Warrior Mars and deep Pluto rule your sign, where
Taurus is ruled by sensual Venus. And, when
Mars and Venus dance there are flames in the
bedroom. As opposites, you complement each
other well and that will be the fascination at
first. Yet the very things that attract you may
meld into the wedge that drives you apart if
you don't find a mutual understanding.
Jealousy, possessiveness, carnal desire and the
Fixed point of view, these you have in common.
Your appetites are strong and your needs
important. But the knee-jerk reaction of the
insecure Fixed Sign is to control situations.
Here's where trouble starts as irresistible
Mars meets immovable Venus. If you're not up
front with your feelings then you'll end in a
power struggle.
You're a private, secretive creature and the Bull
is not always inclined to disclose, even though
both of you can be bluntly honest when you need
to. You're insightful and tend to probe
restlessly when you feel things aren't right.
Don't launch too many venomous darts at the
Bull or you'll unleash a force that may make
even you nervous. By and large, the Bull leans
to placidity. If roused, it's another story and
the strength of this beast is a match for you.
Don't over-exert yourself with your legendary
manipulative powers and secret strategies.
Bulls are committed and loyal, doing what's
required with little or no objection, other
than a gripe or two. If you want something,
just ask. You may find this over-simple, but it
works. If you push too hard, remember you're
both Fixed Signs and a battle of wills is
inevitable from that point.
You both have strong opinions on everything from
food to politics, so stay away from subjects if
you know you disagree. If you want trouble,
you'll know how to stir the Bull up. The Bull
adopts a 'live and let live' attitude,
something you'd do well to learn from.
When committed, you're both loyal and love to share
with your loved ones. This can be a passionate,
erotic relationship, but yet it will be easy
for you to pursue practical goals. Secure
circumstances are important, though you need to
take a risk from time to time. Once again,
discussion is the key. Given harmonious aspects
to serve you, this can be an enduring and
fulfilling union.
The compatibility to Seto Kaiba? ( u must know your sign )(plus all the details) brought to you by Quizilla