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Monday, January 1, 2007
Happy New Year!
Well Happy New Year everyone. I have updated, both art:
 No More Heros: Sylvia Hosted By theOtaku.com.
and my Mii Site! (here's a preview):

Yay, the Eva Pilots!
Well hope your new year is going good so far, bye!
I have noticed... Even though 38...w00t! THIRTY_EIGHT!!! People have viewed my drawing, not one of them has voted on it... Kinda depressing, isn't it...? I mean you think I would at least have gotten ONE pity vote... Woe is me....
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Friday, December 29, 2006
Hi & Happy New Year!
Hello, hope everyone's Christmas was Grand! I got a Wii (Tis Awesome), Zelda (One of the Greatest Games EVAR!), and various other things. With the money that I received I got various things. (KH:II, Chibi Robo, Just Friends <-- Hilarious!, etc.) I moved my fan manga to the Fan Manga section... I need to update, but every time I try the page just freezes up... I received a nice Christmas card from Sephiroths angel.

Tis great isn't it!
I also have began posting my various Miis I have made to a place called miiplaza.net. Here's a link to my miis: My Miis! Here's a sneak peak at my Miis!

The Powerpuff Girls!
Well tis all, please visit my Mii site and vote! (I don't think you have to be a member)
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Saturday, December 23, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Hi there... I updated my art with a pic made for Ebony:
 Merry Ebony Hosted By theOtaku.com.
A couple of days ago I posted this:
 Santa Claus Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Last night I posted my RowdyRuff doujinshi in the fan manga... I have a new page ready to post, but for some reason my ISP will not let me... Well tis all for now... Merry Christmas!!
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Though You've Probably Heard it Before: I wish my grass was emo, so it would cut itself...
I don't feel too good... Depressed mainly... I'm currently creating a background for a drawing I did... I really need to get back to posting my comic I know... Maybe if I finish this background I will post the final later... I don't know... Well ta ta...
I have finished the background... Here is a little taste! Please check it out!
 No More Heroes: Helter Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Update 2!
Check out my second one too!
 No More Heroes: Travis Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
I've updated my art, Jangalian's request is up and I entered my art for the Breast Cancer Awareness competition... Check them out if you can. Happy Birthday Ebony! Tis all, bye...
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
Hello everyone... I don't feel to great, I'm updating my art and Jangalian, yours is next *promise*... I'm still working on my Doujin, I just haven't been updating like I said I would... Sorry... I've just been sad lately and I don't get much done... Well tis all, bye...
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Saturday, November 4, 2006
I'm going to update in the fan manga section... It has nothing to do with my doujin though... It's an entry for a contest to win a Wii at n-philes.com. Please check it out if you get a chance...
I will probably update my doujin... Except it will be smaller than usual because my ISP is wonky... I will post a higher quality one on Monday, if the smaller one isn't good enough... Alright, bye!
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Saturday, October 28, 2006
I updated last night and today... Not with my doujin, but with other art... Ebony's request is finished...
I have finished drawing the first adventure... It has ended at nineteen pages... I have also drawn the first page of what i am dubbing the "interlude"... It will not be as long as the first... Hopefully... Well please check out my art if you have a chance...
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Mood: Content O.o
Listening To: This is Halloween - Marilyn Manson (Can't wait to get the whole soundtrack)
I was thinking and I have now decided some of the aspects of my next doujin... It will be a sequel to the one I'm writing now. I'm currently drawing page 19, I have colored up to page 10 and I need to ink the rest... I'm almost finished with the first "Adventure"... The title of it is "The Grim Adventures of the Rowdyruff Boys"... What do you think? Considering the next "Adventure" there will be other familiar characters involved... Expect the characters of Xiaolin Showdown to show up... I am going to change my redesign of the characters (from Xiaolin)... Mainly hair and clothes... I probably won't update this week, but I will do a double update when I can... I'm going to be very busy near the end of the week and pages 6-8 need to be edited, so... Well tis all for now, bye!
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
I have noticed...
I just reached one-hundred pics... I for some odd reason I went back and looked at some of my old stuff... I didn't really notice until now how much I have improved since I began posting here... Don't get me wrong, I'm still not perfect, but I am drawing at a much higher level... So I'm very happy with my improvement and I hope that I will continue to improve. Thanks Jangalian and Ebony for your continued support... I guess that is all for now... Bye...
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