AIM CrazyWhiteCracker E-mail Click Here Yahoo! Messenger rocknrollangle17
Birthday 1991-01-18 Gender
Female Location in my own little world called hell Member Since 2005-03-14 Occupation Babysitting Real Name Khris
Achievements *chirp,chirp* Anime Fan Since forever Favorite Anime FMA,Samuari Champloo,Naruto,Cowboy bebop,Fruits Basket,Black Cat,InuYasha,Happy Tree Friends,Invader Zim,Hellsing,D.N.Angel,Love Hina and many others. Goals *cricet,cricet* Hobbies being hyper -lol- Talents Drawling CrazyWhiteCracker
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hey peoples.
well i forgot to add a post yesterday..i anywayz,wats up?nuthin here just bored.but also for sum reason i have been depressed lately...its odd.but im gonna go to the mall and hangout with friends so i can b hope it works i h8 this depression thing it makes me feel like shit.well i guess i shall put sum pics up for yall,ill also put sum videos.well enjoy!!
hey peoples
well wats up?well today i got bored and put pink in my hair,i only wanted the underneath layer to b pink but of course my dumb ass messed it up so half my hair is pink its still looks so bored rite now.i need to call one of my friends so i can hang out with them soon but im afraid they will all b busy and then i will b filled with bordomness and sadness. -.- well i hope all of yallz day went good.well im sorry but i must end this here r sum picatures for yall.enjoy Comments (0) |
Tuesday, April 4, 2006
hey guyz
.hey guyz and chicks,dont yall h8 when your in the car and there is nothing on the radio and you forgot all your cds at home?i did that.but i found a way to get sum and my friend who was in the car just started singing sum was fuckin krazi but i guess thats why they call me the crazy whit i guess sumtimes my crazyness gets out of hand..and then people get mad and angry.but thats only the "mature" at school every1 gave me 2 new nicknames,skittle and Ramen.cause you will always catch me eating either skittles or ramen.its so i bet now yall are getting tired of me so heres sum videos.
1st we shall start off with the veronicas:
now lets go to the song that i have been hearing every were i fukin"so sick"
well thats all for now.i shall try to add another post petti soon Comments (0) |
hey guyz!!
well hey everyone.wats ^ ? well nothing here i just got home from skewl,and of course bein in high school and all there was a lot of drama.o well though.the one thing that i get pissed about is that people get mad over stupid things.i just lost a friend cause i waz playing around,he knew i waz never serious.o well though i guess thats just him.well anyway,how has yallz life been treatin ya??i hope its been good.mine probably isnt so good but o well i just ignore all and go to my own little just how i am though.its how i stay happy and stuff....wait why am i saying all this.lo. shows how crazy and stupid here are sum pics for ya'll.yep only for
this is my smile face Comments (1) |