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Serviving in this screwed up world .. so far I'm doin alright... is that good enough for you???
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4 Eva ... and 1/2
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S-cry-ed & Naruto {it is a tie} ....... And ALL the other anime's.
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/25/06:
Who is your boyfriend and friends at Hogwarts? [sorry girls only]
 YAY! YOU GOT HARRY!bf: harrybest friends: ron and hermionehouse: gryffindorTHE STUDENTS:harry: thinks the world of you and can't keep you out of his head long enough to do his school work. you guys have a lot in common like you both are best friends with hermione and ronron: thinks of you like a little sister. he loves your sense of humor and hopes you and harry will get married one dayhermione: is a little jealous of you and harry. she hopes one day ron and her will have the same thing you and harry have.neville: thinks you're really nice and has a little crush on you. but knows he can never have you so he asks you to help him on his homework whenever he canginny: is jealous harry asked you out instead of her and tried to hex you once in the hallways. she missed and hexed herself, she was in the bathroom the whole time puking slugs [like brother like sister? lol.]the weasley twins: know you because harry constantly talks about you but hasn't met you yet so they don't really know you apart from harry's storiescho: doesn't know you except you're dating harrydraco: thinks you're horrible for dating harry because he asked a month before harry did and you said nopansy:hates you because draco asked you out before he asked her. and the only reason he asked her is because you rejected himoliver: thinks you're pretty but wouldn't make a move on you or he would lose his best seekerTHE TEACHERS:dumbledore: thinks you would make an excellent professor somedaymcgonagall: is very happy that you're on their side and not the evil side because you can do damagesnape: already hated you but hates you even more now you're dating harryhagrid: thinks you and harry make the best couple and loves the way you handle his animalssirius: hopes one day you and harry get married and live happily ever afterhope you liked the quiz!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/25/06:
Who is your boyfriend and friends at Hogwarts? [sorry girls only]
 YAY! YOU GOT HARRY!bf: harrybest friends: ron and hermionehouse: gryffindorTHE STUDENTS:harry: thinks the world of you and can't keep you out of his head long enough to do his school work. you guys have a lot in common like you both are best friends with hermione and ronron: thinks of you like a little sister. he loves your sense of humor and hopes you and harry will get married one dayhermione: is a little jealous of you and harry. she hopes one day ron and her will have the same thing you and harry have.neville: thinks you're really nice and has a little crush on you. but knows he can never have you so he asks you to help him on his homework whenever he canginny: is jealous harry asked you out instead of her and tried to hex you once in the hallways. she missed and hexed herself, she was in the bathroom the whole time puking slugs [like brother like sister? lol.]the weasley twins: know you because harry constantly talks about you but hasn't met you yet so they don't really know you apart from harry's storiescho: doesn't know you except you're dating harrydraco: thinks you're horrible for dating harry because he asked a month before harry did and you said nopansy:hates you because draco asked you out before he asked her. and the only reason he asked her is because you rejected himoliver: thinks you're pretty but wouldn't make a move on you or he would lose his best seekerTHE TEACHERS:dumbledore: thinks you would make an excellent professor somedaymcgonagall: is very happy that you're on their side and not the evil side because you can do damagesnape: already hated you but hates you even more now you're dating harryhagrid: thinks you and harry make the best couple and loves the way you handle his animalssirius: hopes one day you and harry get married and live happily ever afterhope you liked the quiz!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/24/06:
Your PERFECT Yule Ball dress, who you will go with, and what do the characters think of you?with pics!
