorrow and the day after and the day after and my teacher has pink-eye. Wonderful. But I'll try to keep my spirits up. Mostly with anime. It always works when it comes to cheering me up!!! That's just one of the reasons I like it so much!!!
Cheers cheers.
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Monday, March 21, 2005
Yeah I know I haven't updated since like forever, but we had testing and stuff. Anyway. Steamboy is in theaters but I can't watch it because where I live isn't important enough. Grrr. I really wanted to see that. Oh well.
We finally got broadband!!!! Hurray!!! It's about time!! It makes me very very very happy because now it takes like half the time for this site to load and all. Yipee!!! Anime pictures all the way!!
I'm working on an Inuyasha wallpaper which will hopefully be done by tomorrow. Still needs some prepping up, though...
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