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• 1989-07-23
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• 2004-04-17
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• 1994, Sailor Moon is what got me started!!
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• Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, Evangelion, Haruhi Suzumiya no Yuutsu, Burst Angel, The Miyazaki Films, Ranma 1/2, Magical Play, Witch Hunter Robin, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and many many more!
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• I can walk AND chew gum at the same time!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Well, let's see... College has been going fine... I made a 96 on my first math test... That's always a good thing!
I hope everyone else is a good!
Now it's time for a review!
The weekend before last I did something that I have never done before: marathoned an Anime as if my life depended on it! That anime turned out to be the ever popular (and constant re-release) Burst Angel (Bakuretsu Tenshi). This series has to be the greatest girls with guns with mechs with patiseer (a pastry chef) Anime EVER!! Believe it or not, this Anime is not a "Hot Body Girls With Guns (<-- Well it does have those!) Anime That Lacks A Story," but an AWESOME tale that has been considered a "Spaghetti Western" (<-- !?). The main characters are interesting and the many ordeals they face are interesting and action-filled! It even has subtle shojo-ai undertones! (And those are always fun!) Thus I must recommend this anime to anyone who wants an action-filled series!
Score: *****/***** (Five outta Five!!)
The English Voice Actors are awesome for this series!! So English listening isn't such a pain!
Oh yeah, I haven't seen the OVA yet (I will shortly!), but when I do I promise to post a review!
Mid-Season Review!
This is for the Anime, Doujin Work (Which is almost a blatant rip-off of Comic Party)! Despite being a rip-off this charming and cute Anime is fun and funny! There are many ecchi references and the characters are always a trip. So far I have watched the first five episodes (which you can get from the link above^ at Anime Haven) and all of them have been equally entertaining! So far this series earns a *****/***** (Five outta five!) from me... Please check it out if you want too!
Unofficial Pre-Season End Score: *****/*****
PS! There is a pair of dancing I need to say more...? And also, the episodes clock in at about 13 minutes so they are a great watch during a short break!
Also! Don't think that because I give out a lot of *****/***** I am a soft reviewer, let me just say that the Anime I watch, I watch because I think they will be good (obviously) and also the quality of Anime storylines have greatly improved in the last five years!
Well I guess that is all for now! I hope you take my reviews and watch something new! Ta ta for now!
I am currently watching Gravitation, yes that Gravitation, I promise to review it as soon as I finish the last five episodes!!
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