 House:Gryffindor BFF:Hermione, Ron, Cho BF:HarryHarry: I love her with my life! now if you'll excuse me, i have to get ready for our date tto the ball tonight!Ron: She is cute, but i love Hermione. o shit did she hear that? *no* good!Malfoy: She is hott, but dont tell Pansy........(DRAKIE where are you?) *im sorry Malfoy couldnt finish his interview because he was dragged away by Pansy*Cedric: i love her as she is my sister. *but Cedric is dead so that is what he would say.sorry.*(goes over and hugs as you cry over your dead brother)Neville:shes okay.......Hermione:i love her, she is like my sister, but is competition in classes. but i like competition.Ginny:hates you with a firey passion for stealing Harry, but you guys were and still are friends.*she is stalking you waiting to poison you. watch out*Pansy:who is she. all im saying is she better keep her paws off Draco.Dumbledore:was your uncle(but now hes dead.)McGonagall: i adore her. her and hermione are soooo smart.Snape:ugly twit! i take away points from her every chance i get.Voldemort:i hate her. she is the second on the must DIE list.Your reputation: sweetie that everyone loves. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/24/06:
Harry Potter...boyfriend and how you met!
BF:HarryHouse:whichever you picked!how you met:you went to your houses quidditch practice and you were pretty bad because you had just broken up with your boyfriend (not harry). After practice you took a shower in the changing room and got you were walking to the common room, someone walked up next to you."Oh, hey hermione." you say, faking a smile. "hello, this is a note for you, it's from harry", she says, as she slipped the note into your hand. you read it and it said:"______, i really like you, and i've liked you forever, would you like to go to hogsmeade with me for valentines day? -Harry"as you lift your head you see harry standing infront of you, you smile and nod your head...he pulls you into a hug and whispers into your ear "i love you"HAVE FUN AT HOGSMEADE!!!!tell me if you liked the quiz and message me! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/24/06:
who is you harry potter BFGF
 Harryyou are dating the famous harry are in love to play hate draco cause hes slways trying to get with you and you prmoised that you would beat slytherin in quidditch verytime you played them. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/24/06:
Your Harry Potter Boyfriend and What Other's Think of You
 House: Gryffindor Boyfriend: Harry Bff: Hermione, Ron and Fred and George Known as: Harrys girlfriend and daydreamerHarry: Loves you and would do anything for you. He is very protective and stands up for you whenever Draco picks on you.Ron: Thinks you are perfect for Harry and is happy for you both. He thinks of you as a sister and loves it when you smash spiders for him lolHermione: Is happy you and Harry are together and wish you the best. She likes to study with you even though sometimes you tend to daydream (mostly about Harry) Fred/George: Love you as a sister and love it that you are willing to try their little inventions. Fred and George wish you would help them play their pranks since you sometimes give them ideas, but you just like to watch and laugh your head off.Ginny: Is a little upset that you got Harry, but is your friend nonetheless. She's happy for you and Harry, but gets jealous when she sees the two of you kissing Neville: Has a small crush on you. He is happy that you help him with homework and stand up for him when he is being picked on.Draco: Hates you because you are in Gryffindor and Harry Potter's girlfriend, but he has to admit (or never will admit) that you're pretty.Crabbe and Goyle: Whatever Draco says goesPansy: Hates you just because you are there. She's happy though that you don't like Draco (Can you imagine if she knew that Draco thinks you're pretty)~Teachers~Dumbledore: Thinks Harry made a good chose in choosing you and wishes you two the best of luck. He also thinks you have a bright future ahead of youMcGonagall: Thinks you are a bright student, but wishes you would stop daydreamingSnape: Hates you as much as he hates Harry maybe more. He finds any excuse to take points away from youHagrid: Thinks you and Harry and a good couple. He likes it that you have a interest in magical animals and also likes it that you take good care of his animals~How it Happened~On your way to potions you tripped and all your books and supplies were scattered; you gathered them up and then went to potions. You were late and Snape was yelling at you and took points from you. You tried to explain but he didn't want to hear it. "Can't you see she is trying to explain why she is late?" Harry yelled. Snape forgot you and yelled at Harry and gave him detention. After class you went up to Harry and said thank you. "Its ok. I would do anything for you." He said; you started to blush. As you both walked to your next class he asked you out and you said yes and have been together ever since. (me: aaawwwww how sweet) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/24/06:
Who is your Harry Potter lover, and how did you hook up?
