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Southern California
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I've seen every single Digimon episode: Season 1-3
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Digimon, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, R.O.D the tv, Peacemaker Kurogane, Gungrave, Samurai Champloo, s-CRY-ed, Heat Guy J, Trigun, One Piece, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Rurouni Kenshin, Wolf's Rain, Sailor Moon, Paradise Kiss,Naruto,Bleach
pass high school
Taking online quizzes(i love them so much!), watching tv, computer, music. I play the violin a little too.
I can play the violin a little. I've played for three years, but then stopped since there wasn't a string orchestra at my high school. : (
| cowboybebopfan425
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
 How about Escaflowne's "Aoi Hitomi" for your theme? Okay, so maybe it's not the most adventurous or spirited piece of music ever written, but you're not all that adventurous either... or maybe you're just a little more subtle than some those other reckless heroes. You've got a little sadness in you, but for the most part you seem average-- if only on the outside. Inside you've got more empathy and strength than most people ever suspect you of...
What's Your Anime Theme Song? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
Jeez. I'm not that tragic. >__<
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
 Hopscotch!! You always did your homework, your mother always organized play-dates with the other rich kids, and you had an on-time dinner every night with both your mother and father in your perfect house. You were the cute child, the one everyone always adored. The kind who always won the Science Fair, the kind who was Class Leader, who took care of the class pet. You were the honest one, and always got what you wanted, just cause you were so sweet! You were one lucky kid, you little hop-scotcher!
Which Childhood Game Are You??? Awesome results!! brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
Result Posted on 03/16/05:
 You're a Daydream Neko!!You like to daydream about boys,test results and almost everything else!You sometimes want to live in those daydreams for just a couple minutes to just feel what it's like!You sometimes block out the world with your never-ending daydreaming!
Tonight:Sit down in front of your TV and watch what's intresting.And even if it's really intresting you can even watch those infomercials.
What kind of Neko are you?(for girls only!and really great pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
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