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Serviving in this screwed up world .. so far I'm doin alright... is that good enough for you???
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4 Eva ... and 1/2
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S-cry-ed & Naruto {it is a tie} ....... And ALL the other anime's.
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hanging with friends,listening to music,walking,myspace {lol}, & well whatever else I feel like
not caring & pretending to be happy
| Crazy-bout-anime
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/21/06:
wow what a story
Your Enchanted Life with your Hogwarts love - Short Quiz, Excellent Detailed Results (Girls Only)
 Monica MillerBlood: PurebloodHouse: HufflepuffQuidditch position: BeaterBF: Harry PotterBest Friends: Ron, Hermione, Fred, George Enemies: Pansy and for awhile GinnyExtra Info: George has a secret crush on you. Ron had a crush on you, but then you set him up with Hermione. Draco was obsessed with you, tried plotting a way to steal you away from Harry. Pansy wants to kill you *me: Gee, I wonder why* Ginny finally came to terms with your relationship with Harry when she started dating Neville. Your Song: Christina Aguilera - I Turn To You~~~How you and Harry got together~~~You were heading toward the Gryffindor common room after dinner one night when all of a sudden Draco came up behind you and pushed you against the stone wall. "Hey Monica, looking good tonight" he said holding you back by the shoulders. "Merlin, Draco" you said rolling your eyes. "I've told you a million times before, I only like you as a friend." "Yea well, that's not really working for me" "Draco please, just let me go" you said trying to break free. "Monica! I love you!" he said and pressed his lips against yours. You struggled to push him back, but finally punched him in the stomach, your patience running low. "Bloody hell Monica, what the hell was that for?" he said releasing you and holding his stomach in pain. "I said no Draco!" you screamed. "Damn it Monica! I want you! I won't take no for an answer" he said and pulled out his wand, and shouted "Confudus!" (The Confundus spell makes a person believe anything caster says) "Monica, you love me!" Draco pleaded. "Malfoy, what the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" Harry said running to you and holding by the waist. "Of course I do, Draco" you said trying to get away from Harry. "Let her go, Potter!" Draco screamed. "No! Monica, listen to me, you don't love him, it's just a spell, you can fight it" "Let go of me! Draco, help me!" you screamed trying to break free from Harry's grip. "Let go Potter!" Draco said and pointed his wand at him, and shouted, "Everte statum!" Both you and Harry flew backwards a few feet. "Bloody brillant" Harry goaned getting up. "Monica... Monica... are you alright?" Harry said going over to you. The blast backward had caused you to hit your head on the hard floor. "You bastard!" Harry shouted. "You gave her a concusion!" Harry then pulled out his wand and shouted, "Locomotor mortis" and Draco was unable to move. He then went back to you and picked you up bridal style and took you to the hospital wing. "Madame Pomfey, please help" Harry said as he entered the room. "Oh dear, what happened? Here, set her down on the bed." "A spell set her flying backward a few feet, and she hit her head on the floor, I think she has a concussion." Harry said doing as ordered. "Oh my, she must have landed on her arm, it's broken" Madame Pomfey said examining you. "What?" Madame Pomfey put your arm in a sling. "I'm afraid I have to wait until she wakes up to fix it" "Is she going to be alright?" Harry asked, his eyes full of concern. "No way to tell" When she left Harry sat in a chair beside your bed. He went to visit you in the hospital every chance he got. All your friends went to see you every afternoon. A week later, you regained consciousness and Harry was sitting at your bedside, his eyes full of tears. "Please wake up, please wake up." he pleaded. You kept your eyes closed listening. "I can't lose you Monica. You're everything to me. I never got to tell you... I love you." You fluttered your eyes open slowly. "Monica, you're awake" Harry said, his eys sparkling. "Yea, I am. What happened?" "You had a concussion. What's the last thing you remember?" "Being blasted backward" "Yea, by Malfoy" "What did you guys do as revenge?" you asked laughing, knowing your friends would never let him get away with it. "We didn't have to. He transfered to Durmstrang." "Seriously?" "Yea, Pansy had a fit about it" "Figures" "She said he left because he couldn't face you again after what happened. And if he found out you... wouldn't wake up, he couldn't live that. So he left." "Wow. How long was I out?" "A week" "You were here everyday?" "Every chance I could" "Harry..." "Yea?" "I heard what you said" "Wha...what did you hear?" He stuttered nervously. "I love you too, Harry" "Really?" "Yes, have since we first met" Harry leaned over to you and kissed you passionatly. "Aww, young love" Madame Pomfey said walking in the room. "Miss Miller, nice to see you up" "Good to be up, Madame Pomfey" you said sitting up quickly, and instantly regreting it when a sharp pain shot up your broken arm. "Oh yes, here you go dear, drink this" Madame Pomfey said handing you an arm mending potion. You drank it slowly, the taste making you want to heave. When your arm was back to normal, you and Harry went to the common room, hand in hand. Harry later asked you to be his girlfriend, and of course you accepted.~~~After Hogwarts~~~Harry proposed to you at graduation. Your wedding was magnificent. All yours and Harry's friends and family were there. Hermione and Ginny were your bridesmaids. Ron, and since Harry couldn't choose, both Fred and George were best- men. You had your honeymoon in Hawaii. You both went on to be Professional Quidditch players. But when you became pregnant with your first child, you had to leave, and became a stay-at-home mom. Harry later also left and became a professor at Hogwarts. You had three children: one boy: James Alexander (after both your fathers) , and twin girls: Lily (after Harry's mother) , and Rosemary (after your mother). Your Ring: Your Dress: Your Song: Music Video Codes - MySpace Layouts Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/21/06:
