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Friday, February 22, 2008
DRACULA (played way to fucking loud)
k, im going with abel julian and ben and brandon, plus some people i dont fucking know ~~~~~~
cant FUCKING wait XD
ok ok
the info isssss
that ozzy will be headlining the tour, alond with ROB FUCKING ZOMBIE
oh my yes
and that black fucking sabbath could join the tour XD
thats so awsum man
rite now ozzy, korn, and black sabbath r touring south america
i wanna hear korn live so bad XD
but omg
rob zombie
OZZY *looks up at pic* XD omg yes
lol ozzfest iznt till like late in the year
but we're buying tickets early XD
omg im so excited
except i dont wanna hear korn if they dont havva second guitar player :\
monkeys good an all, but hes no good alone
ok ok
love u guys so fucking much man
i thank you all from the bottom of my fucking black heart, ur the fucking greatest ^^

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Thursday, February 21, 2008
open up
hi everyone XD srry i havent commented...i havent really ben on much lately XD
well ive been awsum ^^
im having plenty of fun everyday
cept et hasnt been going to school...hell probly drop out soon...that sucks...
still single
thats wierd
tuesday was a rusian holiday :D
i cant spellit
and i wont try lol
its one where u gotta go around hugging fat people XD
we had soooo much FUN XD
and then yesterday was day 2 of the holiday...and its where fat people hug regular guys an gals :D:D:D
omg i never talked to so many fatasses in one day in my life XD
my friend emil is getting so pissed at me to...hes becomming violent
cuase...hes really fat...and i keep scooping his mantits XD
im getting really good to...im fast
and .....there was someything else to say....but ill ramble till i remember okie XD
oh brandons gonna teach me pinch harmonics tomarrow :D:D:D
i freaked the living FUCK out of this chick thats sat at our table the other day XD
we sit atta table everyday for lunchout side ...and well, there was a new kid...thats been here for like a month, but i didnt know who he wass...so i was yellingkinda loud " WHO THE FUCKING HELL R U!?!?!?'"
and...he kinda took it well tho...like he was used to it O_o
and...then this girl..older chick...(probly my age ) like was sitting atta table next to ours..and she just like joind our conversation...and like...i just like did it again
but she didnt know me at all.....and like, told me off, but ...that stuf doesnt reall work on me :D:D
so...like after i like...chilled out ..she started asking me these really personal questions out of nowhere
like, if i was native american, y was i in miami, and like...y do i go to that schoool
wut my moms age was
and then she asked some other stuff
and then she asked if i wazs a virgin O_O
im like "wtf" and everyone started laughing...
just the people tht KNOW me...expecially abel...since hes meet alot of my gfs...^^'
remember to hug fat people :D:D
u guys r the fucking greatest man, i love u all

