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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
where ever i may roam ~
we still have those dogs.
ive been avoiding the little basterds, cause i would hate to get attatched to them...they r leaving in a couple days...i guess. they mother figure is already trying t o give them names.....we dont have the money to take care of more animals
one has an eye infection...making it uglier -___-
dont get me wrong...they r sweet dogs. they bark to much...but i make it seem worse than it is...cause they really do look like rats to me.
um....i was supposed to get my senior pics today....but...i didnt go.
my mom was saying something i never listen to her...or i think thats wut she was complaining about, cause i wasnt really paying attention >__>
well i went to a friends house like 2:30. we smoked................
this isnt worthy of an adventure status...but we went to windixi...we didnt buy anything...but we walked around.
talked to a girl(the one that made out with ET >__>) and she says that she reads my blogs on myspace =DDD
and she says she doesnt normally like them, but MINE MAKE HER LAUGH XD
..see? i AM awsome...
...says the kid laying on the floor in the middle of his room singing along to metalica songs >___>
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Monday, August 11, 2008
i must do something right today......
yesterday i went over my frineds house. we bullshitted for a while, and then we desided to go see two other of witch is my best friend....and some girl that smokes with him. shes cool...i just dont know her.
they were making out, so bruno, the kid i was with, who can drive...asks if i want to go buy ciggs and bk with him. i agree to go...ive never been inside a car with him b4 that i didnt know wether or not he was a good driver or not.....(can u see where this is going?)
so...we stopped at a quicky mart...and get the cigs. no real problem there....untill we get into the parking lot for was it was chill that he did this but...
i freaked at first...cause i didnt know if he could pull it off completely...but he did
we then went a second time...and he stopped at the speaking com thingy....and he yells..(i dont like that...but i wasnt getting food, so...i didnt care as much) he fucking yells "YEAH, I WOULD LIKE A FUCKING FROSTY WITH 2 WHOPPERS PLEASE!!!!!" ...the person didnt even repond at first. they took the order and told us his total...and then bruno bumps the makethe car move, but olny a that the person thought we were still there. they kindly asked us for our order and bruno yells that he's "fine". that poor employee
i swear they spit in his burger...but i dont think bruno cares. he deserves matter how funny the incident was. mad props bro. mother figure found stray dogs...little ones. i cant spell the deal with it . they r ugly. mother loves these ghastly they stayed over night...and now..they r here =|
they bark alot...this is starting to annoy me...but ill let it slide. these things were abandoned at the house acrossed the street from us. the people were topoor for thier house...and left the pets inside.
some people just dont care about things i guess =\
peace <3 love the song
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Sunday, August 10, 2008
every night for three long weeks, she would roam the halways half asleep.....
lol do u guys thin my site is....a bit to much? >__>
i got my bus pass.....i was kinda sad ....i dont have the same bus as my friend =(
oh well i guess i gotta make new friends
either that or start driving.
schools so close....i really hope ill have the oppertunity to get my high school diploma
i mean....i had to work so hard to get here...i might as well do the remainder year....
XD i need a girlfriend
bible club is actually pretty...okay. its alot ok-er than i thought it would b...exspecially since im not christian >__>
lol and outlaw.....i was only jesting...i didnt just join the bible club like that....i do have SOME class...i mean...give me credit
peace <3
this is meeeee

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
as the foot steps fade away forever....
well i guess im bak on myO >__> iono y i came bak....but i guess i missed this place. i gotta find a way to meet more people tho. i think there r like 3 of u guys left that i know.....and my other site had like 400 people that i actually talked to on a regular basis.
i got work to do
well, ive been playing with myspace for a long time....i went to warped tour....and ive been hitting my freinds houses alot lately.
well...normally i would tell u guys a story of my insane adventueses.....but im not in the mood. ill post one later...cause im awsome <3
peace out, love <3
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008
a moment of silence please >__>
A moment of silence, please, for those who never get the chance
They show up to the party, but they're never asked to dance
The losers, the liars, the bastards, the thieves
The cynicists, the pessimists, and those that don't believe in nothing
So tell me: how long do you think you can go before you lose it all?
