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Thursday, December 20, 2007
WOOOOO! He Is Back {for a while anyway}
My friend that moved to baltamore
showed up in my calss today
he is gonna be there again tomarrow
I am soooo happy
I miseed him soooooooo much
So this rox!!!
He is down for x-mas break
wich is the best
and then in april i get to see him for sure again
I really needed something like this to boost my mood
... ok i am over exaturaiting ...
but it is still great that he is bacl
I am kinda worried bout kiki though
i think there is something wrong with my best friend
it seems like it even though she says there isn't
i'll just take her word for it and we will see
i trust her though
anyway thats all for todays news
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MYSPACE! at school???
I know how to get on myspace from my school
{its blocked}
actually i know how to get on myspace from any computer that its blocked from
^^ mad skills I know
well actually its pretty easy
i am sure a lot of people know
so anyway
yeah ...
thats about it lolz
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Oh This Brings Back Memories ^^
remember when I used to post all those posts about how I was in class and saposed to be doing work
well this is jusrt like that ^^
I know havn't changed a bit!
Yeah I am sapposed to be looking stuff up on atoms so my science teacher sent me to another class room lolz
Anyway i ended up in a 6th grade classroom with my best friend
lolz you know what i .. well she relized yesterday was that me and her don't look like we would be best friends we just are
cuz like i kinda look like a rocker punkish emo skater thats a rebel {my friends words not mine} lolz
and i guess she kinda looks like a ganster
{all up in gansta clothing lolz ... memeber that kiki?}
anyway yeah am kinda sorta friends with two of the 6th graders in this class but not really
the other ones scare me
help! TT^TT lolz
so yeah basically thats it ^^
p.s. kiki isn't my best friend she is my best friend and my wifey!
right kiki?
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Monday, December 17, 2007
FOR MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEY BUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I don't talk to you enough anymore
it makes me kinda sad
well -hugs-
see you tomarrow!!!!
well depending when you read this
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OMFG ... I Feel Like Such A Bad Person
I was going out with this guy
And i really did
i guess still do
like him
its just soooooo awkward around him
and not the cute/shy awkward
the like freakin-ae! this sux awkward
sooo i dumped him today
but i actually told him in person and why
{i have never EVER! done that before so be proud of me ^^}
anyway i mean i like two other people WAY more then him so it wasn't fair to him anyway
plus one of my close friends had dated him before and still likes him so i was going against my own princables anyway
soooooooooo me and him are gonna try to still be friends and thats about it
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Wednesday, December 5, 2007
OMFG... I LUBed This Weekend SOOOOOOO Much
i really really lubed this weekend.
so anyway... I saw ... guess who...? DUN DUN DUN DUN
JENNA!!! this weekend ... it was awesome
anyways we had a lot of funn
Sunday night she crashed at my house
we stayed uo kinda late and talked a lot
but on Sunday we were at Natalies party and these three guys were outside near where we were
and they asked our names so Jenna said hers was Bob
and I said mine was Eric lawlz
anyway on Monday I didn't go to school cuz Jen was with me
{lawlz she hates being called Jen but i am special enough to ^^}
ok well we went to Elmos for breakfast ...
and just hug out all day ...
until we almost got stuck in a giant dildo
ok ok ok i will explain
you know that elevature at the river well jenna said it looked like a giant dildo
well we went in it and like walked around the upstairs
AND we saw two randomness coke machines lawl
ok well when we were going down accedently pressed the door open button
and the elevaator just like STOPPED
we thought i broke it and we were like wtf {mate lawlz memeber jen}
anyway... jenna was like omfg we are gonna die in a giant dildo
lawlz it was funny...
oh! btw
jenna appareent;y has juicy
ok ok ok
i will explain se jenna was tewlling me about her dress from the band juicy
and the guys that asked us our names were harrasing us and didn't here jenna correctly
and thought she said juicy breasts lawlz
ok well anyway thats abbout it
oh and i think i might go see her over winter beak
I hope i can
i can't wait to find out
and btw Jenna is my new Boyfriend!!
lawlz jk jk
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
My Mom Went OFF On My Algebra Teacher
lol it was AWESOME
the one thing i love about my mom
my friends even thought it was cool
anyway yeah
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Dad Days... More Like What Keeps Me Going
OK well i relized something
bad days keep me going
i mean some people like the good days
like you know they live for the good days
i live for the bad ones
like because the bad ones remind me on how
my friends are the greatest ever and don't try to argue
you will lose
pluss the bad ones also make me want to prove to the people and things that make them bad
that I can take the shit they give me
but I can also live through it
and that i can't be broken
{anymore then i already am lol}
so yeah thats just what i think
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
This Is Why: I Say Lub & Not Love/Luv/Wuv {or anything else like that}

{see lub is better!!!!}
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For The Past Four Days
I have been
with one of my best friends
lol i lub her
in these past four days
I have done 6 things:
{here is the order in wich they are most important}
1)Relized that Kiki needs to dump her boyfriend because he is in no way good for her
2)Gotten over my ex
{WOOOO!!! me}
3)Fixed a relationship with an old friend well more like started to fix
4)Had a WHOLE lot of Freaking FUN!!!
5)Started to like a guy that i might actually have a chance with
{he is so freaking awesome!!!}
6)Bought the WHOLE Invader Zim series on DVD
sooo yeah i needed this because for once...
I am actually happy
its wierd
but ...
I like this feeling
Now ...
i just better no screw up
{and speaking of screwing up
when i thought i might have screwed up
i didn't
theres another WOOOO!!!! me!
lol ^^}
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