You got Harry Potter! And this is how you two hooked up_________________________________It was a rainy day, and there was nothing to do, so you decided to go down to the library and get a little work done. On your way there, you spotted a single rose on the floor. You picked it up. Roses are your favorite! "how wierd" you said to yourself. As you turned the corner, you found another one. And you saw another down the hall. You followed the rose path all the way to the great hall. When you stepped inside, you saw Harry Potter. "Hey" he said timidly. "Uhm...hi" you say back. "I'm glad you found the roses" he said. You could tell he was nervous, so you smiled and nodded. "I, I was wondering..." his voice cracked as he spoke, and you couldn't help but laugh. "I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend." He said. Then He walked over to you and kissed you tenderly on the lips. You whisper in his ear "of corse" and he kisses you again. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/24/06:
Who is your Harry Potter boyfriend and what do the other characters think of you? (with pics and detailed results)
 House: GryffindorYour boyfriend: Harry PotterBest friends: Ron and HermioneHow it happened:You were in Transfiguration class and you were feeling really upset. You didnt talk at all and you werent paying attention either. Harry noticed you and couldnt help but wonder what was wrong. At the end of class, you stood up and got your things and walked out as quickly as possible. Harry ran after you and called your name. "_____! Wait!" he said. You stopped in and turned around, seeing Harry run up to you. You just looked away and sighed, waiting for him. When he got up to you, he asked, "_____, is everything alright?" You looked up at him and shook your head no. "Would you like to talk about it?" he asked. You looked down and sighed. "It would just waste your time..." you said. He put an arm around your shoulder and smiled at you. "No it wouldnt, so please, tell me. I hate to see you upset." he said. You looked up at him and blushed a bit. You two started walking outside, since now this was both of your free periods, and you said your problem. "Well... My dad is in the hospital... He is about to die..." you said, sitting down on a bench. He sat down next to you and put his arm around your shoulder. "Thats terrible..." he said, starting to think of his own father and mother. You looked at him. "Sorry... I knew this would bring back memories from your parents..." you said. you stood up from the bench and walked away, but Harry stood up and grabbed your hand and pulled you into a kiss. You were too shocked to to anything and when the kiss was over, Harry said, "Would you like to go out sometime?" he asked, starting to change the subject. You blinked and said, "Sure, Id love to." You smiled and you two forgot about your conversation. You two were together ever since.Harry thinks that you are the greatest thing in the world! He loves you so much and would like to marry you after you graduate!Ron thinks of you as a sister and is happy for you and Harry, though he seems a bit jealous, but he just shrugs it off.Hermione loves to study with you in the library and loves how brave you are! She is also happy for you and Harry!Fred and George love how you like to pull pranks on other people, but hate that their pranks never work on you, but yours always work on them, but that just wants them to make even greater pranks on you just for laughs.Draco hates you because you are a Gryffindor and that you are Harry's girl, but secretly loves you.Pansy hates you and teases you almost everyday with Draco, but she doesnt know that Draco secretly loves you.Crab and Goyle dont really care about you.Cedric didnt know you.Lavendar loves how you help her in some of her classes and loves to talk with you about other gossip.Seamus likes you, but knows your with Harry, so you two are really good friends.Parvati is one of your best friends and likes how you help her with some of her classes as well as Lavendar.Dean also likes you, but you are with Harry and is one of your best friends.Voldemort hates you because you are with Harry, which makes things more difficult for him to kill Harry. He has plans to get rid of you so he can kill Harry.~Teachers~Dumbledore thinks you are a great student and a perfect match for Harry.McGonagall thinks you are a wonderful student.Sprout likes how you treat your plants well and thinks of you as a great student in his class.Snape hates you and deducts points from your house just for walking in his class everyday.Well, there you go, I hoped you enjoyed it. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/24/06:
lol the pick so funny
<3 Who from Naruto do you love <3??? [[GIRLZ ONLY]]
Result Posted on 08/24/06:
Which character of Naruto are you destined to be with?
 Sasuke belongs to you.He loves you about as much as you love him.(GET OFF HIM HES MINE!!!!)He puts stand-offish to a new level.BUT ITS OKAY CUZ HES SHMEXAY!!!(I SAID HES MINE DONT TALK ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND LIKE THAT!!!!)...anyway... Take this quiz!
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