Before they call you bluff and watch you fall?
I don't know, but I'd like to think I had control
At some point, but I let it go and lost my soul
Sit tight, but the revolution's years away
I'm losing faith and I'm running low on things to say
So, I guess I have no choice but to regurgitate
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite
Oh! To have died that night, I realized it wouldn't last
Our days were numbered and the reaper tipped the hourglass
The final mayday of our sinking ship had come and passed
Oh! To the west, you don't know what it is you're running from
And everybody's laughing loud
Your last chance to make your mother and your father proud
im still here kinda.....people should start talking to me again >__>
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Friday, June 20, 2008
well, this game was cool...but im quitting. i know like, no one will even read this. but...just in case, ill post this, im leaving, on the account that this site blows.
i love u all....~~<3 remember me
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Saturday, June 14, 2008
well, yesterday started like every other day in the history of my life; i woke up.
well, i got up, and did my morning ritual...and downloaded about 40 trance songs from variose sites off the internet. one of witch is the title of the blog ~~~
well, i sunbathed till about 10:30, as usual...since no one else in the world seems to wake up untill that general timeframe...i called ET, and i went over his house.
now, earlier in the week, i made freinds with a nice-ass girl and her freinds who wanted to smoke out wid me....and they game me $20 to buy some for them, along with their male companion. well...i got $50....making it a total of $70~~!
well i bs with eaty for and hour or discovery channel ...we talk to peoplez on the phone and just generally wait till everyone else wakes up in his naighbor hood. ET informs me he has to go to the movies with a girl from our bus, plus her freind, plus marc. i think about going...but i dont really like movies that much...and why pay for sumthing ur not gonna watch? besides...i think they would like an even four people. so...i deside not to go...and then i "help" ET with some chores...and he gets another $10....adding it to his 2o...meaning we have 100!!!
thats rite...we r buying one hounder dollars worth together....ive never seen so much b4 in my life. well, he call the guy whos supposed to get the stuff, and its gonna take a while....w/e we pass the time...then its time, and we go walk to sumwhere. im on the phone with some one...its cool, though i had no freakin clue where im walking to. we end up stopping at a wooden low-fenc thing,....and we wait there for a carf to cum up. we're waiting....and im still talkin to this girl....annnddd i start getting bored and i start walking on the fence. nothing to bad...rite? well, some old fucking bat cums out of her house, and walks over to us, talking in espenol. well fuck me. i dont speak any spanish, and niether does et. the other kid there does, and she keeps on looking at me when he talks. well, we inform this crazy bitch that we dont speak any spanish. she KEEPS ON LOOKING AT ME. while she talks, and keeps saying something about my hand. like...she doesnt like my hand or something. im lost...she keeps sayiong sumthing about my hand....and then the kid that speaks spanish FUCKING LEAVES. well...we continue to ..converse..with this hag, and i end up having to tell taylor to hold on while i disyfer this lady's sentences like the bak of my cereal box...
well, turns out that someone messed up the sign next to the fuckin fence, and sence i had to grab it to use it for stability (im not that graceful) and...well, the cops came by earlier that morning to take finger prints off the sign to see who fucked it up. great, i could go to jail....not. i dont think the cops came bak to do a second finger printing.
i hope.
well, we get the bitch to leave us b....and the car shose up...and the spanish speaking deserter gets in, with another freind, and takes our money, and goes to a dealers house to cap for us. and ET r officially chosen to.......wait
well...we go bak to his house, i remember that i still have a girl on line one, and start bsing with her again. thank god, cause...if t wasnt for talking, i dont think i could have waited that long with out picking up a mental illness.
well...i take a drink of water, cause i have been dying of thirst for like a millenia, and when i et bak to the phone, the little(yes, shes really small) whore hung up on me!! ..oh well. at least it passed enough time, cause 5 minutes after our shipment came. honest to god, it was so much more than i thought. its to much. even tho there's no such thing.
