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Southern California
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I've seen every single Digimon episode: Season 1-3
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Digimon, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, R.O.D the tv, Peacemaker Kurogane, Gungrave, Samurai Champloo, s-CRY-ed, Heat Guy J, Trigun, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Rurouni Kenshin, Wolf's Rain, Sailor Moon, Paradise Kiss,Naruto,Bleach
pass high school
Taking online quizzes(i love them so much!), watching tv, computer, music. I play the violin a little too.
I can play the violin a little. I've played for three years, but then stopped since there wasn't a string orchestra at my high school. : (
| cowboybebopfan425
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/06/05:
Aw. I don't find him attractive. He seems nice to be around with though. I wish I got Hige.
 You belong with Hiei of Yu Yu Hakusho! Here's his description: Often sarcastic, Hiei is a half fire, half ice demon with a mean streak. But this is just an act really. Hes soft on the inside and just needs some time to warm up to people. He likes to have his space and is commonly found in a tree watching the world. He cares deeply for his sister and doesnt like those who try to harm her, or his fiends. He cant stand demons who are in the "World Domination" thing for fame and money. In fact, he doesnt like anybody like that.
Which of my Bishie Gods do you belong with? (9 animes! 13 results! pics!) GIRLS ONLY, unless your gay.. brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/06/05:
Woo-Hoo! I'm not a complete maniac like my sister is. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Inuyasha just as much as the next guy. I'm just not that obsessed.^^
 You're almost there to being obessed, but just barely below the border line. You've had your share of InuYasha fandom though, a moderate helping. ^_^
Do you watch TOO MUCH InuYasha? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/06/05:
Who is she? I'm not sure if i'm like that.
Result Posted on 05/27/05:
Way cool. Maggie is neat.
Result Posted on 05/27/05:
I like this one. It's funny.
Result Posted on 05/26/05:
Mmmmm... so delicious.*rubs greasy fingers on pants*
 Potatoe Chips- Your crunchy and a mouthful. Once someone gets a piece of you its hard for them to stop. You know how to get a persons attention and you love the feeling of being noticed. You also know how to PARTY!
JUNK FOOD QUIZ! What junk best decribes you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/26/05:
I'd doubt a bad boy would fall for me or any other boy for that matter.
 ~*~Bad Boy~*~ Oy.You have attracted the gaze of the bad boy! He seems to have a intrest in you and your shyness. Everytime you blush he thinks that it is cute and kisses your cheek(which ever blushed more!). You think that he's going to do something bad to you,but he dosen't. He wishes you to trust him more and open up more. But he likes guessing what you'll next and thinks it's overall cute!^^ First place you met:Downtown in an alley.(he rescued you from thugs).First thing he says:"With looks like that you could steal hearts.Inculding mine, good thing I've got 3 or 4 more in the freezer."
What type of Guy would fall for you?(Cute anime pics,some game realted-_-;;) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/26/05:
I haven't read this series yet. But I want to. This guy sounds like me. Another thing, who's Rosiel?
Result Posted on 05/21/05:
Your Birthdate: April 25 |
Your birth on the 25th day of the month (7 energy) modifies your life path by giving you some special interest in technical, scientific, or other complex and often hard to understand subjects.
You may become something of a perfectionist and a stickler for details.
Your thinking is logical and intuitive, rational and responsible.
Your feelings may run deep, but you are not very likely to let them show.
This birthday makes you a more private person, more introspective and perhaps more inflexible.
In friendships you are very cautious and reserved.
You are probably inventive, and given to unique approaches and solutions. |
Result Posted on 05/21/05:
That sounds like me just like so many other quizzes that I have taken. >.>
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