Birthday 1992-09-04 Gender
Male Location ??????????????????? Member Since 2006-01-12 Occupation Being Crazy! Real Name Kevin (A.K.A. Crazy Kev)
Achievements To finish my comic I'm making , wake up for once without falling back asleep, and eat as more pie as I can consume Anime Fan Since 7 Favorite Anime Naruto, Bleach, FMA, Inuyasha, DBZ, One Piece, etc., etc., etc. Goals Becoming either a Cartoonist, Game Designer, or a Reptile Scientist Hobbies Video games, liking pie, listening to music, think of funny ideas, burning stuff, reading, swimming, running, drawing, tell jokes, Study ghosts & reptiles Talents Being a pyro, liking pie, running, drawing, playing video games, burping, telling jokes, creating funny ideas Crazy Kev
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I'm back!
Hello everyone! I'm now officially back from my camping trips! It was awsome! I first went to Canada to go a boat ride to Niagara Falls which was cool and refreshing because it was a very hot day! Then I went to Lecthworth State Park for 2 nights..It was infested with gants but I got used to it. Then I got to spend the night on the U.S.S. Massachusetts, which was a battle ship used in World War Two. It was awsome, I gotted to see the types of weapons the ship used, the bunks people slept in, all that good stuff. Then I went to Rhode Island to go sailing on a..I think a Spooner Sail boat..I don't know but it was cool though, I got to steer the boat and put up the sails. After I was done, I got to go sailing again, but on a racing yacht, which was also cool!..After that, I was camping at this one camp site for a few nights...Oh, I also went charter fishing or deep sea fishing, it was awsome! We caught flounder, sting rays or skates as people call them, flying fish, sea bass, and sharks or dogfish people called them. I only caught 2 fish though, but it was fun though! Then at the last night before the day we left, me and my friends deciced to scare the crap out of other people with a really cool skeleton mask my friend had. The plan didn't work though, which sucked....I'm glad to be back home!! *sticks out hands and feels the air conditioner* Ahh!!! Nice refreshing air!..... Comments (6) |
Saturday, July 8, 2006
Gonna be gone (again)
Well....I gonna be gone tomorrow to another camping trip..This time, I'll be going to a bunch of places like New York, Rhode Island, Canada, Massachusetts, etc....Don't worry, I'll miss you all while I'm gone, I'll be back on the 16 and post the stuff I did on either the 16 or 17.....Well..Gotta go to bed now, I have to wake up at 5 or 6 in the morning...Well...C'yah! :-) *thumbsup*
I'm back (for now)...
Hello everyone, I'm back for now because I have to pack for my other camping trip I have to go to. The one I just went to was at an island called Isle Royal..It was awsome (except for the fact that my shoulder started to hurt for a while after hiking, someone almost got run over by a moose twice, and it was infested with mosquitoes.) But anyway, it was cool there. I bought a really cool pendent, a hoodie, hung out at the snack bar they had for a while, went fishing and swimming, and also saw alot of moose. So yeah, I'll be gone again saturday and be back by.....CRAP! I forgot! Well anyway....Uummmmmm....well....that's just about it I guess...Well keep it easy everyone! :-)
Gone for a while
Well everyone, I'm gonna gone tomorrow for 2 weeks because I'm going camping in many places like massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Canada, etc.
So yah, I'll miss all of you guys here. Comments (0) |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Match between Kakashi and Sparton117
Ok, I've been thinkng about this for a while now about if Kakashi from Naruto got into a fight against Sparton117 or shorter, MC5 from Halo...So vote here by telling me who would win....I'll count off the votes after a good number of people vote...So yeah, please tell me who you think would win. Comments (2) |
Monday, June 5, 2006
Happy Birthday Pal!!!
Hey, today's my friend, Jacob's birthday and I just want everyone here to wish him an awsome BDay!!!! Comments (4) |
Monday, May 22, 2006
Awsome Naruto videos
These are must to see videos! They have cool music and naruto videos as well! Comments (4) |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
the end
There's a reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllyyyyy Funny video I saw a few weeks ago and I wanted to see if any one needed a good laugh right now. the website is Comments (1) |
Friday, January 20, 2006
Funny Idea
Here's a funny idea I've decided to put in a cartoon I want to make when I grow up. Read this and see how funny my ideas are.
These 2 people named Slazer and Sniper are at a gordge and Slazer decided it was time for some entertainment.
Slazer: Alright Sniper, today I'm gonna teach you how to dance.
Sniper: Sweet, I hope I'm going to learn those moves that rappers do!
Slazer: I'm gonna teach you something alot better!
Sniper: SWEET!
Slazer: First, get to the other side of the gordge.
Sniper runs to the other side
Sniper: Now what?!
Slazer: Stand still. *He grabs out a 90 caliber high powered auto machine gun*
Sniper: Cool a weapon! Whats it for (P.S. Yes, Sniper is that dumb!)
Slazer: You'll see *short evil laughter, Then he gets the gun ready and starts shooting at Sniper)
Sniper runs aroud screaming like a little girl.
Slazer: Teahing you how to dance......And also entertaining myself.
Sniper: AAAAHHHH!!! I'm being attack by masked psyco-maniac
Slazer: HEY!
*Sniper jumps behind a rock*
Sniper: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You can't make me dance any more!! *Sticks out his tongue*
Slazer: Hmmmmm....I need something with heavy fire-power, something like...AHAA! * grabs a RPG Rocket Launcher* Alright now, You'll only feel a mass amount of force from the missle I'm gonna shoot at you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Sniper: I hope Slazer makes fireworks, I love fire works! Especially the ones caused by an RPG Rocket Launcher!
*Slazer pulls the trigger*
*Sniper flies 50 ft. in the air*
Sniper: Sweet I'm Super Man!!!
Slazer: I think I have one more missle to make those fireworks Sniper wanted.
Shoots the missle in the air*
Slazer: So elegent, even I love the smell of an RPG Rocket Launcher missle being shot at an idiot with a IQ 1o times lower than a dodo bird.
Sniper: That was fun, let's do it again!!! *Big smile*
Then after that, Slazer came home kinda ticked that his plan didn't work, while Sniper on the other hand came home with a full body cast a bill for his medical insurence.
Slazer: I hate insurence!
Thats it! What did you think about this? I thought it was funny, how about you?