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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/20/06:
[:.:Your Yule Ball Story:.:] (With pictures) ~For girls~
 You picked: HARRY POTTER(That's your dress up there do you like it?)How He Asked You:It was a cold rainy day and you sat in the libaray trying to do your Potions homework, like it was gonna happened, it was just to boring. So you got up and decided to take a look around, find a book to read for pleasure and for your homework, what harm could happen?You sighed as you roam the different aisle, letting your fingers trace the spines of different books. As you turned the corner to walked down another aisle, you feel you hit something and now lay on the floor, books spread everwhere. "Um, I'm sorry," You hear as you sat up and looked around. "I'm sorry Harry, I wasn't looking where I was going," you say and start to help him get the many books up. You must say he had alot of books. "May I ask why you have so many books?" You asked as you stand and hand him a few books you picked up. "Um, for Hermione, she's looking up things for the Yule Ball," he said with a sigh. You nodded your head thinking about a date, you needed one. "Hey um, if no ones asked you already, would you like to go with me?" Harry asked, you almost yelled out loud. "Yeah, that'd be great," you say and run off to find your dress, you got a date, a date with Harry Potter. As you walked out the libaray you dance around and chanted yes over and over again. At the Ball:You stood at the Grand Staircase with butterflies in your belly. Your blue dress hung onto your every curve. If you said so yourself you looked great. "_______ you look great!" Harry cried as you met him at the bottom of the stairs. You smile and bit your lip. "Thanks," you say quietly and linked your arm into his. During the ball Harry and yourself had a wonderful time. You danced alittle, but what you liked best was walking out and down the hall. He had given you the most romantic kiss ever. You both stood under an white wood alter with flowers and lights strung around it in spirals. You both had a great time. THE END~~*~~How did you like it? If you liked it please rate and message me.~~*(APRIL)*~~ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
|-|-|-|-another harry potter quiz!! can you beleive there is MORE??!!?-|-|-|-|
name: Rachel Mooresyear below harryfirst year:you were instantly sorted into ravenclaw, despite your disapointement. you grew very close to a certain luna lovegood, a dreamy girl in your house and year. you sprouted a very large crush on a boy named seamus finnagin, a gryffindor, the year above you. this was the year that the cahmber of secrets opened up. you were quite devastated, you knew her quite well, you two were good friends.2nd year:as your crush on seamus finnagin grew, so did your love for quidditch. therefor, you tried out and got in. you were the youngest girl to ever get into a house quidditch in a century. you became a very skilled keeper, and barely anyone could figure out how you did so.3rd year:this was your biggest year yet. you were not only a quidditch star, seamus asked you out on a date. you accepted happily, and you two were a happy couple. you also befriended the whole weasley clan, hermione granger, and harry potter. you and seamus were the envied couple, and you also went to the yule ball together. since you were so cute together, his cute irishness, and your brown hair and green eyes just fit together, you were pratically inseperable.4th year:your best friends now, the weasley twins, harry, ginny, ron and hermione and luna, were very close. you took a bludger to the nose, and stayed in the hospitol wing for a while, while the trio, ginny neville and luna all went to the department of mysteries. you were very upset you missed out, but you had to deal. this was also a very hard year for you because the twins left, and they were your favorite people on earth, besides seamus.5th year:funny enough, harry seemed to act very mean and nasty to seamus. you were wondering why because they always got along just fine. you wondered...your studies excelled greatly, and you got accepted into a college. also this year, you became ravenclaw quidditch captain. later in the year, you discovered why harry was acting how he was:"YOU KNEW I LIKED HER ALL ALONG, I CAN'T BELEIVE YOU JUST SNATCHED HER UP!""harry, settle down! i snatched her up because i loved her! AND SHE LOVED ME TOO!" that was seamus's voice. you wondered why he was talking in past tense..."WELL, YOU CAN'T CHEAT ON HER WITH SOME IDIOT, BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE TREATED LIKE THAT! SHE'S A WONDERFUL