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Serviving in this screwed up world .. so far I'm doin alright... is that good enough for you???
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4 Eva ... and 1/2
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S-cry-ed & Naruto {it is a tie} ....... And ALL the other anime's.
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/23/06:
~Your Yule Ball Story~ ~Detailed Results and Purdy Dresses :)~
 Name: Amanda SingerDress: Look up ^^House: GyrffindorBest Friend: Ahleex FergusonFriends: Almost everyoneBoyFriend/Date: Harry Potter~The Night before the Yule Ball~You and your best friend; Ahleex Ferguson were walking down the halls. You seem so depressed because you thought your boyfriend; Harry Potter would ask you to the dance a long time ago, but he still hasn't ask you yet. you thought he was igonging you or he was planning to dump you. "Hey! If Harry doesn't ask you by tomorrow mourning you can go with me! Well as a second date, because I'm going with Ron" Ahleex smiled at you hoping she was making you feel better. "Thanks Ahleex, I would be glad to go with you as a second date" You smiled at her then she stopped at your doors to the Gyrffindor Common Room. "Well I'm going to hit the hay, see ya tomorrow!" you waved to Ahleex as you enter the room. You saw everyone was already asleep but you deicde to stay up abit. You sat on the couch and read your romance book that you wanted to finish and a couple of times you stared into the fire daydreaming you and Harry dancing on the Dance floor. You started to cry abit but you wiped away your tears. "Maybe...Harry doesn't like me and thats why he's doesn't want to go with me.." You putted your book down and started to cry. While you were crying a person came down the stairs, you didn't hear them because you were crying. The person got off the stairs and walked slowly over to you, trying not to make any sounds. But then you heard a creak behind you and you spun your head around quickly. "H-h-harry" You said standing up and wiping your tears so he wouldn't see them. "Hey there...I know I've been a HUGE JERK! And I wanted to say sorry..I really wanted to ask you to the ball but I was so afriad..and I'm your boyfriend" He chuckled. You smiled abit but then narrowed your eyes. "Well I'm sorry, I already have a date" Harry was stunned hoping it wasn't Draco. "Y-y-you do?" "Yeah..I'm going with Ahleex" You crossed your arms. Harry gave you that charming smile. "So your going with her? She must be the luckyest person ever to be going out with the coolest person ever.." He teased. "Even though you have a date..I was wondering you would go with me..if things don't work out.." Harry smiled passing out a locket with a picture of you and him in it. You couldn't resist his charming smile. "I think Ahleex will understand" You ran to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. Harry smiled picking you up and spun you around the room. After a while you took the necklance kissed your Harry on the lips and ran to your bed dreaming your perfect night of the Ball. ~The Night of Yule Ball~You were finishing the finally touches of your dress and hair. Ahleex waited outside your room waiting for you because you both promised that you both will walked down the stairs together. "AMANDA HURRY UP!" Ahleex shouted your name from the door. Surpiseling you heard it from all the way upstairs.You where done but needed one more thing. You took the necklance that Harry gave to you. You place it on and fave it on your neck. You letted nothing get in the way of it. You quickly ran down your stairs and opened the doors to see Ahleex crossed her arms. "About time! Harry and my Ronniekins are waiting! Let's jet!" Ahleex grabbed your hand and walked over to the stairs.You two looked down to see everyone in beautiful dresses. You looked down carefully to see the man of your life, Harry. Ahleex walked down in her yellow dress to met Ron. And you walked down her gracefully to met Harry. Everyone was staring at you and seeing how beautiful you were. But Harry couldn't believe how gorgeous you were. Harry was gobsmack (speechless) and was stunned. You got closer to him, he led out his hand and you took it. You made it to the bottom of the staris and stared into Harry's eyes. "You look beautiful..." Harry took your hand and kisses it. You blushed and you both linked arms to the Ball. Once you enter the ball you and Harry sat down and stared at everyone dancing. You sighed abit wanting to dance but yet you didn't wanted to go by yourself. Harry turned to you and asked if you wanted to dance. You were happy. You and him went up and danced the night away. Everyone was stunned how gracefully you both danced. Ahleex interupted a couple times wanted to dance with you but it was for fun, and it was fun with Ahleex but it was romantic when you dance with Harry. After the dance. You and Harry left last. Harry asked the D.j to play one more song, he agree and played your favourite song ever. You had the most biggest smile ever and you dance with Harry. It was one of the best day of your life, including the day Harry asked to be your boyfriend. After that one dance you fell asleep in his arms. He carried you to the Gryffindor Common room, he placed you on the couch and he sat beside you. He wrapped his arms around you and you both slept in your dress and suit [Me: XD AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW]~Please Rate and Comment I worked so hard on this!