well...we get the stuff...and then we do what comes natural.....we go to the toking tree =D
yea...we walk over to another chill kids house...and he opens...and, i swear to god, this kid starts talking about shit, and i just cant figure out wut hes saying. not even ET follows this guy. he laughs, and say "w/e and he goes to open the gate to the park. weeeeeeeee r almost there. as hes opening the gate, he asks about our..load. et states that im carring the magority of it, and i show him. he is amased. well...wut can i say? my shits always the best <3
well, we get to the park on the other side of the gate....and then we walk to our tree. i am so excited my genital have been sucked up into my body cavities. (jk)
well, we smoke the fuck out, and then we just sit there, craking the hell up.
we do so for a long while....i ask when hes gonna go to the movies. he never replied.
well, we r fucking GONE. e go bak to his place...and chill out for a longer while. then , at 3:45 i gotta go. i have business to attend to. mainly, i promised one of my many, many ex's that i would "hang out" with her this week. well...i get home, change out of my pot cloths...and head to bipolar-bitches house. at this point, i really hope she's not reading this.
well, i get there, and we go threw her bullshit with her worthless family, and we talk about her variouse troubles. well, SHE talks anyway. then we move our.."activities", then we lay there together for like an hour...and then i get bored and leave. i get home, and i pass the hell out. i didnt even get to change my cloths, or even take my phone out of my pocket. witch btw, woke me up. yea, at nine fourteen this morning, i recieve a text message from that girl that hung up on me...shes cool its not like i mind...but...vibrating pockets r a weird way to wake up. its not a bad way to wake up, dont get me wrong, will take some getting used to i guess ^^' as long as she doesnt make a habbit out of it....
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Thursday, June 12, 2008
wouldnt have it any other way
wouldnt have it any other way <3
Category: Dreams and the Supernatural
yesterday was .... okay
still havent made up with my ex XD
um...well, i had to get up early in the morning yesterday...round 7 o clock, to go to a meeting for the everglades conservation people or w/e...the real the government came to discuss the things that they wer "gonna do" for the next year. my dad is the vice pres of the jet port conservation he went, and he said that since i love it so much...i should go. well...fuck u.
i love the everglades, but showing up to a boring ass meeting is just stupid. im not even in the club. u gotta b 21. im not 21. anyways...males guardian wants me to go, "for numbers", if alot of people show will make an impression. was next door to a gigantic store, called Basspro. i spent my tiem in there, cause the meeting bored my ADD ass to the fucking core. dad origonally told me that they were gonna try to kick us out of our i sat threw the frist half of the meeting and, turns out, they had no such intentions. i turned to my dad and mouthed "what the fuck man?" ...he said he never siad anything of the, in the middle of a speech by sum retarded-ass-old-guy, i stood up, and walked. course, i was in the back, so i had to walk like 40 rows up toi the front, and open the door. all eyes were on me. including the guy talking. then, i slid the door open, making damn sure everyone heard the creech of the old railings ( sliding door)and walked threw.....but unfortunently, i slammed the door on my fingers. i yelled.
getting away from that...i waited out side looking at the fish and stuff..there was a pond at the front of the place. i fed them...with a dime's worth of food....from a lil vending thing they had there. they had some cool uncle came out...i like him, hes just like me. no kidding. except he smokes cigs...i dont...tho i do smoke.....=D
um...he starts smoking...we start bsing around. turns out 8 more people are schedualed to cum up and speak....and he couldnt take it anymore. then he lights another cig...and i make a bet with him that he cant smoke 4 cigs in less than 5 minutes. without coughing.
three minutes later i am broke.