what does the hogwarts characters think of u!!(GALZ ONLY)
 house:gryffindor name:morgan chang bf:harry bff:ron,hermione,seamus,dean.HARRY:i love hertp bits she is so sweet.RON:i was gunna ask her out but harry got there first.i like her so muchHERMIONE:she is my best gal pal but she doesnt study enough.***********************************SEAMUS:she is so hot harrys lucky.i luv it when she hugs me.DEAN:she is pretty and i luv her sense of humor.***********************************GRYFFINDOR GIRLS:admire ur beauty but hate nearly every boy in the school likes u.***********************************FRED:great pranker.i love her so much.she said when she leaves hogwarts she will come and work at the joke shop.GEORGE:falls off his seat at the mention of ur name.and then drools.***********************************DRACO:ummm she is fine.i wish she was in slytherin.BLAISE:she is hot and she is strong i think ill try with her.licks his lips and pounces toward u.then draco and him start to fight ova u.PANSY:urrgh i hate her why does all 9000 boys like her and not me.***********************************SLYTHERIN PPL:shes cool for a gryffindor and we liker her and we let her in the common room anytime.***********************************HUFFLEPUFF BOYS:shes hot and is welcome in our common room.***********************************ravenclaw think ur hot but dont really know u that well.***********************************THAT PIC IS U at the top Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
The Yule Ball(BF, Story, Dress, Pic, and more)
 BF-HarryYule Ball Dress-PinkYule Ball Date-SeamusName-Mckenzie Siska**How U Met**You were one of Harry's best friends so he had invited you to you the DA with him, to be his assistant. You accepted quite eagerly, you have had a cruish on Harry since the first year. You were going to ask him out the meeting Cho kissed him, you didn't want it to look like you had ment to so you went back telling your friends you forgot ur sweater. When you got there is was just in time for Cho to kiss him. You watched it like it was happening in slow motion. She looked at you and left. You looked at Harry and he said"errrr. Hi." You burst into tears and ran to the common room. Hermione was there and asked you what was wrong u were going to tell her but Harry walked in and you stalked off to the girl dormitories. U told Hermione the night when everyone was asleep. She was very understanding and gave u quite a few tips. It took u a long while to forgive Harry for wat u had seen, but u forgot all about it when he asked you out the next week.Please Rate or message or do both if you liked it Thx. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
thats me .... !!!!!! ^.^
In Depth Personality Quiz (A look into your's gooey XD)
 Happy/EntergeticWhoa, you have alota energy ^^ but that's good...someting about special, you can make a smile appear on just about anyones face. Good for you! on your anger problem ^^;Month~ AprilColour~ Tones of RedSeason~ SpringAnimal~ Wolf, or puppy. Maybe a Fox kitt. ^^ please rate...or message...I worked hard on this one... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
if there is somthing else I am addicted to besides HP quizzes its NARUTO quizzes
What the Naruto characters think of you!!(and love story)
 Naruto: I like her though I hate that shes a Sasuke fan...Sakura:I hate her she took my Sasuke away from me!!(everyone:He was never yours!!)Sasuke:Shes different then most girls thats why I like her so much!Kakashi:A bright girl with a lot of potentiol!3rd Hokage:Ah shes a very strong ninja though she can be a little clumsy. ~Random Peoples~Itachi:I shall kill her and my foolish brother!Orochimaru:I hate her she could persuade Sasuke from joining my side! ~~~~~~~~~~Story~~~~~~~~~~ You were in the forest obviously lost though you've taken this route many times before. "Need help?" you heard a voice behind you. You whirled around and looked into the eyes of an Uchiha. "Yea thanks Sasuke" you replied giving him a hug. He turned his head and blushed a little, but he didn't turn fast enough. You grabbed hid head slightly turned it around to face you. You hated it when pepole turned thier heads away. You were about to chew him out when he did the unexpected, he leaned down and kissed your lips gently. You pulled back a little shocked then leaned back in and kissed him once more. You and him will always be together forever. ~~~~~~End~Story~~~~~~ Extra Info: Sasuke fangirlVery brightLiving aloneGeninSasuke hated you at first but gradually fell in love with you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:

Scar boy (Harry)"_______!"You turn around slightly confused, What did Harry want with you?"You dropped your book."You try to hide your disapointment. "Thanks."You run to the commons trying not to think about your false hopes. When you sigh and slam your fist on the table, that same book falls on the floor. You notice a piece of parchment on the floor.-Will you go out with me?-The writer of the note reads it out loud over your shoulder.A quick yes gets you led to this dorm where your snog until you both pass out. You wake to a kiss and "Mornin' Beautiful".