~ ~All Done by Me; Ahleex!~~Enjoy~P.S. This result was made for my best friend Mandi! because you loved Harry Potter so much! I wuv you =3 Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/23/06:
The Nice Boys Of Hogwarts Who Do You Belong With (detailed stories)
Stop it Harry Im trying to study. You said as you tried to ignore the cute young Harry sitting next to you begging you to come with him. He had just found something interesting and once again was trying to pry you away from your homework. I hardly have time study as it is, please Harry I cant go with you this time. Looking at Harry as you gave him the bad news, hoping he wouldnt take it too harsh. He gave you his sad puppy face which he always used on you to weaken you when you didnt do exactly what he wanted. Sighing as you folded your book shut okay, fine what is it. He was so excited that he flung his arms around you giving you a tight hug. Laughing as you gave him a small hug back well if I knew it was going to make you this happy I would have said yes when you first asked. Well come on hurry up or your going to miss it. Harry said grabbing your hand and pulling you along. You were happy that he didnt look back at you as you ran through the halls and out in the yard heading towards the lake, your cheeks had turned red when Harry grabbed your hand. You had liked Harry since your first years together, you quickly became friends with your nose for adventure and your quick wit. He had come to you for help with homework and when he had gotten into trouble that he couldnt get out of. You were always there for him and for that became best of friends. You have been to everyone of his Quittich games and he had thanked you for it. You were surprised he even noticed you were there since all the other girls drooled over him just as much as you did. You came back to your senses when Harry had stopped running and was standing next to the black lake with the full moon shinning brightly. This is what you wanted to show me. A bit disappointed and upset that he had dragged you away from your homework once again. Shrugging your shoulders and enjoying it since you are already here. It is beautiful though. Turning and looking at Harry standing next to you. He turned and looked at you still holding your hand I have seen more beautiful. His hand squeezing yours gently as he spoke. You were shocked by his boldness but liking it, you had always hoped he would like you as much as you loved him. Oh you said and what have you seen that is more beautiful than a bright full moon over a placid lake? moving closer to him as you watch his face hoping that he will say you. Giving you a grin as his head bows down to yours your lips almost touching as he whispers you then closing the space between your lips as he kisses you softly. Your lips tingling at the touch kissing him back feeling on top of the world, the guy you like finally told you that he liked you too. This was definitely worth it to stop your studies. As he pulled away from the kiss and looked deep into your eyes he breathed be my girlfriend please I dont think I could go another day without knowing your mine. Smiling brightly and almost jumping for joy when he asked you, you practically yell of course I will. Throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. You and Harry have been beside each other ever since.After you guys graduated from school you moved in together. Harry was hardly around when he was fighting Voldermort. You got a job at Hogwarts becoming a Professor. When Harry defeated the dark lord he returned to you realizing how short life can be he took you into his arms and proposed to you right then and there. You of course said yes. The wedding was a small beautiful affair and nine months later you had your first child a gorgeous baby boy with piercing blue eyes and pitch black hair. You continued to work at Hogwarts and a couple years later Harry joined you. You had a happy long marriage in which you had two more children. You and Harry lived happily ever after. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/23/06:
Who is your dream date to the yull ball! With how he asked you, how the ball went, and your life after Hogwarts!