dad comes out, pouting about some tree hugger that said sum things he didnt agree with ...oh well. we go to the store...and walk around an stuff....i dont like stores usually...but this one hadda fishy im amused at least. well, they had a restrurant in there to..we go, the food awsome
WAITRESS!!! oh yes, theres a waitress there, and turns out, she's 19. eh, im not normally into older wemen, but....she was very pretty. and cute. and hot. she wore to much eyeliner tho...but i got over that real quick. we talked for a while....well, like 20 minutes XD she actually could kjeep a good conversation going...tho her voice was alittle to soft...2i even got her to sit down...since the place was alittle slow for the moment..despite my family being there....i had a good time <3
me (says sumthing very funny)
her * laughs* wow...ur cute
me : apparently im very funy to
she laughs again...and informes me she gets a break in 35 minutes. great. then she leaves..,...and dad looks at me an says i cant wait to see her for her break, cause HE wants to go BAK TO THE FUCKING MEETING!!!!!
i press him..and say i just wanna stay for a little while...(4 hours isnt THAT much...) he turns me down like a raise for teachers pay. fuuuuccckkkk uuuuuuuu
well...i leave without telling the waitress anything. i hope she didnt wait. then again..shes a its her profession.
well...i go flirt with the fishes for another hour...and we go home...i miss waitress gurl T__T her name was breigh ....i like that name.
hm....lets see. then, i got home...and i pretty much just chilled the fuck out. talked to some MORE people mad at me .... oh well, i guess i wouldnt have it any other way <3
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Monday, June 9, 2008
my my my how the time must fly when u know ur gonna die by the end of the night ~~~
ive been listening to way to much streetlight manifesto lately :..
wellz, yesterday started out great, i just sunbathed, listening to bob marley from 7 in the morning...till like 5 in the afternoon. kick ass. dad asked me to help him work on the motor for the rabolo...witch is out ocean-boat-thing...not to much work...soi agree....
basically i stood at the back of the boat, watching him work on the engine for like an hour. an there's like a water pump thing...witch sprays water from the rear of the bout....not that i actually thought about it....but the water cums ot at like 8,000,000 degrees. oh yes. i was just standing there, when my dad tells me to check to see if the water was cummin out properly...i walk 4 inches to the left, and it spews out and covers me. it felt like a volcano came all over me. i start stumbling all over the backyard...writhing in agony. dad found that funny, and instead of helpin me, laughs.( i cant blame the guy tho...i would do the same...) so...after about 30 min, i finally let it go and forgive him,...luckly im not burned tha bad...
well, after all of that, my dad wanted to go i agreed...and i ended up doing EVERYTHING. i had to carry the battery, the motor, and all the gear.(fishin off the little boat on our lake)
well...we went all around...we had these little shiners...for bait....we didnt catch one fucking fish. yet, i manged to walk away at the end of the day smelling like vagina ~~~
but i also had squid for bait...and i was kinda playing with their eyeballs..( ADD much?) so...i also smelled like that. then, mom was cooking (for once) mushrooms, so the house stank of short; i ended up smelling like vaginal,no, not the orgasm ooohhh no. this now has graduated to a smell more like, if someone took a vagina, lets make it a jewish vagina, and threw up inside it, and then held the lips together for 20 min, and then took the stuff out and shoved it up my nose.
it gave me a headache
on a lighter note, my eyes hurts :..
probly from jumping of a 50 foot tree into a canal everyday for the last bit of forever XD
basterd hurts lika bitch...
OH! i had to rake leaves today, BECAUSEEEEEEE our tree got hit by lightning....witch im guessing is like mother nature's kemotherepy...cause all the leaves r fallin out....its a huge almond tree to...its been there for 40 sad, i love that tree...its so chill
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Saturday, June 7, 2008
we all fall together
i like streetlight manifest
ive been getting into techno an dance-theme muzik ever since i learned to rave pretty good....
i love trance ~~~~~
well the summer turns out to not suck so much...
so fa i hug out with ET everyday :|
i had to ask one of my female companions a personal question...normally i wouldnt write about it was soooo personal that was like...extream bonding went down XD
i think i wanna ask it to like 2 other people tho....get like a better veiw on it....its so personal
ive been swimming everyday...its pretty chill so far....i need to start checkin out appartments tho....almost just 7 months till kickout time...
need to get my shit together...
love u all <3
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