Result Posted on 08/20/06:
something other then a harry potter quiz
Who is your anime girl and what is her status?
 SOLITARY SPIRIT - The righteous girl.You feel you are complete as you are--living to protect those who are unable to protect themselves.You strive to scourge out all that does not belong. You have a very deep understanding of the knowledge of good and evil--that is both your gift and your curse.It is your duty to destroy those with evil hearts, but that does not make it fulfilling. With your immense burden, you will have a hard time searching the earth for someone as strong as you are. You will find him/her, however. And, when you do, you life will be made that much more beautiful.Live on and find your happiness. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
OK OK STOP THROWING ROCKS AT ME !!!!!! lol I just like these Quizzes way to much they are my drug lol ^.^
Hogwarts Personality(BF,BFF,House and Love Story and what a few of them think)FOR GIRLS ONLY!!!
 YOU GOT HARRY!!!!!!!Bff:The golden trio enemies:Slytherins and Ginny(you stole harry)House:Gryffindor.What they think:Harry-"I love her.I am going to marry her when we get out of school" Ron:"She great for Harry.To bad he got to her first" Hermione:"Great Girl.Smart but could study more.I feel a bit sorry for Ginny" Ginny:"GRRRRR she stole Harry"Nuff said. I would run if I were youFred:"Well shes pretty and great for Harry but I think Ron likes her" George:"Great at quidditich doesnt take the jokes well though" Draco:"Pothead's girl.Bloody git.Hate her" Cho:"Oh her she is great.Good fashion sense" Cedric:"Good for Harry.Pretty too"Neville:"Very Pretty but to god for me"Oliver:"Great at quidditich" LOVE STORY:You were sitting by the lake one day reading when you heard someone behind you.You turned around to see your best friend Harry. "Hey Harry" you said "Hey ******" he said as he came over and sat down next to you.You had always had a crush on Harry but never said anything in fear in might ruin you friendship. "Can you meet me here at 10 tonight?" asked Harry. "Sure Harry"You said and he got up and went somewhere. At 10 you went down to where you were suppose to meet Harry. He was standing at the shore throwing rocks in. "Harry"you said softly touching he shoulder. "Oh Hey I thought you wouldnt come." said Harry. "Why not?" you asked confused. "Well not important now come on" siad Harry taking you hand making you blush.He led you over to the tree and you gasped at the sight.It was a picnic he has set up. "Harry it is beautiful" you said as he helped you sit down. "Thanks" he said. You began to eat and when ya'll where finished he took your hand again and looked you in the eye. "***** I have always liked you and I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?" he asked looking at the ground and blushing. "Oh Harry" you started but Harry cut in "Sorry I shouldnt have asked. "No Harry I would love to be your girlfriend" you said smiling he looked back up and moved his face closer to yours and soon you lips touched and you shared a long kiss. THE END. Hope you liked it.Thanxz for taking my quiz. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
I found another one don't hert me !!!!!
Life at HOgwarts (everything you want to knw)
Friend: the golden triobf: harry potterHow you met - one day you and cho chang were walking down to the library to get books for some essay that was dued soon. as you were there harry and ron were spying on hermionie because she was with some guy. you and cho just laugh and wonder way guys always do stuff like that. but then harry hears you and he looks up and just keep staring at you not at cho. ron and cho just got bored watching you to star at each other and do nothing about it so.... cho pushes you to harry and ron pushes harry to you. you both say hi and just keep starring. he then asked if you would like to go to dinner with him and you agree. and since then you two were together for the rest of the school years and after school you guys get married Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
We are all beautiful but how and why? (VERY detailed, beautiful pictures)
 Spirit BeautyYour spirit is absolutely beautiful; youre very honest and pure. You are grateful for all you have and dont approve of things that destroy and how people throw away things as if its nothing. You are confident and have spirit and guts to do anything that you want. Your pretty much calm most of the time and dont get angry easily but when you do it would be for a good reason To reveal your goddess, you must talk to other about how you feel until you feel your power and aura released. Dont worry; youll know when it will happen. Take this quiz!
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