 Your date is Harry Potter!!!He was one of you best friends. As the ball came nearer and nearer he seemed to act differently around you, like he was uncomfterble with you or something. After this went on for a couple of days you asked him to meet you in the common room at midnight. You were there a good 20 minutes before, just wondering what was wrong. At 5 minutes till he came. He sat down next to you ans stared at you."What did you want to talk to me about?" he asked"Why have you been acting so different?""What do you mean?""You hardly talk to me, and you try to avoid me" you stated"_____, you don't understand" he said"Then make me understand. Harry, your one of my bestfriends, I don't want to lose you""Thats just it! You can't get close to me! Nobody can! If you do you will get hurt!""Harry, what do you mean"He then told you about having to kill Voldemort, or being killed himself and how anybody close to him could be used against him."Harry, the is a hard time, for us all. Nobody knows what will happen to us, we just have to live one day at a time" you said"______, You don't get it, do you?""I guess I don't""I love you _____, I have for a long time. I don't want you to get hurt" he saidYou couldn't believe it! He loved you, maybe as long as you loved him."Harry, I love you, too.""______, you can't-""Don't say that! I would rather have this time with you, short as it may be, then never know you love me""______" he said just before he kissed you"Will you go to the ball with me?" he ask many minutes later"Of course" you saidThe night of the ball you got ready and just st thinking about him. He loved you, just as you loved him. You met him, at the stairs, and made you wat to the great hall together. You danced the night away, never leaving each others arms. You stayed together ever since, even through the war. You both fought, even though he didn't want you to. 3 years after you both graduated Harry killed Voldemort. One year after that you both got married. You had three kids, two boys named james and ron and a little girl name faith. You helped him through the aftermath of the war,your lovbe never wavering. Harry soon became Prime Minister and made sure no futher evil came about. You lived happily ever after, with your very own pirnce. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/23/06:
Life @ Hogwarts!!!!!(LONG results)
Your House:griffendorYour Bff's:Golden Trio,GinnyYour Bf:Harry PotterWhat people think of you:Harry:shes the love of my life, i Don't know where i'd be without her!Ron:Shes a GREAT girl,I think shes pretty but id never admit it because of HarryHermione:She like a sister to me! I only wish she would study more.Fred & George:We think shes to sierous, she needs to lighten up alittle bit.Draco:I hate her! She thinks shes all that just like Potter.~Proffesors~Dumbledor:Shes a good girl, Im glad her and Harry ahe together.McGonagal:Shes a very nie girl but i wish she would pay more attetion in class.Hagrid:I love her like she was my own.Snape:-no comment-~~~~~~~~~~How It Happend~~~~~~~~~~~You and Harry have been good friends for a while now, you have always liked him but never told him because you were afraid it would ruin your friendship. One day while you and Harry were walking to quittch(sp?) practice he said"The Yule Ball is comming up and I know you have no one to go to the Ball with, so do you want to go with me? So you dont have to go alone..." you reply" NO I DON'T! "why not?" he asks "Because I dont want to go with a guy who only wans to go with me because he feels bad for me!"you scream "Thats not it" he says "I really like you I just didnt know how to tell you" At that exact moment you lean over and kiss him softly on the lips "I like you too" you say~~~~~~Yule Ball~~~~~~~You dance all night with Harry untill your feet hurt. On your way back to the common room you notice a pile of roses out the window. They read :______ I love you, will you be my girlfriend? You turn to Harry and hug him and reply "I thought you'd never ask"I hope you liked it!!!!!Please rate:) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/23/06:
HP!! your bf, bffs, what people think...very long, detailed results! GIRLS ONLY!
