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Palm fucking Springs
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Middle school
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Serviving in this screwed up world .. so far I'm doin alright... is that good enough for you???
Anime Fan Since
4 Eva ... and 1/2
Favorite Anime
S-cry-ed & Naruto {it is a tie} ....... And ALL the other anime's.
To answer all my unanswerd questions
hanging with friends,listening to music,walking,myspace {lol}, & well whatever else I feel like
not caring & pretending to be happy
| Crazy-bout-anime
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/22/07:
Well its right exept for the fact that I am my own leader lol
what does your favorite color reveal about you?
 Black is one of the most beautiful of colors and yet is the void of color too. It is the color of detail.Black personalities want every thing done in detail. They are statistical and make good accountants. Internal Revenue Service agents probably like this color.If a job needs finishing, these are the people to finish it.These personalities need leaders, though, to tell them what needs to be done. Under guidance, they are able to get to the crux of the matter and solve very large problems.When put in a place to find the mistakes of others, they are right at home. Loving puzzles, and finding others' mistakes brings out their tenacious spirits. Black personalities will sometimes intentionally find mistakes just so that they can repair them.This color is one of holding things inside. When one wears black, they do not want to be touched. Putting a barrier between themselves and others is the purpose of this color.Keeping their strength inside so that they can better protect their emotions is the effectiveness of this color. Although they want to be part of the world around them, they want no one to tug at their sensitivity.Black is a relief color for most people, like "Mom's apple pie". It makes them feel comfortable and even, in some cases, makes them feel smaller, allowing them to hide from the sometimes cruel world. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/22/07:
well i thought red eyes were for albino {sp} people, well i am white enought to be {lol jk jk} and i did have a red dot in my right eye {crazy right?}
what color should ur eyes be?(beautiful pics,ur personality)
Result Posted on 11/18/07:
well right now I am kinda uncertain
What is your French name and meaning? (Girls)
Result Posted on 07/26/07:
What's behind your horoscope sign?
 AQUARIUS: Keyword: I KNOWElement: AIRQuality: FIXEDRuler: URANUS Positive: independent, inventive, tolerant, individualistic, progressive, artistic, scientific, logical, humane, altruistic, a reforming spirit, friendly. Negative: unpredictable, temperamental, bore by detail, too fixed in opinions, eccentric, radical, impersonal, rebellious, perverse, tactless. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/23/07:
yeah only 1
Result Posted on 07/08/07:
yeah ............ sad but so so so very true
Result Posted on 07/08/07:
What Quote are you???
My heart? It finally stops bleeding...but its strange... I dont feel blood running through my veins any's something different I can feel it cutting inside out...I don't care... what hurts me more is why can't I die... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/08/07:
hellah yeah ... and you might want to bring an extra one just in case
Result Posted on 06/20/07:
Result Posted on 06/16/07:
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