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myOtaku.com: cowboybebopfan425

Thursday, November 10, 2005

  Finally the long week is over! I'm aware that it is Thursday and Friday is actually the end of the week, but its just that I have no school tomorrow. So Friday is like the weekend this week. So YAY!

Today, I turned in my AP project. Man, was I so happy to have that thing over with. I procrastinated again and finished it the day before it was due. How exhausted I was! At least I turned it in.

In aerobics we watched Oprah. I know, i thought it was weird too. It was for relationships. Some junk like that. At least we didn't do anything but that.

Report cards are coming up soon for me. I think i'm passing all my classes. My lowest grade is probably the C- i'm getting in AP Euro. But other than that i think i'm ok.

Bye! ^__^

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