 You got Harry!Your boyfriend: HarryYour best friends: Ron, Hermione, and ChoYour house: RavenclawWhat Everyone Thinks:--Gryffindors--Harry: I love her. She is the mose amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I will keep her safe and love her for the rest of my life. I'm going to ask her to marry me after we graduateRon: I'm so glad that Harry and _______ are happy together. She's so beautiful, and is just the thing Harry needed.Hermione: She's a really nice person. She's smart and easy to get along with. I wish I was pretty like herGinny: Hates you for stealing Harry. But thinks you're really nice and pretty.Fred: I think she is the most beautiful person to ever walk the planet. When Harry's done with her, she's mine. That's if she wants me...George: I think _______ is great. We don't prank her very much because we did once and Harry spazzed on us. But we do like it when she helps us with pranks...she's so pretty.Oliver: Harry has found himself a beautiful girl. I wouldn't mind dating her, even if she isn't very good at quidditch.Neville: She's so nice to me. And she's really pretty.The other girls: hate you because you're dating Harry PotterThe other boys: Think you're hot but wouldn't touch you because of what Harry would say.--Hufflepuffs--Cedric: She is very beautiful. I wish she was mine. But I won't do that to Harry. I want to so badly though...The rest of the boys: think you're hot but way out of their leagueThe girls: want to be you--Ravenclaws--Cho: She's my best friend! I love her to death! I was a little angry when she started to date Harry, but then I realized that they are perfect for each other!The boys: want youThe girls: envy you--Slytherins--Draco: I think she is the sexiest thing alive and if she wasn't dating Potthead I would ask her out. To hell with that, I'll just go up and make out with her. I can deal with Potter later.Pansy: I hate her! she stole my Drakie-poo's heart.Crabbe & Goyle: want cookiesBlaise: thinks you're hot but stays away because he's afraid of MalfoyThe girls: wish they were as pretty as youThe boys: want to get in your pants--The Teachers--McGonagol: She is a charming young lady who does very well in school.Dumbledore: __________ is a great girl. She's funny and is perfect for Harry.Snape: I hate her almost as much as I hate Potter.Hagrid: She's the nicest girl I know. Her and Harry are great.The rest: Think you're a good student and a nice girl.Your Story"Hey, _________," Harry said to you one day. "Yes Harry?" you answer. "Can you - would you like to meet me in the Room of Requirements tonight at 7?" he asks. "Like on a date?" you respond. "Yeah. A date." he answers. "Okay, sure." you say. You were soo excited! Harry Potter just asked you out! You couldn't wait! That night, you put on a cute mini skirt and white Hollister shirt and went to go meet Harry in the Room of Requirements. When you got there, you opened the door and saw flowers and candles everywhere. "Oh Harry," you said, "It's beautiful!" the two of you have some chocolate cake as a dessert (because you had already eaten dinner) and then Harry said, "________, I have liked you for a very long time now. And I just wanted to do this" and he leaned in and kissed you. The two of you snogged for what seemed like ages, and then Harry walked you to your room, where you said goodnight with some more snogging. You two were the most talked about couple in school, and almost everyone envied you for some reason. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/22/06:

Sasuke Uchiha:I was walking down the street, humming to myself, just looking at the night stars. Suddenly, I hear someone behind me. "Sasuke?" I asked, even though I was sure it was him. He didn't respond. "Sasuke?" I asked a little more urgently. Suddenly, I felt someone take my hand, and i smiled. "Looking for me?" He asked. I smiled. I still couldn't see, but somehow, he could. He walked over and picked up a white flower off the edge of the road. He tucked it behind my ear, and smirked. "You are truly beautiful." I blushed. he leaned in closer, hugging me. Suddenly...(kiss time!! aww!!!)
Result Posted on 08/21/06:
harry potter great results and pics
 Harry!It was your fourth year and the yule ball was coming up and many boys had asked you already but u declined them all because u had ur eye on some one special(harry). It was heart breaking when ur best friend cho had told you that he had asked her just a few days before :( but later that day when you were walking down the halls already late for class and you heard a voice calling your name. you turned around to find harry out of breath and glistening. "what is it harry?", "well u see i was wondering... um well i was just ok would u go to the ball with me?" " ok " you said camly as your heart rased . awwwwwwww how cute that is how you met. and here is a socker the dance went horribly and you didnt speak after that. but in your sixth year you were late getting to breakfast when u heard footsteps behind you, you turned around quickly and saw no one u continiued on and were forcefully pulled into an empty classroom. GET OFF ME U FREAK! u yelled loudly and turned to find no one there "what the fuck" u muttered under your breath. " oh sorry i didnt mean to freak you out" " who is this and where are you?" then harry pulled off the invisibility cloak and he said" i have missed you every moment i think about you i have been miserable without you and i am just sad that the ball went so badly. I really like you will you be my girlfriend?" "oh harry i have missed you to i just thought that you didnt like me " he leaned closely and passionatly kissed you. you slowely took off your shirt and he his, luckly it was the holidays and barely anyone was left at the school. you woke up the next morning in his arms and said" last night was amasing i love you harry" " I love you to i always have" you have been dating ever since and and are considered the cutest couple in the school everyone envies you and harry. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/21/06:
People at Hogwarts thought's of you! (Plus more!)