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Saturday, February 16, 2008
black fucking sabbath
happy fucking saturday...
lol i did nothing today XD
i woke up at like 2...and went out and laying in the sun till it went down XD
i never use sunscreen
im not sunburned tho...AND THERES NO CLOUDS
i feel restless...i need to do something
ill probly go acrossed the street in a little while
theres a whore that lives there XD
i dont feel so a-sexual anymore ^_-
my freinds noticed ALOT yesterday
and day before....
in fact ive been fine for a while
lol i love u guys so much
oh i had a freshie cum up to me yesterday..and he wants me to go to orlando with him...over this summer
he wants to meet this online girl he met...wich im all for...but i nver talked to he or w/e...so iono why he wants me to go lol
im cool to live with tho....like as a roommate
like when i lived with one of my buddies for 2 months...cause i ran away XD
cum to think of it...i havent talked to ryan in a while...
he wants to stay up there for a while..and im like.."dude ur broke, u got no job...and ur kinda stupid, so how can u pay for a trip like that?"
he wants to get a job NOW...and start saving...ANNNDDD he wants me to pay for half of it :|
iono how he got that ....w/e ill probly pay it...cause...im soft -__-
i can really see my self playing the guitar on the side of the street for money in the neer future :|
well..i continue this thought later b4 this post gets to long...
love u guys ^____________^
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
escape from the city
well..im actually using my new laptop XD
yea...just got it all set up...so...ITS OFFICIALLY MINE XD
well..no one seems to b on at the moment...so...HI XD
this lappy has a webcam XD
happy valentines day -__-
i feel so..fucking single XD
i di getta singing gram...IN CLASS O_O
they sang the pocohantess song..."colors of the wind"
i thought it was one of my asshole freinds at first...making fun of my indian-ness -__-
but...it wasnt
it was annonomous...so now im obsesed with finding out who it was XD
io know sooooo many girls.....TT.TT to many
i have no idea who it could be >__<
othern that.. i had exactly onje pound of chocolate today XD
some girl got a three pound chocolate heart thing.....and we divided it in thirds XD
it was alot of sugar :X
they ended up tieing me up in 6th period...literally...i was so wiredc...they tied my shoes together, put a jacket on me, tied it up to, so my arms couldnt move...and they put the hoodie over my head -__-
lol it looked funny tho XD
alot of kids thought it was an excellent photo opertunity...so...its everywhere by now.....
well...im doin itunes rite now.......this compy's pretty cool...i like it
i threw up from the chocolate XD
from the other day....my fingers like..totalled XD
i was cooking..ALOT
cause mom had company over...and i was cleaning off a knife...and it slipped and my finger was split...it cut up about halfway up my thumbnail XD
it wouldnt stop bleeding for sooo long
i gotta band aid :X
um.. the worst part is that its gonna take so long for the nail to grow.....it sucks
well..i missed u all XD
ur the fucking greatest..i mean it
i love u all so much...
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Monday, February 11, 2008
supernaut XD
omg i wanna learn how to play that song so bad....
i was in the hospital over the weekend :D
im fine now tho....im suuurreeee u guys noticed i wasnt here :|
anyway...im actually doing good on my tests now...i still dont get homework XD
tomarrows fcat for the freshmen :|
all juniors and seniors r to go to the auditorium...so..FREE DAY XD
tomarrows even day o...so i got classes with more people i know ^^
eexcept spanish :|
well i missed u guys T_T
this new theO is scaring me...i should watch the video...but...i dont feel like it XD
itll be lika suprise XD
someone told me u can block people tho...i know alot of people who'll block me -_____-
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Tuesday, February 5, 2008
make me bad
um...i havent posted in a while lol
ive been off an on tho...
i feel so a-sexual :\
i havent hit on any of my friends..lately
not even play >__<
..um...thats something i usually do alot...out of sport tho...
ive been tired alot to...today i got out at 10:30 XD
and i went rite home, and went to sleep
i just woke up...its 6:32 XD
i needed it tho
i didnt get to go to the beach today either...since ET desided he was TIRED XD
he didnt even go to school -___-
w/e i guess i was tired to lol
ive missed u all *hugs*
ive been listening to korn's first alblum...its so kickass XD
i could listen to it all day...its that fucken good ^^
i failed 4 tests yesterday XD
i have 3 classes...i fail a test in ech one...and then some gay fucker in 6th period...pulled me out of class....cause i need to take a science exam..since i didnt have a science class this year..
fail that to ^^
i did pass a test today tho...im good at math
hm...well i should cut tho post here b4 i bore u guys -__-
i love u all so much
ur the fucking greatest ^__________^
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Saturday, February 2, 2008
bleed for me
i wont be online tonight.,..im going frogging tonight ^___^
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Thursday, January 31, 2008
still born
My neck has been broke in the noose of life's rope
Through My loss of you I have found no hope
Slain emotions, lifeless and blue
Destroying myself now
All for you
Remote recollections of tranquility
Terror grotesquely becoming of me
Unnamable joy when our blood once ran true
Destroying myself now
kitty broke up with me...said it was best thing for both of us
its hurts
eh...ill make it
god i love her so much
but...she got some other guy for her now...he offerd to be her boyfreind...and its what she wanted...so...i said ok....and now...im
^^ yea
lol iono....i feel bad...and wierd...and strangly tired rite now....iono wut ill do now
all my freinds r at the beach rite now
ET woke me up this morning, on the bus and told me that they wer goin to the beach today ...since its early release...and...he failed to mention this before...and I HAD MONEY TO GO TOO XD
but...i had nothing else...and i dont own a bathing suit...
i would ride in his girlfreinds car...shes a freshy in colledge....and shes cool...i guess
but.....i didnt feel like going
holy hel;l its dark out already O_O
no one is on rite now
i need someone to talk to....
oh well...ill see one of u eventually ^^
i love you all so much
she never comes on this site ..even when we wer together.....the worst part is i gotta change my profile T.T
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
bang bang (ur dead)
hi...ive been sick for the past 2 days
i didnt go to school..not really cause im sick, mostly cause i dont feel like it :\
i was sick tho...even today...i cant stop coughing >____< i miss my girlfreind...i havent talked to ANYONE since i ve been here...i sayed in my room..except to eat
^____^ i missed talking to u guys
really...its been to long since ive had a good conversation...with one of u :|
well...ive done nothing but sleep
im so lazy.....im wereing a sweatjacket thingy..and its kinda hot out side XD
ive got nothing else to report...cept..i dreamed O_o
not about u guys tho lol
actually...i dont know wut i did dream about...im kinda hungry....
yall wanna single say ~~~~

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Monday, January 28, 2008
stayin alive ~~~~
u guys do know...u dont usually die from overdosing rite? its just...likely XD
ive overdosed b4...had to go to the hospital...yea it was fun ^__^
..not really lol
kitty is sickly...and me to >__< she gave me her cold...but its ok ^___^
shes forgivens me ...mostly XD
so...im happy about that...yea im very happy about that
my nose iz runny T.T
and my ears r popping..so no band pracice till i can hear alot better XD
had my backpack stolen today
it was fun trying to find all my friends all over the school...during class time....yea
t was cold today...for me
school took my hoodie again..cause their not aloud in school....so...i had nothing but a tshirt XD
i had pants to
any way
u guys r so cool..u know that? *hugs* ur guys r the fucking greatest man, i thank you all for coming here

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