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Palm fucking Springs
Member Since
Middle school
Real Name
Serviving in this screwed up world .. so far I'm doin alright... is that good enough for you???
Anime Fan Since
4 Eva ... and 1/2
Favorite Anime
S-cry-ed & Naruto {it is a tie} ....... And ALL the other anime's.
To answer all my unanswerd questions
hanging with friends,listening to music,walking,myspace {lol}, & well whatever else I feel like
not caring & pretending to be happy
| Crazy-bout-anime
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/07/06:
Sad Sayings (with really cute pics!!!!)
Result Posted on 11/07/06:
Sad Sayings (with really cute pics!!!!)
Result Posted on 11/07/06:
Sad Sayings (with really cute pics!!!!)
Result Posted on 11/07/06:
Sad Sayings (with really cute pics!!!!)
Result Posted on 11/07/06:
Sad Sayings (with really cute pics!!!!)
Result Posted on 11/06/06:
Which of My Favorite Quotes are you?
Result Posted on 11/06/06:
wow ... thats gonna be hard specially if only a few people know that I am actually depressed ... sad but true only a few people can see through the fa
What kind of boyfriend should you have?
Depressed Boy: you need a boy that is sad like you. U can understand each other and comfort each other. You will be together for a loooooong time until ur parents split u up. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/05/06:
What kind of Dark Faerie are You? (Girls only with beautiful pics)
 Brooding FaerieYou are the Brooding Faerie. You are always working over something in your mind. Not exactly thoughtful, but... brooding. Something has happened to you that requires a lot of thinking over; and it's probably not good.Wings: BlackPower: DarknessSexual appeal: You are a distant and vague person; the perfect type to try to win over. Many guys see you as a challenge that they'd love to overcome, with your heart as the prize. Maybe after you're in love you'll be able to let the darkness in your heart pass.What you look for in a guy: You look for the same, dark-emotional guy, someone that reflects your feelings and that has the same outlook as you. Usually he has dark/black eyes and hair, and sometimes he even wears mascara and eye shadow, but strangely enough you don't seem to attract these kinds of guys. Go figure. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/05/06:
my dream come I don't think that is gonna happen can't push myself to do sad for you but I am gonna be around for a long time
Lifestyle deaths--how will you die? Guys + girls [Pics~!]
 Suicide. You're pretty depressed, life has been cruel to you and eventually you just give up. It's not pretty, it's not pleasant, but once it's done it's done. I really wish you wouldn't--life has so much to offer, and I know you have much potential to offer. Don't argue with me! Hang in there and things will ONE DAY start looking up, if only you have the patience and perseverance to make it. You can do it!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/05/06:
What's your hidden Personality?
 You have a dark personality inside.You appear to be what people see you as, but deep down, you detest the world and all the lies it holds.Be careful with your inner personality or someday it might lead you to trouble. Take this quiz!
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