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Those of you who need to know, do, otherwise I'll let that be a mystery!
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Anime Fan Since
1994, Sailor Moon is what got me started!!
Favorite Anime
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Evangelion, Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu, Burst Angel, The Miyazaki Films, Ranma 1/2, Magical Play, Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and many many more!
Face the future... Though the future scares me...
Anime & Manga, Drawing, Video Games, eBay
I can walk AND chew gum at the same time!
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Thanks everyone for signing my GB!!! Lucky 13!!! Maybe I'll post more than usual since I'm out for Spring Break. Well have a good Spring Break, and have a good weekend too!!
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
Nothing big happening in my neck of the woods (of course nothing ever happens in my neck of the woods)... Well just another boring weekend. Maybe I'll draw something...maybe... Well whatever like Tina Fey off of SNL says "Have a good night and a happy tomorrow!" Oh yeah Straylight Run rocks!!
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Yeah I haven't put up any pics lately, sorry for those who care... Well I'll try to post some art soon. Hope everyone has a great week or what's left of it... Well Bye,
(That post was great wasn't it...?)
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Wow my second goal was reached in a matter of days after my first goal was reached. My next goal is 200 votes, woo! Well enough of that, my new doujinshi, Yu-Gi-Oh!: Innocent Love, has two of the pages formatted (with the boxes and such) and hopefully will be finished so I can post it soon. Oh yeah, for those of you out there that care the subtitle for my Naruto doujinshi is Sasuke's Secret, I forgot to post that with the actual doujinshi, sorry. Well then, bye and have a great week!
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
Yah, so much new fanart. I can't believe I've already reached my first goal of 50 votes, 100 being next. Please if you have the time, check out my fanart, some of it's blurry, but I'm trying my best. The cover of my doujinshi (the one in color) scanned darker than I expected, that is why their skin is so rosy, k? Well plz if u have the time look at my fanart and help me reach my second goal.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Yah, an update. For those of you out there who actually look at my fanart, thanks, and sorry that it is so blurry. I have no access to a scanner, the only ones that I know of are broken. Hopefully I will eventually find one so I can post my Naruto doujinshi. Oh yeah, I have started a new doujinshi, Yu-Gi-Oh! this time . . . Hopefully by the time I finish it I will have found a working scanner, blah. That's all for now, bye-bye!
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
This is a great quiz with really pretty pics!
 F:Your Beauty lies
in Contradiction. Controversial, unpredictable, and never what anyone expects.
You appearance and your personality are two opposite things. Even your
appearance sends different signals to different people. To some you may look
innocent and sweet, to others you look mysterious and intimidating at the same
time. No one ever knows what to expect with you. You are a little bit of
everything all mixed together. You can be watching the football game with the
guys one minute and the next out shopping at the mall. You seem to be almost a
different person every time you meet someone, but at the same time you know
exactly who you are and there is always that one thing that makes you you. You
enjoy keeping people guessing and people love how completely unpredictable you
Some Things
That Represent You:
Fire, Water Animal: Chameleon Color: Dark Tones, Light
Tones Song: Everything by Alanis Morriesette Expression:
Opal Mythological Creature: Gryphon, Half-breeds Planet: Mars Hair Color: Red Eye Color:
"Appearances can be deceiving."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
I know I'm a guy, but I saw someone elses results and I wondered what I would be so I took the quiz, woo!
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