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Palm fucking Springs
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Middle school
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Serviving in this screwed up world .. so far I'm doin alright... is that good enough for you???
Anime Fan Since
4 Eva ... and 1/2
Favorite Anime
S-cry-ed & Naruto {it is a tie} ....... And ALL the other anime's.
To answer all my unanswerd questions
hanging with friends,listening to music,walking,myspace {lol}, & well whatever else I feel like
not caring & pretending to be happy
| Crazy-bout-anime
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/20/06:
What does your fav colour mean?(anime pics)
 BLUE-you are introspective and purposeful by nature. You hold conservative beliefs and under stressful conditions, prefer to withdraw into gentler surroundings. You seem to have a lot of control over your passions and desires, but are sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, nonetheless. You are a loyal friend and would prefer to lead a sober life. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
What Color Sharpie Are You? (25 Different Colors) Updated Again!

Blue Sharpie Element: Water Sense: Sound Gemstone: Sapphire Some Qualities: Trustworthy, Calm, IndependentFact: Sapphires are considered antidepressants. Also, blue is considered to be a calming color
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
look how cute he is !!!!! ^.^
Result Posted on 08/20/06:
What Half Demon Are You?girls only, sorry!
 Wolf demon. Normaly a loner, you like to have friends but sometimes, you can get wild and care free.You are protective of your friends. You never lack an answer either. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
It is pretty ^.^
Anime Kimonos! for girls but guys can take it 2
Result Posted on 08/20/06:
wow the pick kinda looks like me I am just not naked ^.^
What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:.
 The Truth
Your angel seeks for the truth. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values honesty more than most things in this world. You are strong-willed, and a bit stubborn at times. In love, you seek for someone who will understand you, and never cheat on you. This would probably hurt you a lot, as it would to a lot of people. But it would probably hurt you the most. You are brutally honest, and you voice your opinions a lot. Go you!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
this is the last one I sware at least untill a new one comes out ^.^ {don't hert me} lol
[x].....Whos Ur Hogwart Hottie......[x] (gurls only)
Ur Hottie: Harryhes fully in love with you, he loves the way you hate Voldie as much as he does. He'd do anything for you and you and him hang out with all the same people. Hermione: Is very happy for you and harry but thinks you and him might be moving a liittle to fast.Ron: secretly has a crush on you but knows your off limits to him cuz ur with harry.Draco: hates ur guts almost as much as he hates harry.Pansy: is jelous of you because all the guys think your hot but isnt having a complete spaz cuz draco, the one she really wants, doesnt like you at all. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
Who's Your Superhero Soulmate? (Girls Only!!!)
 Your Man Is SUPERMAN!He has superhuman strength, super speed & stamina, freezing breath, multiple extrasensory and vision powers, invulnerability, longevity, and flight.Have Fun. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
i loove thes Quizzes
What do the pplz at Hogwarts think of u?(gurls only!)
Gryffindor(ur house) Rep:Harry's Gurl,Almost PouplarHarry:I luv her with all my heart.After hogwarts i want 2 marry her!Ron:She's nice but Harry got 2 her first.Hermonie:Shes great, we're bffs, but i just wish she would help Harry study more.Oliver:Who?Oh nice gurl but she distracts Harry 2 r my best friend! we tell each other everything! HufflepuffCedric:I was going 2 ask her out but Harry got her first. RavenclawCho:I'm jealous of how many guys like her.I want 2 b her friend soo much. SlytherinDraco:Fine gurl.I luv 2 make fun of her.If she was in Slytherin she would b mine.Pansy:Jealous of u.Crabbe:who?Goyle:*same as Crabbe*Blaise:i dont care much about her. Hope u liked it!plz rate Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
wow that dress is way to gold
Your Yule Ball Story( i like to think its different) VERY detailed
 Your Date is Harry Potter!! yay for you! above is a pic of you in ur dress! how perdy!how he asked:you are so bummed! its been Two weeks since the anouncement for the yule ball. you were hopeing to get asked by harry but you heard rumours he had asked cho walk along towards the great hall to meet up with harry, ron, and hermione. "oh well," you sigh "guess im not even gonna go! it would be pathetic to show up alone" suddenly draco and his pity party show up in front of you. "aaw! poor ____! sad cause no-one wants to take a freak like you to the dance?" they crack up and wait for your reaction. "whatever! better to be alone then with a flying weasel like you!! that reminds me, have any practice at that lately?!" he blushes and you could tell you hit a nerve, you laugh and turn away. " you wench!" you hear him scream and see him whip out his wand and mutter a curse " oh!" you gasp as someone tackles you to the ground just in time and shoots a curse back at malfoy. you hear malfoy scream and a ruckus breaks out. "um..thanks.." you look up to see..harry! "harry?! what on..thanks.." you blush and take the hand he offered and he pulled you up. "no problem. i saw that jerk getting out his wand when i came to find you. it was just.." he trails off as you walk towards the hall. all of the sudden he stops and looks at you. "what is it?" you say nervously.he`s never looked at you like that before. "i got bat ears or something?" you laugh and he chuckles nervously."no, i..i was just wondering..if you`d consider... going to the ball with me?" you gasp and say (more like scream) "yes!" you blush and he smiles. " but.. i thought you were going with cho?!" he smiles and steps closer "nope. ive just been waiting for the right ask you. i..i love you _____" you gasp as he closes the gap between you. "oh harry!" you say with a joyful tear "ive always loved you!" he smiles and puts his arms around you. "im so glad to hear that." and he wipes away your tears and holds you as if he`ll never let go.The Ball:after you and harry kissed you ran to find hermione. she was so excited! "we`ll help each other get ready for the ball tomorrow k?" she says. you promise to meet and help to 'doll up' cuz the balls tomorrow!"oh my god ____! you look absolutly gorgeous!" you had already helped with her outfit and her frilled pink dress was UBER cute! "really?! let me look in the mirror" you stand in front of the mirror and gasp " doesnt even LOOK like me! thanks hermione!" you give her a hug and grab your purse. "well, time for the real test!" you laugh and make your way down stairs. "i promised to meet date at the hall, ill meet you later?" you give each other a reasuring hug and part ways. you begin the long walk (or so it felt with everyone staring!) down the grand stair. you spot harry in very dashing green dress robes and ron in....a dress? w/e. you reach the bottom and ron is just STARING. "what?! is it that bad?!" you say and gently close rons open mouth with a giggle. "your beautiful! i am most DEFINATLY the luckiest guy at hogwarts!" harry says with a smile and you take his arm. "if you say so!" and giggle. you danced to the upbeat tunes and had a blast! you were sitting talking with hermione, viktor, and a VERY grumpy ron when a slow song plays and harry offers a hand to you. "may i have this dance my lady?" he says playfully and gives you his million dollar smile. "why yes you may!" you say back and allow him to lead you onto the dance floor. you lay your head on his shoulder and he gently takes your waist as you glide around the dance floor. "harry?" you practically whisper."yes _____?" promise me you`ll always be there for me?" you say. he smiles and you look up at him. "always. im never letting you go." and you wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist. you feel the heat of your bodies clinging together. "good answer." and you lean in and feel the sweet taste of his lips as they meet yours.the end! got goosebumps?! you should! plz rate or message what you think! ok thanks! Take this quiz!
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