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Saturday, May 28, 2005

   Woo, Art!!
Yah, new art!! It's been a long time since I posted some art!! Take a look if you have the time, please!! The one called Nintendo Babies I will color if I receive enough comments/votes! Well have a great rest of your weekend, bye!!
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Friday, May 27, 2005

   I forgot...
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell everyone to have a great Memorial Day Weekend (That's kinda oxymoronic... Day, Weekend... Whatever!) So enjoy it and go America, woo!!!
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School is finally out, my last day was Monday... So I was just looking at the site dscentral.net and I saw where they had the new Kirby: Canvas Curse ad... (I can't wait till it comes out!!! June 6, they moved it up a week!!!) Oh back to the ad... So I saw the ad and I thought hey what are the two things Kirby does best (you know his moves)? He sucks and blows, I'm serious, that's what he does... So I decided to mod the Kirby ad and you can click to see:

In case you can't see click here!

So do you like it? Get it Suck, Blow, Touch? Well tell me if you like it kay?

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Saturday, May 21, 2005

School is going to be out soon!! Yes!!! Yesterday I got the last book in the Digimon Tamers Series (In fear I wouldn't be able to get it, it's out of print...) Yah, now I have to read 2 & 3 before I read it! Well hope everyone's exams go well! Have a great weekend!
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Sunday, May 15, 2005

   My Very Own DS Skin!!
Here is a pic of my DS with it's skin, behind it and to the side is the custom camoflauge strap and what I call the DS Pocket... I made all the acessories myself... Well here it is, do you like?

Just so you know I did not draw the pic that is used on the skin, I got it off of Google and there was no name attached. If you know who drew the pic tell me and I will give full credit to them! Thanks!!

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Sunday, May 8, 2005

Well nothing much to say... I've made a new skin for my DS, I should put up a pic... It's the Digimon Tamer kids with a summery theme... If you really want to see it comment and I'll put it up. Oh yeah, for all you that read this and have a DS, Polarium is a great game... I love how you can send a puzzle code to others really far away... Like this:
If you have the game put in that code, I call it Skull... Well bye!!

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Friday, May 6, 2005

Here are some haiku, I have another one to put up, but I have to find it first... I hope you like them!

~ Candy ~

The rain is pleasant,
It makes me feel really good.
I like the cold rain.

~ What? ~

Thinking random thoughts�
Comes into my mind�

Does anyone know any good Digimon Doujinshi sites, if you do just leave a comment, it will be appreciated much! Thanks!

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Thanks a bunch for the comments on my poetry! Since you like it here's some more! I hope you like it, comment if you do!


One day I was betrayed.
I tried to shake the pain,
But it stayed.
I thought I would die,
But I refrained.
As I tried not to cave,
I hoped I would be saved.
The pain overtook me,
Like a swelling, roaring sea.
But another friend came,
And lifted me up again.

Just Desserts

Like you were,
Slapped in the face,
With bitter words,
That taste like paste.
You were mad,
And you were sad,
But I was happy,
And also glad.
Because you betrayed me bad,
And in return I gave it all I had.

This really didn't happen, I just thought these poems up, so yeah... Bye!

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Monday, April 25, 2005

Things are getting better for me. Just at school doing some research... I'll post more poems soon. I have a pic to put up, maybe I'll put it up soon, kay? It's little TK. Well bye, and have a great week.

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

More Poetry Because You Asked For It!
Here is some more poetry... Not as great as the others, but still poetry. This is more fun, and happy.


Manga is my hobby,
It is a type of book.
I like the way you read it,
And I like the way it looks.

The categories differ,
And I like them all.
You can buy it in a bookstore,
Or you can buy it at the Mall.

It may be a little expensive,
But I don�t mind to pay, The money that it takes,
To help brighten up my day.


Anime lives in the smartest of dreams.
It�s like a thunderstorm of love and hate.
Anime sometimes is not what it seems.
Anime may sometimes intimidate.

To me it�s inspiration: draw and make.
Love and hate intertwined into stories.
It is sometimes about monsters in lakes.
Sometimes it�s about teenage girls and boys.

Angst and happiness make very good shows.
The topics vary and all are real tight.
Secrets kept, rarely shared, so no one knows.
Like fighting off evil in the moonlight.

It is the best, and it is really fun,
Now my best Anime sonnet is done!

So I hope you like it... Just some anime and manga poetry... Comment if you like. Bye.

I even have more poetry. (Remember that school project? That's what all the poetry was for.) So if you want to read more just comment.

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