Your name: Casey DonaldHouse: RavenclawYour boyfriend: Harry PotterYour best friends: Cho, Luna, Ron, Hermione and HarryBlood: Half-bloodReputation: Sweet, caring girlWhat people think of youHarry: She is the best. I love her to death.Ron: I actually had a crush on her before she started going out with Harry.Hermione: She's really nice and smart too!Fred/George: She's a bit too serious for our liking.Ginny: I hate her she stole my Harry but i can't help but like her sometimes.Neville: She's really nice, she helps me with my Potions homework.Dean: She is a good match for Harry.Seamus: She is hott.Oliver: She is a good quiditch player.Cho: I hate the fact that she's more popular than me but she's still my best friend.Luna: She stops people from teasing me.Cedric (before he died): I wish i hadn't dumped her last year.Draco: She's friends with Potter so i hate her.Pansy: She's alright.Crabb: Don't know her.Goyle: Same as Crabb.TeachersDumbledore: She brings out the best in Harry.McGonagall: She's always talking in my classes.Hagrid: I love her like she's my daughter.Snape: I hate her as much as i hate Potter. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/21/06:
yessssss !
Your Naruto Story!!!
 You chose Sasuke!!!You were walking down the street when you noticed Sasuke was running away from his fan girls. "---- help!!" he shouted. You grabbed ahold of him and teleported to the living room of his home. "Thanks!" he said giving you a real smile. "Nah your welcome." you responded thinking about another time when you saw him smile like that-Flashback- You were 7 years old and was walking with an 8 year old Sasuke. He said he had something to show you and he did. You stopped and looked at the sun setting againest the pinkish sky. "It's beautiful," you breathed. "Not as beautful as you!" he commented. Yu blushed a tint shade of pink and saw him flash a smile a true smile.-End Flashback-He looked at you for a secound and leaned down and brushed his lips across yours and said,"Will you be my girlfriend?"Yes or No?? You decide!!RATE AND MESSAGE PLEASE!!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/21/06:
HP love story (girls only plz)
You got Harry!How you to got together:You were sitting in DADA and snape was taking your lesson for today which, of course, you were doing book work! BORING!!! Then you suddenly realise that someone had dropped something on your desk. you look up and are about to give it back when you see its harry potter. he smiles at you then he hints for you to read it. At first you think its just a plain note which reads '________ Can you meet with me for lunch by the lake? I hope you can, I've got something I need to tell you.' you look up, and he nods at the note again. you look back down at the note which changed it was now your name written in red, sparkly ink. It changed again and this time it was a picture, it was a hand drawn one which was hard to interpret but you understood. it was a picture of you walking down by the lake and harry was standing there. you see the two characters talking and the only thing which is in speach bubbles is harry saying 'i like you, I always have but I think i like you as more than a friend... ___________ will you be my girlfriend?' at this point you look up at harry in the DADA class and you smile and nod. But you just cant stop there you get up from your seat and hug him and he goes infor the kiss when snapes voice appears. 'What do you two think this is?!?! This is class not a romantic movie! I will not tolerate this in my lesson! 50 points will be docked each from your houses and you will both be recieving detension. See me after class.' a cold smile appears on his face. so after class you wait behind with harry. he gives both of you your dentension slips and you both leave together. hand in hand. and you think to yourself 'That kiss was worth it!' Take this quiz!
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