WOMEN, AND YOU JUST THINK SHE'S A TOY YOU CAN PLAY AROUND WITH!""potter, just shut-up! someone's going to hear you!""GOOD, YOU PEICE OF SCUM, THE WHOLE WORLD SHOULD KNOW! YOU CAN'T TREAT HER LIKE THAT! YOU CAN'T TREAT HER LIKE THAT BECAUSE I LOVE HER!""oh my god..." seamus pointed to you in the doorway. your eyes were wide, and full of mixed emotion tears. harry whipped around, his face red with rage. then it softened. all your tears came pouring out once you saw that face, and you ran to your dorm. you didn't care that you missed transfiguration and half of arithmancy. prof. victor was a saw harry in the halls that day, and finally you couldn't stand it and asked him about it. all he could do was shake his head, and finally just kiss two were an official couple 4 days for seamus, he hooked up with cho.6th year:you and harry were still together, and he wasn't at hogwarts anymore, you were crushed. but you handled it with hanging out with none other than pansy parkinson. she was actually nice, and with draco gone, she coould focuse on other stuff. she didn't care you were a half blood. you and harry stayed n touch by letters and the occasional floo network.7th year:you and pansy decieded since you were of age, you would quit hogwarts and move to london, where harry was. you both moved in with him. she got a boyfriend, eventually and moved out, and she decieded to work as a ministry official. now that you and harry were alone, you wanted a family. you adopted 2 kids from viatnam, tara and alexia. you also had thomas. he looked just like harry, but he had your eyes. (lol) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
The Most Awesomest HP 'Who's your guy and how do ya meet up' quiz EVER!!
You were climbing the steps to the Owlery, it was a strangley warm day for October, and you were waiting eagerly for a letter from home, saying where your family was going to take you for Christmas Holiday. In the Owlery, you saw Harry Potter, leaning against the window, looking positively bleak. You weren't sure what to do; interrupt his thoughts to find out what was wrong, or quietly find your owl and leave? You breathed in deeply and headed Harry's way."Harry?" you asked quietly. He turned, saw you, turned red, looked at the floor, then returned to gazing out the window."Hi _____." he barely whispered, sounding hoarse. He cleared his voice, apparently embrassassed by the way his voice had sounded. You walked over and stood by him, and when he didn't turn around again, you put your hand on his shoulder and he glanced at you from the corner of his eye. "What's wrong?" you asked."Nothing, I-I-I just come here to think." he said lamely. You smiled. "Harry, I may not be your best friend, but even I know that you do not come to think here, who could think among all these annoying owls?"Harry smiled faintly and turned to you. "I haven't got word from-uhh, my-," he was hiding something from you. "-my godfather." he said quickly, seeing that you didn't believe him. You nodded and turned to find your owl. You took the note from her talon and headed out, but Harry turned and faced you. "-and," he said looking at you shyly. "I'm lonely."Not thinking on this, you slipped the note into your pocket and went back into the Owlery and went to stand by Harry. "I'll keep you company." you said smiling at him and turning to gaze out the window as he gazed at you. "I'd hoped so..." he said turning to look out the window as well.Silence followed, and seemed to last forever...every time Harry started to say something, he tripped over his tongue and ended up saying nothing but jibberish. He finally out at the sky, seeing it was getting dark, and took your hand. "We should go to dinner." he said. "Alright." you said as you followed him out...he was still holding your hand.In the Great Hall, everyone noticed that Harry was holding your hand and began to gossip. "Look at Harry and ____! They're so cute together!"Only Malfoy looked at you in horror, but everyone knew he had a crush on you and you looked at him apologeticly.Harry's mood seemed to lift, and he took you to sit with him, Ron, and Hermione."Oh Harry!" said Hermione shrilly. "I knew you would find the courage to ask her out.""SSSHHH!" Harry snapped.But you had caught it and blushed. Harry blushed too as he looked at you shyly. "Well, the news is out." he said. "so, would you?"You smiled shyly, and blushed a bright red. "Sure."Harry gave you a huge grin and kissed right then and there, in front of everyone, including the clearly jealous Malfoy. Take this quiz!
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Harry over Draco
HP! What do people think of you? (Girls only plz) Lots of RP!
Your in Griffindor, and are dating Harry Potter (yes the harry potter!), and are friends with everyone in griffindor. You despise slitherin and slitherin despise you. enough saidWhat everyone thinks:Harry: I LOVE HER! I LOVE HER! I LOVE HER! she is amazing! shes beautiful! shes everything i ever wanted and more! I would give up everything I own just to have her in my arms right now! we've been apart for the holidays for a week now and I miss her sooooo much. I've sent her an owl everyday! We're meeting at the burrow soon though. Ron: Shes a really great person! and an amazing friend! we are bff! I have a slight crush on her, like most guys, but we are just friends. she and harry were made for each other!Hermiony: Shes so great! We are bff! Shes smart, pretty, funny and great to be around. She is so put together and is the best friend I've ever had! I'm so glad she got together with harry!Neville: Shes so nice! I like her loads! Shes good at cheering me up when I'm down and stands up for me to everyone. shes got hexed loads because of me! I feel really guilty about that, but she doesnt seem to care.Ginny: I'm so jealous of her! We are great friends but I'm still annoyed that she got harry. But I suppose they are great for each other! I cant wait to see her! Shes coming round here soon!Fred: Shes fantastic! We have a great time whenever we get together! and actually we first met when I accidently played a prank on her... oops... she was yellow and pink for 2 weeks. but she didnt actually seemed to care. shes up for anything. I have a little bit of a crush on her but I know she and harry love each other! I cant wait till she comes over!George: I really like her. She is so great! Hilarious! Smart! Beautiful! and shes great at quidditch! I wish she was mine but she chose harry, shame. oh well, ive got a great prank I'm gonna play on her, I've been working on it for ages. Its this gum that after you have it you can only bark, hey i customised it for her. cause she loves dogs, I was not saying that she was a dog!!!Malfoy: Stupid half blood! I dont like her! ok thats a lie! I love her! shes totally amazing! Why did she have to go with potty! I would have been good for her! Im still gonna try and get her!Crabbe: gruntsGoyle: is asleep after over eating (again)Pansy: Do NOT talk to me about her!Dumbledore: She is a great person, and is perfect for harry. together they will defeat voldemort, I do not doubt that!magonigal: She gets top marks and is a pleasure to teach. she is good for harry and great for the order.Snape: I do NOT like her! She should have picked draco! I will not like her until she dumps harry and goes with draco!Hope you liked it! Please rate and message me to tell me what you think of improvements I need to make, thx xxx Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
UR HOGWARTS LIFE!!!=D ((Girlzs(the dreaded question is not asked.))
Your House- GryfindoreYour Best Friend- HermioneYour Boy Friend- HarryWhat everyone else says about YOU-Harry- I love her so much, I have never been happier with my life. She helps me, and she is so good to me! I love her to death, and i will never break up with her, when we finish school i'm planning on marrying her!Ron- She is so nice to me, and everyone in Gryfindore, she is great for Harry, he seems so nice ever since they have been together. Hermionie- She is my best friend ever, and she is so nice and good for Harry, and she never pays to much attention to Harry, she always has time for me!Ginny- I'm sort of Jealous that she got Harry, but like she is so nice, she always helps me with problems, and everything. She is just really nice. Fred- Shes cool, she is pretty cute, but don't tell Harry i said that...George- She is SO cute, but u didn't here anything from me, i got a girl so i would never think of stealing her from harry. But she is always playing pranks on me nd fred, nd i respect that!Cho- Who? O yea, her, i never really met her, like she seems ok and all. Oliver- She plays quiditch and she rocks at it, I might have asked her out if harry didn;t first, but o well. Cedric- I don't really know her all that much sorry...Pansy- I DESPISE her, she thinks she is so cute... Draco has actually asked her out once, but know he hates her so im a little better know!Draco- i asked her out, and she told me to "go fuck off, you are just asking me out 2 hurt harry!" so now i hate her! HAYour Love story- You were going 2 the lake with hermione one day and you got there and Hermione had to use the bathroom so she left and you were waiting there. You her a tree branch crack a minute later. "Hermionie? That was fast!" then Harry came out of the trees. "You arn't Hermionie!" you said. "And you arn't ron." he said. "No, Im not ron!" you giggled. Well i just wait here for ron then, he told me to meet him here." Harry said."Yea, im waiting for Hermionie." you replied. "Cool! Whats ur name again?" he asked."_______" you replied."O yea, i knew that!" he said. Then Hermionie came back, and u 2 left!THE NEXT DAY you were bored so you were reading a book infront of the fire. When someone came up and put there hands infront of your eyes and said, guess who? "WHO?" you asked. "Me." Harry said. jumping over the couch sitting next to you!"hey!" you said to him."hey, i don't know how to say this, but" harry started... ""huh?' you said." yesterday wen i saw you standing in the woods by yourself, i relized that you have the cutest face, and... well will you be my girlfriend?" And since then you two have been together forever! Take this
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
I think these Quizzes are my drug lol
You in Hogwarts and what people think of you... (Gurlz Only Pur-lease)"> You're in Gryffindor!!!!!!Harry- likes you. He likes you likes you. He's planning on asking you out. But first he's got to gather up the courage to, counting as whenever you're in the room he gets really quite and blushes alot.Ron- Thinks of you as his best friend next to Harry and Mione. You are always there for him and there's a little bit of chemestry (sp?) between the two of you.Hermione- Loves having you around. You're a great friend and sometimes you two just hang around talking about nothing in particular. She also enjoys the fact that you're smart like her.Ginny- Acts nice to you but inside she hates you. She hates the way that Harry looks at you and hopes that you don't like him the same.Neville- Thinks you're nice. You help him out with classes and even when he's being picked on.Oliver- Thinks you're a great addition to the team. You're a brilliant flier and you're pretty attractive too, at least in Oliver's eyes.Draco- Loves you. Although he hates the way you flirt with Harry and the rest of the Gryffindors.Pansy- Hates you. Draco likes you and she can tell. Watch out for her.Crabbe and Goyle- Like you as a friend and dislike when Draco sends them after you.Fred and George- Think you're awesome. You help them come up with new pranks and you even help out from time to time. They love the way you think. If you didn't already tell them you secretly liked Harry they would have asked you out.Cho- Doesn't really know you. And since you're younger than her she doesn't really want to know you.Cedric- Thinks you're cute. If he didn't already like Cho he's probably ask you out.Seamus- thinks you're hot. He's totally ask you out if he hadn't already asked out Parvati.Dean- Thinks you're cute. He loves the way you flirt with him although he probably knows you don't really like him.Lavender, Parvati and Padma- dislike you because you're stealing all the attention of the Gryffindor Boys from them. Take this quiz!㻪lease%29">quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
Which Harry Potter Character Would You Date?
 Your boyfriend is Harry Potter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You were sitting in Defense Against The Dark Arts waiting for the bell to ring so you could go on your break. the entire day you caught Harry staring at you. you were praying he had the same feelings for you that you had for him.for the past 5 years you'd liked him but were too afraid to say.when the bell finally rang Harry raced out the door faster then anyone else. when you finally got through the crowd of kids you were pulled into a closet. before your eyes adjusted to the dark a familiar voice says "hey sorry its me Harry". "oh hi Harry" you respond. he tells you that hes had strong feelings for you since first year.he then asks you out. you agree with no hesitation and you guys begin to make-out. all of a sudden the door is opened and Snape is screeching at you saying you both have 2 weeks detention. you both think it was worth it though. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
What do the Hogwarts people think of you? (Your name, rep, bf, bff, enemies, and so much more!) grlz only plz!
Your Info: Your name: Danielle ForgersYour House: GryffindorYour BF: Harry PotterYour BFF: Hermione and RonYour enemies: Draco and his possyHow you and Harry met:You guys met at the first breakfast."What's your name?" Harry said"Danielle but you can call me Dani.""Cool, I'm Harry.""Are you in Gryffindor?""Yep. you?""Yep.""Do you want me to walk you to breakfast?""I'd love that!" You say. When you went in, you also met Ron and Hermione.How it happened:You were running away from Harry, as he chased you for fun. You tripped and fell and he fell over you, landing right on top of you. You laugh as you push him off, him laughing too. You've had a crush on him for ages but never told him."You know, Dani, I've liked you for ages.""Really?""Yes." He said looking down so you wouldn't see him blushing."Me too!""So, will you be my girlfriend?""Of course I will." He kisses you softly and you walk back to the castle.What people think of you:Harry: I love her to pieces. She is so great, she is so powerful and beatuiful. I'd die for her!Ron: She's cute but I only like her as a friend.Hermione: She is ok. She isn't that smart but she uses everything to make her powerful.Ginny: She is really pretty but she'd be better off with Ron.Oliver: She is a great Quidditch player. She might even be better then me! Did I just say that?Cedric: Very pretty but she is only my friend.Draco: I want her to die! She is stuck up and is a bitch!Pansy: She's a bitch. I hate her. Just like Drackie said.Crabble: GruntsGoyle: I hate her.Dumbledore: Very bright and good for the order. Perfect for Harry.McGonagal: She is a very powerful witch and can achieve many great things.Snape: I could care less.Voldemort: I'm planning her death now!Your Rep: Harry's GirlHope ya liked it! I worked soooo Hard! 
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
yes yes I know I am addicted to these things
Who's You Hogwarts Love? (for girls detailed results)
 BF:HarryBFFS:hermione and ron What They thinkHarry:Love her so much i cant stop thinking of her.Ron:She's great she helped me and hermione get togetherHermione:she's like a sister to meFred: Hot girl wont hurt harry thoughGeorge: really hot she helped prank harry once it was great.Draco: I love her im going to steal her from Filthy Potter.(me:oh no!)Pansy:loath her cause draco loves herBlaise:Wish she was mineoliver: Great girl but she distracts harry on the field.Dumbledore:Very smart girlMcgonagall: great student she can fully transfigure things without speakingHagrid:she's perfect for harryflitwick:very bright indeed How it HappenedYou sat on in the dormitory studying only your thoughts kept drifting back to harry.hermione had told you to try to get over him so you could focus more on your studies but you just couldn't.It was easier said then done you sighed sadly.You put your books away it was really late and everyone was already in bed you were about to head for your dormitory when you saw harry, your heart flipped. "hey Harry what are you doing up" "I came down cause i knew you would stil be down here." "oh" you sat back down on the couch. He came and sat next to you."You know i've been meaning to ask you something for a long time." "really" "Yeah" you looked in eachother's eyes he was about to say something but then stopped and looked away. Then you turned his head and kissed him softly. He then kissed you sweetly and layed on his lap as he stroked your hair . "____ will you be my girlfriend?" "yes " and you both drifted to sleep on the dormitory couch. Hope you liked it please rate and or message. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
I like Harry potter Quizzes can you tell ^.^
>><><< gurls only srry boys
you got Harry!!Your love story>>> You were just finishing up a late night shower when all of a sudden you heard a tap turn on. Hello? If your there could you pass me my towel please? A hand popped through the curtain and passed you one. Thanks you said tying it around you.No Problem said a boys voice. You were confused but not scared. You opened the curtain and found Harry staring at you.Oh, you said, hi Harry. You were a little surprised to see Harry standing in front of you but happy none the less because you had a huge crush on him. He just went beat red.I uh look I no this is a weird place for me to be in and all but I uh he stopped.Its okay really whats going on?Well Ive been meaning to ask you for a few days but your never alone so I can talk to you. He was right you were always with your friends and the only time really your alone is when your in the bathroom or going to sleep. Look I really like you and I hoping no Im praying you feel the same way. He said.You smiled and said Oh Harry I do feel the same way!You do? Thats fantastic! Come for a broom ride with.Sure just let me get dressed. You quickly got dressed and met Harry outside the bathroom. You both slipped underneath the invisibility cloak and headed outside. You both hopped on his broom and rode over the forbidden forest. He flew you black over to the black lake and then landed you guys on the quiditch pitch. He lay down the invisibility cloak and you both lay there looking at the stars. Im cold, you said. And exactly as if hed read you mind he pulled in closer so you could lie on his chest then he wrapped one arm and around you and held your hand with the other.Be my girlfriend please? he said. You snogged him and snogged him pulling away inbetween each kiss to say Of course, yes, yes, I love you When you said that he pulled away and said he loved you too. You stayed out there all night and found it almost unbearable to be separated the next day.hope you liked it plz. rate Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/20/06:
What Is Your Hogwarts Life Like? (Boyfriend, BFF, House,and Love Story)
House: GryffindorBFF: Cho ChangLover and Love Story: Harry, he aksed you to the Yule Ball After Cho turned him down, you said sure, ok, trying to hide your over bubbling excitment. Harry had been you crush since day 1. At the ball you see you ex with Fleur Dalacour. You start to tear up when Harry cradles you in his arms, you look up too him and his kisses you more passionatley then you've ever been kissed. Since then, you've been so in love. Take this quiz!
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